The City of WESTMINSTER.16


Against a Pillar, a Monument for Anthony Horneck, D. D. Canon of this Church, 1696.

South of the High Altar, a stately Monument of a Man leaning upon a Cushion, with a Book in his Left-hand, and a Pen in his Right, for Dr. Richard Busby, Master of Westminster School, and Prebendary of this Church; who dyed 1695, with a long Inscription.

Against a Pillar on this Side, a Monument for Martha Birch, Wife to Dr. Peter Birch, Prebendary of this Church; formerly married to Francis Millington, Esq, 1703.

H. S. E. Georgius Sprat, Secundus R. Viri Thomæ Sprat, S. T. P. hujus Ecclesiæ Decani, &c. 1683.

Hard by the little East Door, several of the best English Poets have their Monuments. Edmund Spencer, stiled The Prince of Poets, who had a sweet and luxuriant Fancy. The Writer of the Fairy Queen: He dyed 1596.

Michael Draiton: His Head begirt with a Laurel. He applied his Genius to the Histories and Antiquities of our own Nation. Witness, his Poly Albion, adorned and improved with the learned Selden's Notes: He dyed 1631.

Geffery Chaucer, out ancientest Poet, mentioned already. Dyed 1400.

Abraham Cowley, whose admirable Genius, hard to be imitated, but never equalled, hath set the Bounds to succeeeding Times. That is the Commendation bestowed upon him by a late Describer of these Monuments. His Pindaric Odes are most sweet and divine. His Monument was set up by the late Duke of Buckingham in Honour of him. He dyed 1667.

Overagainst Chaucer's Monument, against the Wall, is erected a handsome Monument of white Marble, with this Inscription;

CAROLUS de S. Denis Dom. de S. Euremond nobili genere in Normannia ortus, a prima juventute militiæ nomen dedit, & per varia munera ad Castrorum Mareschalli gradum evectus Condæo, Turennio aliisq; claris belli Ducibus fidem suam & fortitudinem non semel probavit. Relicta patria Hollandiam: Deinde a Carolo II. accitus Angliam venit. Philosophiam & humaniores Literas feliciter excoluit. Gallicam Linguam, cum soluta, tum numeris astricta, oratione expolivit, adornavit, locupletavit. Apud potentes Angliæ Reges benevolentiam & favorem; apud regni Proceres Gratiam & familiaritatem; apud omnes laudem & applausum meruit; nonaginta annis major obiit 9 Septemb. 1703.
Viro clarissimo inter præstantiores avi sui Scriptores Amici mœrentes P P.

On the South Side of the Quire lye these:

Thomas Owen, Esq; one of the Justices of the Common Pleas. Dyed 1597. He hath a noble Monument of Alabaster, Marble, and divers coloured Stones. His Image lying thereon in his Scarlet Robe.

Sir Thomas Richardson, sometime Speaker of the House of Commons, and afterwards Lord Chief Justice of England. Dyed 1634. With his Demi-Effigies in his Judge's Robes and Collar of SS.

William Thynn, a famous Commander at Muscelborough field. Dyed 1600.

Thomas Thynn, Esq; slain in his Coach by a Musket discharged at him by a Polander.

Dame Grace Gethin, Wife of Sir Richard Gethin of Gethin Grot in Ireland, Bart. Dyed 1697, 21st of her Age.

On the North Side of the same Quire:

Sir Thomas Hesket, Kt. the Queen's Attorney for the Court of Wards and Liveries, and one of the Council in the North. On his Monument is placed his Image, lying along in full Proportion. He dyed 1600.

Sir Thomas Duppa, Gentleman Usher, daily Waiter, and Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod. Dyed 1694.

Henry Pursel, Gentleman of the King's Chapel, whose Compositions are highly esteemed. Dyed 1695.

Grave-stones that have Inscriptions in the Midst of the Body or Nave of the Church.

One laid over Gilbert Thornburgh, Esq; (mentioned before) Gentleman of the Cellar to the King.

In the North Ally, Anne, Wife of Sir George Radcliff, and Daughter of Sir Francis Trappes of Yorshire. She dyed 1659.

Benjamin Johnson, a Poet Laureat; whose only Inscription is, O! rare Ben. Johnson: His Character being sufficiently known by his Works.

Martha, Wife of Gervase Price, Esq; Serjeant of the Office of Trumpets to King Charles the Second, and Gentleman of his Bows. She dyed 1678.

Sir Gilbert Lort of Stackpool in the County of Pembroke, Bart. 1698. Dame Elizabeth Cambel, Relict of Sir Alexander Cambel, hath dedicated this Monument.

Divers other Grave-stones for Persons already mentioned, whose Monuments are raised against the Wall.

In the South Ally lyeth Judith, Daughter of Sir Justinian Isham, 1679.

The Lady Anne Morland under another Stone, 1680.

In the North Cross, a Grave-stone for Sir Henry de Vic, Bart. and Chancellor of the Garter, 1672.

Didacus Sanchez, a Spaniard, 1557.

Mary, the Wife of Thomas Willis, M. D. and Daughter of Samuel Fell, S. T. D. Dean of Christ's Church, 1670.

In the South Cross, overagainst Cowley's Tomb, are some Remains of a Man in Armour, with a broken Inscription round the Verge. Whereby may be gathered that one Rob. Haule lyeth there, who was murdered in the Church, Aug. 11, 1378.

John Osbaldston, Esq; one of the King's Servants, 1666.

Samuel Bolton, D. D. one of the King's Chaplains, and a Prebendary of this Church, 1668.

Sir Will. Davenant, Kt. Poet Laureat; memorable for his excellent Poems, natural Fancy, and Dramatic Poesy in our Times.

Thomas Chifinch, Servant to King Charles the Second, 1666.

Thomas Parr, who lived in the Reigns of ten Kings and Queens of England, being born in the Year 1483, in the Reign of Edward the Fourth, and dying 1635, in the Reign of King Charles the First. Aged 152 Years.

Now to go to the Monuments that are erected in the several Chapels on the East Part of the Church.

But first, of the Abbots of this Monastery, that lye buried partly in the said Chapels, and partly in the Area, or Passage that leads to them, or elsewhere, in the Church or Cloisters.

The Monuments of the Abbots.

Edwin, living in the Time of Edward the Confessor; buried here, but uncertain where.

Richard de Ware, Abbot and Lord Treasurer of England; buried on the North Side of the Area, near the Tomb of Aymery de Valence, Earl of Pembroke. He dyed 1283.

Thomas Henley, interr'd not far from him.

Richard Sudbury.

Walter Wenlock, Abbot, and Lord Treasurer of England, on the South Side of the Area; who dyed at his Manour of Pireford in Gloucestershire, Anno 1307.
