The City of WESTMINSTER.44


This Monument is near unto the other, having this Inscription.

Here lyeth entombed Mary Lady Dudley, Daughter of William Lord Howard of Effingham, in his Time Lord High Admiral of ENGLAND, Lord Chamberlaine, and Lord Privy Seale. Shee was Grand-childe to Thomas Duke of Norfolke, the second of that Sur-name, and Sister to Charles Howard Earl of Nottingham, Lord High Admiral of England. By whose prosperous direction, through the Goodness of God, in defending his Handmaid Queen Elizabeth, the whole Fleet of Spaine was defeated and discomfited.
She was first married to Edward Sutton Lord Dudley, and after to Richard Mountpesson, Esquire; who, in the Memory of her Vertues, and last Testimony of his Love, erected this Monument. Shee slept in Christ Jesus in the Yeere of our Lord 1600, the 21. of August, attending the joyful Day of her Resurrection.

A fair Monument at the upper End of the North Ile, with this Inscription.

Here in Peace resteth the Body of Thomas Seymour, second Sonne to the Right Honourable Edward Earle of Hartford, and Isabel his Wife, eldest Daughter to Edward Meley of Katesby in the County of Northampton, Esquire; which said Thomas departed this Life the 8. Day of August 1600; and the said Isabel the 20. Day of August 1619, in the true Faith of Jesus Christ, and in the blessed Hope of a joyful Resurrection.

On a fair Marble in the Chancel is thus written.

Mariæ Filiæ unicæ Thomæ Egerton, Militis, Baronis de Ellesmere, Cancellarii Angliæ; Francisci Leigh Militis fidelissimæ, optime meritæ, ac unice dilectæ conjugis, quæ tertio die Aprilis, An. Dom. M.DC.XII. Ætatis suæ 36. post partum Filiorum 4. Filiarum 5. in puerperio Filiæ 6. Spiritum Deo, Corpus sepulchro liquit, in Christo obdormiens; Cui Fide, Spe & Charitate, Constantissimè vixit. Pudicitiæ, Pietatis, & Venustatis Rarissimum decus.
Non obiit sed abiit.

ANNÆ, uxori suæ amantissimæ & optimæ, Filiæ Willielmi Barlowi, Episcopi Cicestrensis & Agathæ Welsborne, generosæ conjugis ejus, diem suum quinto idus Decembris, Anno Domini 1597, obeunti Westmonasterii, quo virum ad Parliamentum comitabatur, Harbartus Westfalingus, Episcopus Herefordiensis, susceptis ex ipsa quinq; liberis; Harbarto, qui duxit Franciscam Rudhall generosam; Anna quæ Gulielmo Jeffereys, Ar. Margareta, quæ Richardo Eedes, Wigorniæ Decano; Elizabetha, quæ Roberto Walweyne generoso; & Francisca, quæ Francisco Jenkes generoso nupta est.     
In memoriam virtutis, & amoris ipsius posuit.


In the same Church is a new Monument lately erected in the North Ile, and this Inscription on it.

In Expectation of a joyful Resurrection, neere this Place resteth the Body of Robert Golding, Gentleman, borne in this City of Westminster, and sometime chiefe Burgesse thereof: His Honesty, and charitable Life, gained good Esteeme; his Age, due and deserved Respect of all. And in the House where he took Beginning in his Infancy, he most peaceably and piously ended his Days on the 22d of November 1629. Being always careful of his Wayes, charitable to the Poore, and very judicious and ready in discharging of all Offices incident to the Civil Government of this City, wherein he fully proceeded long before his Death. He lived to see the Change of foure Kings and Queens: And yet in assured Hope of never-changing Blisse, by the meritorious Passion of his only Mediator Christ Jesus, hee never altered or changed from the now truly professed Religion. Wherein he most constantly died in the 78. of his Age, leaving behinde him two Sons and three Daughters.
To whose pious Memory William Golding, his eldest Sonne, and sole Executor, hath at his owne Charge erected this Monument, June 1631.]

The Monuments of later Date in this Church of St. Margaret's, are these that follow.

Later Monuments.

In the Chancel,

J. S.

For Pet. Newton, Esq; who served K. James, Prince Henry, K. Charles I. and Gentleman-Usher of the Black Rod, 1660.

Tho. Hanbury, A. M. Son of Edward Hanbury of Kelmarsh in the County of Northampton, 1685.

South Ile, On the lowest Pillar.

Hic juxta reconditur quod mortale fuit Reverendi in Christo Patris Laurentii Womach, Epi. Menevensis, &c. 1685. Nec non filiæ suæ unicæ.

John Gregory, Son of Will. Gregory of Stockworth in Lincolnshire, Esq; 1675.

James Harrington, Esq; eldest Son of Sapcotes Harrington, Knt. 1677.

John Bert, Esq; Protonotary of the King's Palace at Westminster, 1638.

Ann Hund, Wife of Reuben Hund, 1634.

Abraham Williams, Vectensis. Oxonii Studuit, Belgii Incola, Legato Winwoodo a Secretis, Eques Auratus, &c. 1653.

South Ile.

Mary Brocas, Daughter of Will. Brocas of Heddingworth in the County of Leicester, Esq; 1654.

Sir Richard Corbet of Longnor in the County of Salop, Bart. 1683.

Charles Bret, Esq. one of the Honourable Band of Gentlemen Pensioners, 1682.

North Ile.

Richard Willis, Esq; 1640. Departed at the Star-chamber in Westminster. And Elizabeth his Wife. And Elizabeth, Daughter to Richard Willis, 1674.

Maurice Emmet of this Parish, Esq; 1694.

Sir Henry Pomroy, Knt. 1683. And Jane his Wife, Daughter of one of the ancient Family of the Predeaux, 1682/3.

Richard Taylor of this Parish, Gent. 1676. Also five Sons and six Daughters by Eusebia his Wife, and four Grandchildren.

Henry Martin, Husband to Sarah their Daughter.

Anne Butler, (and Thomas and Gregory Butler, her Sons) Wife of Gregory Butler of Oldacres in the Bishoprick of Durham, Esq; 1668.

Richard Nott, 1696. Aged 11 Years. His School-fellow Walter Thomas made his Epitaph, viz.
