[Poultry.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Bread Corn.]367

[Poultry.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Bread Corn.]

"Also, One better fresh Lamprey of Severne or Thames,, between the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the middle of Lent, for 4d. And after the middle of Lent to Easter, for 2d."

"And let the Lampreys of Nauntes be sold in the publick Market, wherein they are accustomed to be sold, and not in Houses, unless they be hid by Night."

"Also let Merchant Strangers come to the City, make their abode there, and do as they have been wont to do."

I cannot explain these ancient Names of Fish, nor shew to what kinds of Fish they answer in our times; but leave that to the conjecture of Readers.

It will not be amiss to add here certain Prices set upon Fowl by the Lord Maior long after, viz. in the Year 1572; Imprinted in a Sheet, by J. Day, the City Printer.

By the Maior.


FOrasmuch as through the gréedie couetousnesse of the Poulters, the Prices of all Poultrie Wares within this Citie and the Liberties thereof, are growen to be excessive and vnreasonable, not onely to the perillous example of all maner of people thoroughout the whole Realme that do sell Poultrie Wares, but also to the great charges of all Noblemen, Men of Worship, and Gentlemen, that do kéepe any Houses within this Citie, or néere the same:

For Reformation whereof, it is Ordered by my Lord Maior and Court of Aldermen, that all maner of Persons, as well Poulters as others, that shall after this present 5th day of Aprill, in the xiiij. year of the Quéenes Maiesties reigne, sell any Poultry Wares within this Citie, and the Liberties thereof, shall obserue and k´epe these Prices following.

The Price of Poultry Wares agreed vppon the iiij. day of Aprill, 1572.


The Price of Pultery Wares to be sold in their Shops.
THE best Swanne being fat.vj.s. viij.d.
The best fat Signet.vi.s.
The best Crane. vj.s
The best Storke.iiij. s.
The Heron.ijs. vj. d.
The Bitter.ij.s.
The Shoueler.ij.s.
The wilde Mallard.vj.d.
The Widgen.iij.d.
The Teale.iij.d.
The best fat Capon.xx.d.
The second Capon.xvi.d.
The best Henne.ix.d.
Fat gréen Géese until May day, apéece.vj.d.
Large fat gréene Géese after May day, apéece.ix.d.
The Rabbet Runner, after the xiiij. of May, a péece. ij. d. ob.
The old large Coney, fat.iiij.d.
The dossen of Pigens.xiiij.d.
Chickins of the largest sort, a péece.iiij.d.
Chickins of the smaller sort, a péece.ij.d. ob.
Pullets after Midsommer, the péece.vj.d.
Woodcockes, the péece.vj.d.
Gréene Plouers, the péece.iiij.d.
Grey Plouers, the péece,iij.d.
Snytes the péece.ij.d.
Blackbirdes the dossenxij.d,
Larkes the dossen.viij.d.
Knots the péece.iiij.d.
Gulles the péece being fatte.xx.d.
The large fat Goose.xiiij.d.
Egges v. for a penny till Michelmas.j. d.
Egges iiij. for a penny, from Michelmas till Ashe-wednesday.i.d.
Swéete Butter till Hollontide the pound.iij.d.

The Price of Pultery Wares to be sold in the Common Markets.
THE wilde Mallarde.v.d.
The best fat Capon.xij.d.
The second Capon.x.d.
The best Henne.vij.d.
The dossen of Pigens.xij.d.
Chickens of the larger sort, the péece.iij.d.
The Woodcocke.v.d.
The gréene Plouer.iij.d.
Blackbirdes, the dossen.x.d.
Larkes, the dossen.vj.d.
The large fat Goose.xij.d.

GOD save the QUEENE.


BUT for Provision of Bread, and for a standing Supply of the City with Corn against dear Years, the Magistrates were especially concerned; that Care might be taken for the poorer and laborious sort, which were the greater number. To give a Proof or two of this commendable Care.

In the Year 1586, a scarce Year (as it seems) for Corn, a Stay was made of the London Bakers Provision of Grain; the Bringers in of Grain being stopt by the Country Justices. The Tidings whereof coming to London, forthwith the Maior and Aldermen jointly apply to the Court: and direct their Suit particularly to the great Statesman, their Friend, to this Tenour. "That he would please to take it in good part, that in these their more necessary and important Suits for the Behoof of their City, they were bold to make their special repair to his Lordship, for their better Assistance, and Furtherance of their Suits with the rest of their Honours [of the Privy Council.] That his Lordship best knew, how great proportion of Corn was necessary for the Year's Provision of that City: which could not be supplied by any other means (especially at that time [in the Winter] the number of People being so great as it was) if the ordinary Provision made by their Bakers in the Markets about them, in no other sort than the Laws of the Realm did permit, or brought in by Badgers and Sellers of Grain, were stayed and intercepted from coming to them; which by certain Justices of Peace and other Officers of late had been done. Of this they had already advertised their Honours, and also had made their humble Petition for their favourable Aid and Assistance for redress of the same. And that herein if it should please his good Lordship to vouchsafe them [the Maior and Aldermen] his Favour, for the furthering of their reasonable and necessary Suit, so far forth as to his Wisdom and Equity should seem meet, all of that City, especially those of the poorer sort, should be very much bound to his good Lordship; being otherwise like to be sore distressed with great Extremities within very short time, if their necessary Provision should be thus intercepted, and cut off still from them."

Corn for the Bakers stopt in the Country.

A Redress thereof desired by the Maior and Aldermen.

And so concluded with their humble Duties and Thanks to his Lordship for his continual Favours toward their City, and Readiness to procure the Good of the same. This was dated from London, Feb. 1st, 1586. The Subscription was, Your Honour's most humbly to be commanded, The Maior and Aldermen of the City of London.

And further, this that follows may deserve to be related also in this Matter, that to provide against a Dearth in the City, the Companies were by the L. Maior's means, to buy each of them such a Quantity of Corn, and to lay it up in a Garner

A Provision of Corn to be laid up in the Bridge-House.
