[Observations upon] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [the Bills of Mortality.]449

[Observations upon] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [the Bills of Mortality.]

is next a-kin to it, thereupon decreast. The Rising of the Stomach since it was first mentioned, Anno 1636, is improved, it being supposed the Green Sickness goeth under that Name. Convulsions were 52 in the Year 1629, and in the Year 1636, were 700 and odd, and hath increast since.

Apoplexies and sudden Obstructions increase. Bloody Flux, Scouring and Flux encrease; and so do Cancer, Gangreen, Fistula, Wolf. Cholicks and Winds decrease. Dropsies by excessive Drinking encrease; and so do King's Evil and Impostume and Lethargy, but moderately, sometimes encreasing, and sometimes decreasing. Worms and Teeth increase considerably, so Purples and Spotted Feaver.

The Observer further took notice, that many times other pestilential Diseases, Purples, Feavers, Small Pox, the Dyssentery, called by some, the Plague in the Guts, forerun Plague-Years: As about 8000 of all Diseases and Casualties in the Year 1622, inproved to 11000 in the Year 1623, and to 12000 in the Year 1624; the next Year 1625, [the Year of a great Plague] being 54000 and upwards only of the Plague. There died about 2000 of the Small-pox from the latter end of 1634, to the beginning of 1636, when there died of the Plague 10400.

Diseases, forerunners of the Plague.

It was further observed hence, that the City is repeopled after a great Plague in two Years, as is generally asserted. For Christenings in the City are (if the Inhabitants are not Anabaptists) the most certain Standards of the Increase and Decrease of the Inhabitants. Christenings in the Year 1624, that is, the Year preceding the great Plague, were 8299. And the next Year after the Plague, viz. 1626, they were 6701. But within two Years after, they amounted to 8408. Such is the Confluence of all sorts of People to this great City.

The City was soon repeopled after a Plague.

It is observed further, concerning the Encrease of the City by computation of the Christenings, that the City encreased half in half in thirty Years space; that is to say, from 1603, to 1633. For the Number of 5458 Christened in the Year 1604, encreased to the Number of 9997 Christened in 1632.

The Encrease of the City.

Also, to know what Number of Families may be in the City, allow fifty four Families to be in each hundred Yards Square, whereof there are 880 within and without the Walls, [viz. 220 Yards Square within the Walls, the rest without] and there will be 47520 Families in and about London. Whence it was conjectured, that there might be People to the Number of 494000, [another computed the People to be two Millions,] in the time when these Observations were made, whch was between 40 and 50 Years ago.

How many Families in London.

It is further observed, how many fighting Men may be within the City, namely, 81233, that is, such as are between 20 and 40 Years old, near 72000 in London; and a fifth part out of Westminster, Stepney and Lambeth, that is, 13539.

Fighting Men in London.

Further, it was reckoned, there be fourteen times as many People in all England, as there are in London, that is, about four Millions, two hundred and thirteen Thousand; and that a ninth Part of these come yearly to London, reckoning one Year with another. And then it is concluded, that London hath every Year 6000 new Comers, whereof 3400 are able to bear Arms.

Proportion of People in London to all England.

It was observed also, whether London be so obnoxious to the Plague of late, as it hath been in former time. London hath been multiplied two parts in three, in eighty Years, and the more Populous, the more Infectious. Whence it might seem to follow, that the City were more subject to pestilential Malignities now, than in times past; yet Experience assureth us of the contrary, and Reason seconds Experience. For First, tho' the Fumes, Steams and Stenches are now grosser than formerly, by reason of the encrease of Houses, (which makes it in some Respects more unhealthful, especially since the burning of Seacoals;) yet keeping the Air from being so liable to foreign Impressions as formerly, these Fumes and Steams, especially of Seacoals, so thicken the Air, that it standeth out against most foreign Influences. Secondly, Tho' the City be encreased, (and that by turning Noblemens Houses to Tenements, as the Earl of Winchesters, Alderman Freemans, the Earl of Arundels, the Bishop of Londons Palace, the Dean of Paul's House, the Lord Rivers's, the Duke's Place, &c.) yet the encrease is removed to more open and free Air, and the Trade removed from the dirty and narrow Places in Canningstreet and Watlingstreet, to St. Paul's, Ludgate and Fleetstreet, from Billingsgatestreet and Fenchurchstreet to the Strand, avoiding those Places that were crambed with old and dark Houses and Buildings, and inhabiting more new and lightsome ones nearer and nearer to White Hall, situate in a more convenient and healthful Air. And, Lastly, it was observed, that the Contagion of the Pestilence depended more on the Disposition of the Air, than upon the Effluvia of Mens Bodies; a Truth made manifest by the sudden encrease of it in the Year 1636, from 118 one Week, to 927 in the next; and from the sudden decrease from 990 in one Week, to 258 the next; and then again to 852. Alterations certainly be attributed rather to the Change of Air, than to the Constitutions of Mens Bodies.

London not so subject to the Plague as formerly.

These Observations were made above 90 {query - check number.}Years ago, before the great Fire; when those Places (which are now fair open Streets) were so close and noisome.

Once more, what was the Number about 80 or 90 Years ago, of Men, Women and Children in the several Wards of London, and the Liberties, may be seen by this exact Table following, taken in August, Ann. 1631, by special Command from the Lords of his Majesty's Privy Council: By which the Learned may compute what Number of Souls in the City is at present, after so many Years.

The Number of Souls in each Ward.

Nat. & Polit. Observat. p. 173.

Algate}{ - - -04763
Bishopsgate}{ - - -07788
Bassishaw}{ - - -01006
Breadstreet}{ - - -02568
Bridge within}{ - - -02392
Bridge without}{ - - -18660
Billingsgate}{ - - -02597
Broadstreet}{ - - -03503
Colmanstreet}{ - - -02634
Cornhil}{ - - -01439
Cripplegate without}{ - - -06445
Cripplegate within}{ - - -04231
Faringdon without}{ - - -20846
Faringdon within} Ward{ - - -08770
Cordwainer.}{ - - -02138
Aldersgate}{ - - -03594
Limestreet}{ - - -01017
Queenhith}{ - - -03358
Vintrie}{ - - -01742
Tower}{ - - -04248
Dowgate}{ - - -03516
Langborn}{ - - -03168
Portsoken}{ - - -05703
Cheap}{ - - -02500
Warbrook }{ - - -01069
Candlewick}{ - - -01696
Castle Bainard}{ - - -04793
Bartholomew the Great 01388
Bartholomew the Less. 00506
  Sum Total13017l.
