[By-Laws] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [for Fishermen.]382

[By-Laws] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [for Fishermen.]

the Mystery or Craft of a Fisherman, do shute, set, or draw any Draw-Net, at any time of the

Year, before Sun-rising, or after Sun-setting, within the Bounds or Limits aforesaid, upon Penalty of ten Pounds for every such Offence.

2. Item, That no Person using the Art, Mystery or Craft of a Fisherman, shall, within the said Bounds or Limits, still lie or bend over any Net, during the time of Flood, whereby both Salmons, and other kind of Fish, may be hindered or kept back from swimming upwards, to the Benefit and Profit of such Fishermen as dwell in the West part of the said River, upon Penalty of ten Pounds for every such Offence.

3. Item, That no such Person shall shute, or place, within the said Bounds or Limits, any Draw-Net, Cod-Net, or other Net or Engine, whereby any Salmon shall be taken after Holy-Rood Day is past, being the 14th Day of September, and before St. Paul's Day, being the 25th of January. Because at that Time they are out of Season, and remain here upon the Rivers only to spawn and breed, upon the Penalty of ten Pounds for every such Offence.

4. Item, That no such Person, using the Art, Mystery or Craft of a Fisherman, shall, within the said Bounds or Limits, fish with any Net, or lay or hale any Weel, or use any other Net, or Engine whatsoever, from Sun-setting on Saturday Night, until Sun-rising on Monday Morning, at any time of the Year, it being a Profanation of the Lord's Day, upon the Penalty of twenty Shillings for every such Offence.

5. Item, That no Person using the Art, Mystery or Craft of a Fisherman, shall, within the said Bounds or Limits, at any time hereafter, ship their Draw-Nets, called Shipping a-stern into their Boats, before such time as they have laid forth all their whole Net, as they do when they land towards a low Water; nor shall they ship some part of their said Net, and land the rest, upon the like Forfeiture and Payment of ten Pounds for every such Offence.

6. Item, That no Person using the Art, Mystery or Craft of a Fisherman, shall, within the said Bounds or Limits, use any Spear, called an Eel-Spear, at any time. For that they are very great destroyers of Barbel, and other kinds of Fish; nor shall work any Blay-Net, or Rugg-Net, upon the said Water Westwards, from the 10th day of March, until the 10th day of May yearly, from Brainford upwards; nor any Smelt-Net, until Holy Rood Day be past, upon the Forfeiture of twenty Shillings for every such Offence.

7. Item, That no Person using the Art, Mystery or Craft of a Fisherman, shall, within the said Bounds or Limits, at any time of the Year, use or exercise any Flue, Trammel, or double walled Net, or Hooped Net whatsoever, not being three Inches and a quarter broad, at the least, in the Meish. For that they are not only the utter destruction of all breeding Barbels, but also a great Spoil and Hurt to other sorts of the young Brood, Spawn and Fry of the Fish, being with those kind of Nets greatly destroyed, upon the Forfeiture of forty Shillings for every such Offence.

8. Item, That no Person using the Art, Mystery or Craft of a Fisherman, shall, within the said Bounds or Limits, lay, set or place any Weels called Kills, in any place of the River of Thames, from the10th of March until the 10th of May yearly. For that all Roaches do then shed their Spawn, upon the like Forfeiture and Payment of twenty Shillings for every such Offence.

9. Item, That no Person using the Art, Mystery or Craft of a Fisherman, shall use within the said River of Thames any Weel, called a Lomb, or Millpot, or any other Engine, with the Headthereof against the Stream, upon pain of Forfeiture of twenty Shillings; nor shall use, exercise, or occupy upon the said River of Thames, any Net called a Purse-Net, otherwise a Casting-Net, upon the like Forfeiture and Payment of forty Shillings for every such Offence.

10. Item, That no Person using the Art, Mystery or Craft of a Fisherman, shall, within the said Bounds or Limits, be suffered to rud for Flounders, either Ebb or by Flood, at any time of the Year, unless their Rud-Nets be full two Inches and three quarters broad in the Meish, for the Safeguard of the Fry, Spawn and Brood of Fish: and that no Flounders shall be taken or killed by any such Person, under the Assize of six Inches in the Length, from white to white, (being the Substance of the Body, excluding the Tails:) and that no such Person shall, within the said Bounds or Limits, fleet with any Blay-Net, not being two Inches broad in the Meish, wet and dry, from the 24th of September till the 10th of March in every Year, upon the like Forfeiture and Payment of forty Shillings for every such Offence.

11. Item, That no Person using the Art, Mystery or Craft of a Fisherman, shall, within the said Bounds, fish with any kind of Net, or use any Angle-Rod with more than two Hooks upon a Line, or saw or scratch for Barbel; nor shall use any other Engine nearer unto London Bridge than St. Buttolphs Wharf, and the Bridgehouse Wharf on the East side, or nearer unto the West side than St. Mary Overy Stairs, and the Old Swan, upon Forfeiture of six Shillings and eight Pence for every such Offence to the Company: and also, six Shillings and eight Pence to the Chamber of London, for every such Offence, as hath been anciently accustomed within the said City.

12. Item, That no Petermen shall at any time hereafter, fish or work with any manner of Smelt-Nets, upon the said River of Thames Westward, further than Richmond Crane, (unto which Place, or near thereabouts, the Water ebbeth and floweth.) For that the fishing beyond that Place hath caused a great destruction of Fish. Upon pain of forfeiting twenty Shillings for every time he or they shall so offend.

13. Item, That no Peterman shall hereafter, at any time of the Year, take the Tides, nor Pouse upon the whole River of Thames, it having been found very prejudicial both to the River and Fishermen, and nothing available towards the furnishing of any Markets, upon Forfeiture of forty Shillings, by every Person that shall commit such Offence.

14. Item, That no Peterman, or Person using the Art, Mystery or Craft of a Fisherman, shall take any sort of Fish, which are usually called Kettle-Fish, not being six Inches of Assize, upon Forfeiture of ten Shillings for every such Offence.

15. Item, That whereas many Inconveniences have heretofore arisen to the River of Thames, by divers Fishermen keeping of Boys, who were not sufficient to take the charge of Fishing; therefore, from henceforth it shall not be lawful for any Fisherman to keep two Persons in one Boat, unless one of them be of Man's Estate, or be thought sufficient to take the charge of Fishing, or that one of them be an Owner, upon Forfeiture of twenty Shillings for every Week he or they shall offend herein, &c.
