[Acts for] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [the Watches.]395

[Acts for] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [the Watches.]

Bishopsgate Ward 31
Broadstreet Ward24
Billinsgate Ward21
Bridge Ward within20
Bassishaw Ward6
Breadstreet Ward15
Cornhill Ward10
Candlewick Ward12
Cordweyner Ward 14
Cheap Ward20
Cripplegate Ward within24
Cripplegate Ward without28
Colemanstreet Ward18
Castlebaynard Ward24
Dowgate Ward14
Farringdon Ward within36
Faringdon Ward without61
Bridewel Precinct2
St. Bartholomew the Great6
St. Bartholomew the Less3
Limestreet Ward8
Langborn Ward23
Portsoken Ward26
Queenhith Ward10
Tower Ward28
Vintry Ward14
Walbrook Ward14

And for the better Ordering and Establishing of the said Watches, to be hereafter kept within the said City and Liberties thereof, Be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That the Deputy and Common Councilmen of every the said Wards and Places respectively, or the major part of them assembled, (being all duly summoned) shall forthwith take an exact Account in Writing of the Names and Sirnames of all and every Person and Persons which do dwell, inhabit, or occupy any House, Shop or Warehouse within such respective Wards and Places, who are able and fit to watch, or find a Watchman, and take Notice in writing which of them will in person watch, or find an able and strong-bodied person to watch for him, her or them, provided with Lanthorn and Candle, well and sufficiently armed as aforesaid, or will pay for such a Watchman to be provided by the Deputy and Common Councilmen of such Ward, or the major part of them, assembled as aforesaid, to watch for him, her or them, and make agréement with them for the same, and also appoint one or more person or persons to collect and receive the Moneys so agréed to be paid., who shall pay the Moneys so collected, as the Deputy and Common Council-men, or the major part of them so assembled, shall appoint, for and towards payment of the Watchmen, to be by them hired as aforesaid, and providing such Necessaries for the Watch in the said Ward as they shall think méet.

And be it further Enacted and Ordained, That one Constable in each Ward, and the said number of persons before mentioned respectively, provided with Candles and Lanthorns, and well and sufficiently armed as aforesaid, shall watch every Night in every the Wards and Places aforesaid respectively, from the Hours of Nine of the Clock in the Evening, till Seven of the Clock the next Morning, from Michaelmas Day till the first Day of April, and from the first Day of April till Michaelmas Day, from Ten of the Clock in the Evening till Five of the Clock next Morning: And that such person who ought to watch as aforesaid, do in person, or by an able person to be by him or her provided, with Lanthorn and Candle, and armed as aforesaid, in their respective Turns appear at, and remain upon the said Watches respectively, during the Times aforesaid, and in such manner as is herein after appointed; And that the Deputy and Common Council-men of each respective Ward, do, in writing, appoint the Courses or Turns of the Constables, and of the said Watch, and the Order wherein the several persons within the said respective Wards, who ought to kéep Watch, shall appear, and kéep Watch as aforesaid, so, and in such manner, that the respective Constables and Inhabitants, who are obliged to watch as aforesaid, do from time to time take their Turns in watching in Order, as their respective Houses, Shops or Warehouses are situated; so that all the Constables, Inhabitants and Occupiers respectively, as aforesaid, within the said Wards and places, who ought to watch, do watch, or find Watchmen in their several and respective Turns, as aforesaid. And that the Deputy and Common Council-men of the respective Wards aforesaid, or the major part of them, assembled as aforesaid shall likewise appoint a certain place or places within the said Ward, where the said respective Constables, and all the said Watchmen shall first méet every Night, and to what place or places, and at what time or times they shall afterwards separate and go to watch in the said Ward, in such manner, that the Constables and Watchmen of every Ward may maintain a Correspondence with each other, and be ready upon some Signal to be given, to come presently to the Assistance of one another; and shall also appoint the number of Watchmen which shall be and continue together in every place, or be moving from place to place. And that every Constable, on the Day before his Watch-Night, to be appointed as aforesaid, or the Beadle of the Ward by his Order, do warn every person who is to watch, or find a Watchman, by giving or leaving Notice thereof, in print or writing, at the House, Shop or Warehouse of every such person, dwelling or occupying in the said Ward as aforesaid; And that the Inhabitants and Occupiers aforesaid in every Ward, do take notice thereof, and conform themselves thereto, as they will answer the contrary at their perils; any Pretence, Usage or Custom to the contrary thereof, in any wise notwithstanding.

And be it also Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Constable shall make Default in executing his Office, or doing his Service in any of the Matters herein and hereby appointed, without a just and reasonable Cause, shall, for such his Default, be prosecuted and punished according to Law. And if if any person appointed and warned to watch, or to find a strong and able-bodied person to watch in his or her stead, well and sufficiently armed and provided as aforesaid, shall refuse or make default to watch, or to provide a Watchman as aforesaid, not having just and reasonable Cause, shall for such Default, be procéeded against and punished according to Law.

And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Deputy and Common Council-men of every Ward for the time being, or the major part of them, assembled as aforesaid, shall from time to time take care that the Watches appointed in such Ward be from henceforth duly kept with Men of strong and able Bodies, well and sufficiently armed and provided as aforesaid; And that the Constables, Beadle and Watchmen of such Ward, do and perform their repective Duties and Services therein, or else be prosecuted and punished for their Defaults respectively, according to Law; And also take Notice of all such Inhabitants and Occupiers aforesaid, as absent themselves from watching or finding a Watchman, sufficiently armed and provided as aforesaid; and likewise of such Constable and Beadle as at any time shall make Default, be remiss, or negligent in performance of his or their respective Duties in the Premisses; and shall likewise present the Name of every such Defaulter to the Lord Maior of the same City for the time being, or one other of her Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said Ci-
