[Fares of Watermen] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [and Coaches.]392

[Fares of Watermen] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [and Coaches.]

"City. And that they had also seen the Opinion of divers learned Counsels, heretofore given to the Court of Aldermen, under their Hands, that they have a negative Voice in making Laws and Orders, and admitting of Officers in Common Council: as the Lord Chief Justice Pemberton, Sir William Dolben, Serjeant Maynard, Sir William Jones, Sir George Jeffreys, and Sir Francis Winnington. And the said Committee humbly propounded, to take away all Disputes in this Matter for time to come: and that the same might have the Approbation and Concurrence of this Honourable Court." And accordingly it was by the Court, together with other things, approved and agreed to.

There be belonging to the City many good Customs and Orders, for the Conveniency and Safety of it; partly, for the easier passing from Place to Place, upon Mens lawful Occasions, either by Land or Water; partly, for securing of Houses, and Persons passing along the Streets in the Night-time; partly, for supplying the City with Food, and all manner of Provisions, and bringing them within the City, that they may be nearer at hand.

Laws for Conveniency and Safety.

When the Weather is unseasonable, or Men are indisposed in their Health, or the Way they are to go is longer than they can conveniently walk, or when Haste is required, or Things of some Weight and Burden are to be carried, or the like, the City hath in these Cases the Convenience of Boats for the Water, and Coaches by Land, to be hired at reasonable Rates. The fixing of which for going by Water, by an ancient Act of Parliament, is in the Power of the Maior and Court of Aldermen. And they were stated and ordered, as by the Table following appeareth, whether the Passenger useth Oars or Sculler: And there is a Penalty annexed; viz. the Payment of forty Shillings, and half a Years Imprisonment, which any Waterman is liable to, who shall take or demand more than these Rates.

Fares for going by Water.

The RATES or FARES of Watermen, as they were set forth by the Lord Maior and Court of Aldermen, Sept. 7, 1671. which still are observed and in Force.


FRom London to Limehouse, New-Crane, Shadwel-Dock, Bell-Wharf, Ratcliff-Cross1006
To Wapping-Dock, Wapping New Stairs and Wapping Old Stairs, the Hermitage, Rotherhith Church Stairs, and Rotherhith Stairs.0603
From St. Olaves to Rotherhith Church Stairs, and Rotherhith Stairs0603
From Billinsgate and St. Olaves to St. Saviour's Mill0603
All the Stairs between London Bridge and Westminster0603
From either Side above London Bridge to Lambeth and Fox Hall1006
From White-Hall to Lambeth and Fox-Hall0603
From Temple, Dorset, Black-Friars Stairs and Paul's Wharf to Lambeth0804
Over the Water directly in the next Skuller, between London Bridge and Limehouse, or London Bridge and Fox-Hall0602

 Grayes, or Greenhive4008
 Purfleet, or Eriff3006
 Greenwich, or Deptford1603
 Chelsey, Battersey, Wansworth1603
 Putney, Fulham, Barn-Elms2004
From London to Hamersmith, Chiswick, Mortlack2606
 Brentford, Isleworth, Richmond3606
 Hampton Court6010
 Hampton Town, Sunbury, & Walton7010
 Weybridge and Chertsey10010

RATES for carrying of Goods in the Tilt-Boat between Gravesend and London.


A Half Firkin01
Whole Firkin02
100wt. of Cheese, Iron, or any heavy Goods04
Sack of Salt, or Corn06
An ordinary Chest or Trunk06
An ordinary Hamper06
The Hire of the whole Tilt-Boat 226
Every single Person in the ordinary Passage06

RATES for Hackney Coaches; established by Parliament.


HIRE of a Coach in London, or ten Miles thereof, by the Day, reckoning twelve Hours to the Day, is100
By the Hour, for the first Hour16
For every Hour after10
From any of the Inns of Court, or thereabouts, to any Part of St. James's, or City of Westminster, (except beyond Tuttle-street)10
From the said Places to the Inns of Court, or thereabouts, the same Prices, that is,10
From any of the said Inns of Court, or thereabouts, to the Royal Exchange10
But if to the Tower of London, or to Bishopsgate-street, or Aldgate, or thereabouts16
From the said Places to the said Inns of Court, the Prices as aforesaid, that is,16
And from and to any Place at the like Distance with the Places before mentioned, the like Rates.

Rates of Coach-Hire.

Act of Parliament 5 & 6 W. & M.

And in case any Coachman shall refuse to go at, or exact more for Hire than the Rates hereby limited, he shall for every Offence forfeit forty Shillings.


There are 700 Coaches allowed to ply in London, the Suburbs, and Bills or Mortality. Which are all Licensed by Commissioners appointed: and at the taking of the Licenses, they pay 50l. for the Use of the King; and besides, the yearly Rent of 4l. payable yearly.

700 Coaches allowed.

An Hundred seventy five Coaches are allowed to ply, and stand, and drive on Sundays, within the Bills of Mortality only.

175 Coaches for Sundays.

All Offences against this Act are determined by the Commissioners aforesaid, or any three of them.
