[Chamberlain's Court.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Sheriffs Court.]379

[Chamberlain's Court.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Sheriffs Court.]

Apprentice be turned over by the Company only of which the Master is free, it is no Obligation on the second Master to keep such an Apprentice; nor is the Apprentice compelled thereby to serve the second Master, but may depart at pleasure, by suing out his Indentures against the first Master. Which may be done without the Privity or Knowledge of the second Master. And therefore it is absolutely necessary, that all Apprentices should be turned over before the Chamberlain. And thereby the first Master is discharged from him, and the second obliged to keep him; and the Apprentice will be obliged to serve the second Master the full Term of his Indentures, altho' the same were made for nine Years, or more. It is the Interest of every Master and Apprentice, when any Difference happens between them, to refer the Matter to the Chamberlain: who will freely hear both Parties, and decide the Controversy for 3s. Charge, viz. 1s. to the Officer for the Summons, and 2s. to the Clerk for the Order. Whereas if they proceed at Law for Relief, it may probably cost both Parties six Pounds, or more, in Charges; and the Conclusion may be less satisfactory than if decided by the Chamberlain.

Turning over before the Chamberlain very necessary.

The Fees due to the City for making Free, and the Enrolling Apprentices.


An Apprentice made Free, and not Enrolled, the Master pays001302
The Apprentice pays000200
If turned over before the Chamberlain, the Master or Mistress must pay extraordinary000200
And by vertue of the late Act for Orphans, over and above these usual Fees,
An Apprentice, when bound must pay000206
And when admitted a Freeman000500

J. S.

If an Apprentice shall omit to take his Freedom within convenient time after the Expiration of his Indentures, the Chamberlain may impose upon the Apprentice such a Fine, in reason, as he shall think fit, for this Neglect, without just Cause to the contrary.

R. B.

Every Freeman ought to take particular care not to make an Apprentice free of London, by testifying for his true Service, unless such Apprentice shall have really served him. For if he shall privately turn his Apprentice over to a Foreigner, and let the Apprentice serve such a Foreigner, and yet testify to the Chamberlain, that the Apprentice served a Freeman; in such case, both the Master and the Apprentice may be disfranchised, and fined at the discretion of the Recorder, and the Chamberlain, and may cause the Freeman's Shop to be shut up.

There are three several ways to be made a Freeman; first, by Birthright, as being the Child of a Freeman; secondly, by Service, as aforesaid; and, thirdly, by Redemption, or Purchase, by Order of the Court of Aldermen.]

In former Times, the Chamberlain was commonly concerned with the Sheriffs in the Duties incumbent upon them, and took Place of them. As appears by these Instances, that happened in the Pleas of the Crown, before the King's Justices at the Tower, 28 H. III.

The Chamberlain and Sheriffs concerned together.

J. S.

One Henry de Buk slew one Le Ireis le Tynlour, with a certain Knypule [Knife] in the Street of Fletebrige, and fled to the Church of St. Mary of Suthwerk; and acknowledged his Fact, and abjured the Kingdom, in the Presence of Gervase Le Cordwaner, and the Sheriffs.

Quodam Knypulo. Lib. Alb.

Anno 18 H. III. John de Colmere, Chamberlain, Rafe de Asheby, and John Norman, Sheriffs, on Sunday the Eve of St. Mark, a Clerk called Henry de Bello, a Foreigner, slew Thomas de Aula, in the King's Highway, near the House of John Aubyn. He fled to the Church of St. Brigid, London, by Night. So that the Sheriff and Alderman of the Ward had him watched for that Night till the Morrow. And then came the Constable of the Tower, the Sheriffs and Aldermen to the foresaid Church. And he the said Henry acknowledged the Fact before them. And he abjured the Kingdom. It was enquired by the Maior and Citizens, of the King's Justices, if the Constable of the Tower, the Sheriffs and Aldermen could receive an Abjuration from any, without the Chamberlain. They said, they might, if the Chamberlain were absent upon the King's Business.

Formerly the Office of Chamberlain of the City was in the Gift of the King. King Henry III. in the seventh of his Reign, granted it to William Jerners by Patent. And the same King, in the 53 of his Reign, granted it to Walter Capets ad placitum; i.e. during Pleasure.

The Chamberlainship in the King antiently.

Pat. 7 H. 3. m 5.

And sometimes there have been two Chamberlains together; as there was in the Reign of King Edward I. (as will appear by and by) whose Names were, John de Dunstaple, and Simon de Paris, and both Aldermen.

Two Chamberlains together.

Concerning the Chamberlains giving up their Accounts, as also the Bridge-masters, and other Officers of the City, was this Order made, 27 Edw. I.

The Chamberlain's Accounts.

Lib. Horn. fo. 27. b.

Die Mercurii, &c. "Wednesday after the Feast of St. Michael, 27 Ed. I. it was ordained and agreed, by Henry de Galeys, then Maior of the City of London, John le Blund, Geffrey de Norton, Adam de Folham, Adam de Roskesle, John de Canterbury, William de Leyre, Nicolas de Farndon, &c. John de Dunstaple, Martin Box, Aldermen of the City aforesaid, Richard de Refham, and Thomas Sely, then Sheriffs, John de Dunstaple, and Simon de Paris, then Chamberlains of the Chamber of Guyhald, London, and by the whole Commonalty of the City foresaid, before the foresaid Maior, Aldermen and Sheriffs, that the Chamberlains of the Chamber of Guyhald, the Keepers of the Bridg of London, and all others of the City, who ought to give up their Accounts to the said City, for the Time hereafter give them up twice a Year, to wit, the first Week in Lent, and in the beginning of Autumn."

The late Chamberlain was Sir William Fazakerly, Kt. Who being aged and sickly, many were the Candidates for his Place, and making their several Interests by Letters to the Liveries of the Companies, and by Recommendations of themselves in the Gazette. But the Election fell to Mr. George Ludlam, Salter, a discreet and intelligent Person in the Customs of the City, and generally well approved; lately Knighted by his Majesty.]

Sir George Ludlam present Chamberlain.

The SHERIFFS Courts.


THere are two Courts of Record, called the Sheriffs Courts, belonging to the two Sheriffs; and to each Court belongs a Prison, called the Compters, to wit, the Poultry Compter, and Woodstreet Compter. And each Court hath its peculiar Judge, who are Counsellors learned in the Law, and knowing in the Customs of the City.

The Sheriffs Courts, and their Proceedings.

R. B.

These Courts hold Plea for all Actions of Debt, Trespass, Account, Covenants broken, and on the Case, as also Attachments, and Sequestrations; and if the Action be laid under five Pounds, it cannot be removed to a superior Court.

These Courts are held four Days every Week in the Guild-Hall, viz. on Wednesdays and Fridays
