[Divers good Orders] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [for the City.]435

[Divers good Orders] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [for the City.]

prayed him that he would likewise take the same Order in St. Martins and Westminster, and other exempt and adjoyning Places; without which, their Proceedings would lack a great part of the Fruit that was hoped to ensue thereby.

Granting Places in Reversion was contrary to some of the ancient Laws of the City: for the preventing whereof, divers Laws had been made by the Maior and Aldermen. And in the Year 1574, finding yet the Inconvenience thereof, the Maior and Aldermen renewed that Order; and took special care for putting it in due Execution, that the Offices of the City should not be any more granted in Reversion. Which was a special Ordinance among them, and which had been made for great Causes touching the State of the City: and chiefly to satisfy the Commons of the City, who shewed great Dislike of this Practice.

Places in Reversion.

Sir James Hawes, Lord Maior of London, in April 1575. set and appointed these Prices upon Poultry Wares.

Prices set upon all sorts of Poultry by the Maior.

The best Capon large and fat20d
The second Capon, being fat16d
The best green Goose until Whitsuntide8d.
And after Whitsuntide10d
And in Winter, being fat14d.
Pigeons the dozen16d.
Chickens the largest 4d
Chickens of the second sort3d.
The best Cony from and after Midsummer 5d.
The second Cony4d.
Cignets fat until Alhallowentide6sh.
And from Alhallowentide to Shrovetide7sh.
Cranes the best6sh.
The best Heron, Pheasant, Shovelard, and Bitter, being fat, the Piece2sh. 6d.
Turky Cock, fat and large3sh.
Turky Chicken large and fat16d.
Woodcocks, the piece 6d.
Snypes, the piece 2d. ob.
Hens being fat, the best9d.
The second sort7d.
Green Plovers fat, the piece4d.
Grey Plovers fat, the best3d.
The wild Mallard fat, the best6d.
Teals, the piece3d.
Wydgens the piece4d.
Larkes the dozen of the best, from Barthelmewtide, until Alhallowentide5d.
And from Alhallowentide until Shrovetide8d.
Blackbirds the dozen10d.
The best Partridge10d.
Eggs, four a Penny. 

Prices to be observed in the Market.


The best Conye from Midsummer until Shrovetide4d.
The second Conye during the time3d.
Larks the dozen6d.
Woodcoks the piece5d.
Chickens large, the piece4d.
Capons fat, the piece14d.
Pidgeons the dozen12d.
The best Goose, being fat12d.
Eggs, five for a Peny. 

By the Care of Fleetwood the Recorder, and the other Magistrates, in the Year 1575, there were few or no Rogues and Thieves in the Goal. For the Lord Keeper Bacon, in the Month of August, sitting in the Star-Chamber, and according to the Order, calling for the Book of Misbehaviours of Masterless Rogues, Fencers, and such like, there was none to present for London. Tho' for Surrey there were five or six Strumpets, that had lately been punished at the Assizes at Croyden. And Westminster, the Dutchy, [that is, the Places about St. Clements and the Savoy] St. Giles, High Holbourn, St. John's Street and Islington (great Harbours of such misdemeaned Persons) were never so well and quiet. For Rogue nor masterless Men dared now once to appear in those Parts. Into such good Order had the Care of the Magistrate at this time brought the City and Suburbs.

London free from Rogues and Masterless Persons.

In the Year 1575, in the Month of August, at the Star-Chamber before mentioned, the Lord Bacon set down in Writing certain Orders for reforming of sundry Matters: One was for suppressing of over great number of Alehouses. Soon after, the Lord Maior, Sir Rowland Hayward, and the Recorder for the Liberties of Southwark, Justice Southcote, and the Recorder for Lambeth Town, Lambeth Mersh, the Clink, the Bank, Paris Garden, the Overground, Newington, Bermondseystreet, and Kentstreet; setting altogether, they put down above two hundred Alehouses, and yet left a sufficient Number; yea, and more they feared than the Lord Keeper would well like of at his next coming. Then after Dinner, the Dean of Westminster, and the Recorder, went to Westminster: and there in the Court, they had before them all the Officers of the Dutchy and of Westminster; and put down near an hundred Alehouses there. And the like Reformation was done at St. Giles, High Holborn, St. Johnstreet, and Islington. Mr. Lieutenant and Mr. Fisher dealt for the East Parts of the City.

The number of Alehouses reduced.

It is remarkable, all this good Order for Reformation was taken, when the Court was absent; as it was now being fled at a Distance, by reason of the Plague this Year (1575.) in London. Then did Fleetwood the Recorder use these Words in a Letter to the Lord Treasurer, then with the Court at Buxton: "The only Cause that this Reformation taketh so good effect here about London, is, That when by Order we have either justly executed the Law, or performed the Councils Commandment, We are wont to have either a great Man's Letter, a Lady's Ring, or some other Token from such other inferior Persons as will devise one Untruth or other, to accuse us of, if we perform not their unlawful Requests. The Court is far off. Here we are not trroubled with Letters, neither for the Reprieve of this Prisoner, nor for sparing that Fray-maker. These Secretaries, Chamber-Keepers and Soliciters in the Court, procure many Letters from their Lords and Ladies upon untrue Suggestions. The which Letters do great Hurt." Thus the honest Recorder.

No Reprieve or Pardon, the Court being absent.

Two Years after, viz. August 1577, there was a great Sessions, eighteen executed at Tyborn, and one Barlow, Priest: all notable Cut-purses and Horse-Stealers, and the chiefest Thieves in the Land. The Recorder informing the Lord Treasurer, according to Custom, of the Transactions of the Session, adds, That there was Plain Dealing, and neither Favour nor Partiality. And that it was the quietest Sessions that he ever was at: and no more Justices but the Lord Maior, Sir Will. Damsel and himself; and, the Court being removed from London to Windsor, for fear of the Plague, there was not any reprieved; hinting by the by, that to be the reason of the Peaceableness of the Session, and the good Justice done so impartially.

Justice executed impartially.

In the Year 1578, and in the Month of July, (the Queen as it seems, now going her Progress) the Lords of the Council sent their Letters, for the good Ordering of the City, to the Bishop of London, the Lord Wentworth, the Lord Maior, Mr. Lieutenant of the Tower, Recorder Fleetwood. There used to be joyned to these in former Letters from the Court to the same Instant, Sir Thomas Gresham, Sir William Damsel, the Dean of

Letters from the Lords for good Orders.
