The Monastery of St. PETER.15

The Monastery of St. PETER.

Realm in the Reign of Henry the Fifth, and was constituted the King's Standard- bearer, and Knight of the Garter, and one of the Executors of that King. He married Elizabeth, Daughter and Heir to Bartholomew Lord Bourchier, Widow of Sir Hugh Stafford, Knight, and had Summons to Parliament by Title of Lord Bourchier. He dyed 1431.]

Robert Browne and William Browne, Esquires.

The Lady Johane Tokyne, Daughter of Dabridgcourt.

George Mortymer, Bastard. John Felby, Esquire.

Anne, Wife to John Watkins. William Southwike, Esquire.

William Southcote, Esquire. Ralph Constantine, Gentleman.

Arthur Troffote, Esquire. Robert Hall, Knight, slain in that Church.

Sir Richard Rouse, Knight.

Sir Jeffrey Maundevil, Earl of Essex, and Athelard his Wife.

Sir Foulke of Newcastle. Sir James Barons, * Knight.


Sir John Salisberie, Knight.

Margaret Douglas, Countess of Lineaux. †


In the Cloister, Henry Scogan., a learned Poet.

Geffrey Chaucer, the most famous Poet of England, also in the Cloister, 1400. But since, Nicolas Brigham, Gent raised a Monument for him in the South Cross Ile of the Church. His Works were partly published in Print by William Caxton, [Mercer, that first brought the incomparable Art of Printing into England] in the Reign of Henry the Sixth; increased by William Thinne, Esquire, in the Reign of Henry the Eighth, corrected and twice increased through mine own painful Labours, in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, to wit, in the Year 1561; and again beautified with Notes, by me collected out of divers Records and Monuments, which I delivered to my loving Friend Thomas Speight; and he having drawn the same into a good Form and Method, as also explained the old and obscure Words, &c. hath published them Anno 1597.

Geffrey Chaucer, the Poet.

Anne Stanhope, Dutchess of Somerset, [Daughter of Sir Edward Stanhope, dyed 1587.] and Jane her Daughter. [Buried in St. Nicholas Chapel.]

Anne Cecill, Countess of Oxford, Daughter to the Lord Burghley; with Mildred Burghley, her Mother.

Elizabeth Barkley, Countess of Ormond.

Fraunces Sidney, Countess of Sussex. [Daughter to Sir William Sidney, and Wife to Thomas Radcliff Earl of Sussex. She dyed 1589.

Elizabeth Countess of Hertford.

Thomas Baron Wentworth.

Thomas Baron Wharton. John Lord Russel.

Sir Thomas Bromley, Lord Chancellor, [dyed 1587, buried in the Chapel of St. Paul.] Sir John Puckering, Lord Keeper, [dyed 1596, and buried in the said Chapel.]

But besides these above-mentioned, the Bodies of a great Number more of noble Blood, or of great Honour and Place, or noted for some other Eminency in Learning, or Military Valour, were here also laid under Monuments, or Grave-stones; some in the Body, Cross, or Side-Iles of the Church, and others in the Chapels, which are wholly, or for the most Part, omitted in the former Survey.

Names of others here interred.

Mon. Westmin.

J. S.

And First, Those buried in the Body of the Church, Cross, or Side-Iles, are as follow:

Lady Mary James, Daughter of Sir Robert Killigrew, and Wife of Sir John James: Dyed 1677.

On the North Side.

Grace Scot, Daughter to Sir Thomas Mauleverer, Baronet, and Wife to Colonel Thomas Scot: She dyed 1645.

William, Baron Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle, with Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Sir Charles, and Sister to the Lord Lucas of Colchester: He dyed 1676. And she

Sir William Sanderson, Gentlemen of the Chamber to the King, who wrote the History of Mary Queen of Scots, King James the First, and King Charles the First: Dyed 1676.

Colonel Thomas Blagg, Governour of Yarmouth, dyed 1660.

Dr. William Johnson, Almoner to King Charles the Second, and a Writer, dyed 1666.

Elizabeth Edmunds, Daughter of Walter Edmonds of Bayleys Court in the County of Sussex, 1667.

Peter Heylyn, D. D. Prebendary and Sub-dean of this Church, a great Historian and controversial Writer, dyed in May 1662, aged 63.

Edward de Carteret, 1677. This Monument set up by Sir Edward de Carteret his Father, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod.

Richard le Neve, Esq; Captain of his Majesty's Ship the Edgar, kill'd in the Flower of his Age, in an Engagment against the Hollanders, Anno 1673.

Gilbert Thornburght, one of the King's Servants, 1667.

Sarah Stotevile, Wife, first to Edward Ellis, Esq; and then to Dr. Othowel Hill, I. C. She dyed 1631.

Penelope, Wife of Randolph Egerton of Betley in Cheshire, sometime Major General in Carolina; she was Daughter of Rob. Needham, Vicount Kilmurry in Ireland, 1670. All these Monuments are on the North Side of the Church.

On the South Side are these: Peers Gruffith, Esq; Grandson to Sir William Gruffith, Chamberlain of North Wales. He dyed 1628.

On the South.

Henry Wharton, M. A. Archbishop Sancroft's Chaplain, dyed 1694, Ætat. 31.

Lumley Robinson, of Kentwel in Suffolk, 1684, Ætat. 36.

Carola, Daughter of Roger Harsnet, Esq; and Wife of Sir Samuel Morland, Bart. She dyed 1674.

Sir Charles Harbord, and Clement Cotterel, Esq; two dear Friends, who lost their Lives together at Sea in the Ship with the valiant Earl of Sandwich, 1672.

Bridget, Wife of Charles Radley, Esq; Gentleman Usher, and daily Waiter to his Majesty. She died 1679.

Sir Richard Bingham, a Man famous for his warlike Acts in Scotland, France, the Netherlands, Turkey, and in Ireland; where for his good Service he was made Marshal of Ireland, and died there 1598.

On the West Side of the South Cross lye these: William Camden, Clarentius King of Armes, Sirnamed the Learned, with his Demi-Effigies, leaning with one Hand on his Britannia. Dyed 1623.

Isaac Casaubon, J. C. that Magazine of Literature, Library-keeper to King Henry the Fourth of France; invited into England by King James the First; died 1614. This Monument set up for him by Tho. Morton Bishop of Durham.

Tho. Triplet, D. D. one of the Prebendaries of this Church, 1670.

Sir Richard Cox of Porters, Kt. Son of Tho. Cox of Reymonds in Hertfordshire, Esq; which Richard was Steward of the Queen's Houshold: Died 1623.

Isaac Barrow, D. D. one of the King's Chaplains, and Prebendary of this Church: A great Mathematician, and an excellent Divine and Preacher. His learned Works shew his Abitlites: Dyed 1677.

Will. Outram, S. T. P. Canon of this Church, Archdeacon of Leicester, and Rector of St. Margaret's, Westminster. He wrote a learned Book in Latin, de Sacrificiis: Dyed 1679.
