The Monastery of St. PETER.17

The Monastery of St. PETER.

Nicolas Littlington. This Abbot built the Hall and great Chamber, called Hierusalem, with the West and South Sides of the great Cloister, his Arms remaining there at this Day. Also the Granary, which is now the Dormitory for the Queen's Scholars, with the Tower adjoyning, and a Water-Mill, for the Use of the Abbey. He dyed 1386, and was buried in St. Blases Chapel.

Richard Harounden, uncertain whereabouts buried.

Simon Langton, Monk, Prior, and Abbot, successively, of this Monastery, afterwards Bishop of Ely and London, then Archbishop of Canterbury, Bishop of Preneste in Italy, and Cardinal St. Sextus, Chancellor, and Lord High Treasurer of England. Dyed at Avignion on the Feast of St. Magdalen, 1376. His Bones afterwards were translated and interred here, near the Altar of St. Benedict, in the Chapel dedicated to that Saint.

George Flaccet, buried in St. John Baptist's Chapel, having there a plain raised Tomb of grey Marble, the Inscription torn off.

Thomas Milling, Abbot and Bishop of Hereford, Privy-Counsellor and Favourite to Edward the Fourth, and Godfather to his eldest Son Prince Edward. Buried in the same Chapel as the former, Anno 1493.

William de Colchester, buried in the same Chapel of St. John Baptist, under an ancient Monument there, without any Inscription: Whereon lyeth an Abbot in his Vestment, a Mitre on his Head, a Crozier in his Hand, and a Ring on his Finger, a Spaniel Dog at his Feet, and two Angels supporting his Pillow, all curiously engraven.

Richard de Barking: He was Chief Baron of the Exchequer, and Lord Treasurer of England. Buried in our Lady's Chapel, 1246.

John Estney, buried in St. John Evangelist's Chapel, under a grey Marble Tomb, with his Effigies, curiously engraven, lying thereon, 1438. He eased the Church of 3070l. which was owing to the See of Rome, for the Confirmation of their Abbots, and built the great West Window at his own Charge.

Edmund Kirton, buried in the Chapel of St. Andrews, 1466.

John Islip, buried in St. Erasmus Chapel, a great Benefactor to this Church. He caused this Chapel of St. Erasmus to be made, and to be dedicated to that Saint, the Roof consisting of curious Masons Work. The Chapel hath much neat Carving, with Devices and Intaglio's, and many Rebus's, alluding to his Name, ISLIP. As, of one slipping Boughs off a Tree: Also, an Eye with a Slip of a Tree; and a Youth slipping from a Bough, with a Label proceeding out of his Mouth, with I slip thereon. He built that which now is the Dean's House, repaired much of the Church, renewed all the Buttresses, and placed in the Nieches thereof Statues of the Kings and Queens that had been Benefactors to the same. He intended a stately Tower and Lanthorn, with a goodly Chime of Bells to be placed therein, over the Midst of the Cross of this Church, but found the Pillars too weak to support the Structure; so the Bells were hung up in one of the Western Towers, where they remain to this Day. He was a Person of great Authority in the Time of King Henry the Seventh and King Henry the Eighth.

William Benson, the last Abbot, and the first Dean of this Church. He was buried as you go to the Revestry. But no Date.

To which must be added four Abbots more, that lye buried in the Cloisters, which haveonly flat Stones lying on them, and are all very ancient, viz.

Vitalis, Abbot in the Time of William the Conqueror, buried under a Plain white Marble Stone, Anno 1082.

Gislebertus Crispinus, under a grey Marble Stone, at the Feet of Vitalis; with the Effigies of an Abbot carved deep thereon, having a Pastoral Staff in his right Hand, but no Mitre on his Head. Dyed 1114, in the Time of King Henry the First.

Laurentius, under a white Marble at the Feet of Gislebertus, with the Image of an Abbot, with Mitre, Ring, and Pastoral Staff; because, it is said, that he first obtained from Pope Alexander the Third, that he and his Successors might use the Mitre, Ring, and Gloves. He dyed 1176.

Gervase de Blois, base Son of King Stephen, and by him placed as a Monk here, becoming afterwards Abbot. He lyes on the North Side of Laurentius, under that great black Marble Stone, commonly called Long Meg of Westminster. He was here buried 1160.

NOW to take our View of the Monuments in the several Chapels. And first, in St. Blases's Chapel, which is placed under the Clock and Dial, and now used for a Revestry; besides Abbot Littlington, mentioned before, lyes Edward, (some call him Owen ) a Monk of Westminster, third Son of Owen Tudor, and Queen Katharine, Widow of King Henry the Fifth.

St. Blase's Chapel.

Sandf. Geneal. p. 285.

In the Chapel of St. BENEDICT, called The Dean's Chapel, (because some of the Deans of Westminster have been buried there) do lye Gabriel Goodman, S. T. D. who dyed July 17, 1601. He founded an Hospital and a School at Ruthin in Denbighshire, where he was born.

Interments in St. Benet's Chapel.

William Bill, S. Th. D. Master of Trinity College in Cambridge, Provost of Eaton, and Dean of this Collegiate Church, and grand Almoner to Queen Elizabeth; dyed 1561.

Frances Coutness of Hertford, Wife to Edward Seimour Earl of Hertford. She dyed 1598.

Lionel Cranfield Earl of Middlesex, Lord Treasurer, and his Lady Anne his second Wife. He dyed 1645.

In the Area, that is the Passage that leads round the Chapel, called, The Chapel of the Kings, between the Chapel of St. Blaze, and that of St. Benedict, there is small raised Tomb, under which lye the Bones of three Children of Henry the Third, viz. Richard, John, and Katharine; and four Children of King Edward the First, John, Henry, Alphonsus, and Eleonore.

In the Area.

In the next Chapel, which is called, The Chapel of St. EDMUND, lye these, William de Valence, Senior, Earl of Pembroke, mentioned before. He was Son of Hugh le Brun, Earl of March, by Isabel his Wife, Widow of King John. He dyed 1304.

In St. Edmund's Chapel.

Edward the eighth Earl of Shresbury, dyed Feb. 1617. And the Lady Jane his Countess.

Sir Richard Pecksal, Kt. Master of the Buckhounds to Queen Elizabeth, and his first Wife, the Lady Eleonora, Daughter of Sir William Paulet, Marquess of Winchester, and Lord Treasurer, and his second Wife, who was Eleonora Daughter of John Colgrave.

Sir Bernard Brocas, Kt. Chamberlain to Anne Queen of England, Wife to Richard the Second.

John Lord Russel, and his Son Francis, a Child, by the Lady Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter to Sir Anthony Cook, Kt. and Widow of Sir Thomas Hobby, Kt. The Lady Russel dyed 1584. Also Elizabeth, Daughter of John Lord Russel, that bled to Death by a Prick she received in her Fore-finger by a Needle.
