The City of WESTMINSTER.46


Maurice Pickering, a bountiful Benefactor200l.
Margaret English100l.
Rob. Earl of Salisbury, Lord High Treasurer, and High Steward of this City100l.
Sir Thomas Heyes, Kt. and Alderman of London, for the like pereptual Maintenance of the Poor100l
Joan Hughs100l
William Lord Pagit, in his Life-time a bountiful Benefactor, towards a perpetual Maintenance of the Children of the Hospital in Tuthill-fields200l.
Thomas Gawen, by his last Will, towards the Maintenance of the same Children, in Lands and Houses, per Ann.72l.
Samuel Baker, for Relief of the Poor100l.
Nicolas Butler of this Parish, Gent. to 200 poor People of this Parish, to be distributed by 12d a-piece10l.
By him more, to be distributed to 20 poor Housekeepers20l.
More by him, to be distributed by 10s. or 20s. a-piece, to poor, lame, blind, or bedrid People of this Parish20l.
More by him, towards the Repair of Alms-Houses in the Parish100l.
More by him, towards a Stock, to set the Poor at Work50l.
More by him, to the Hospital in Tuthil-fields, three Houses in King-street, held by two Leases of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, to the Value of500l.
More to the said Hospital, to buy the Children and the School-master black Coats and Caps20l.
More towards the better Maintenance of the poor People in the Alms-Houses erected by James Palmer in Tuthill-fields, 5 Houses held by 4 Leases from the Dean and Chapter of Wesminster, of the Value of200l.
Item, To the Governors of the said Alms-Houses, to renew the said Leases50l.
Item, To buy the poor Poeple in the said Alms-Houses, and the School-master, Gowns 20l.
Item, For the building two or three Alms-Houses, and the purchasing of Lands for the Maintenance of the Families that shall be therein placed500l.
Thomas Hanwel, for the Maintenance of a Sermon preached upon every Good Friday at the New Chapel25l.
Elizabeth Hambden, towards the Relief of the Poor of this Parish250l.
Jane Grinsel, Wife of Humfrey Grinsel, for putting forth poor Children Apprentices, per An.12l.
Sir Henry Herbert, Kt. towards a Stock for keeping the Poor at work20l.
Sir Robert Long, Bart. towards the Relief of the poor Children at the King's Hospital 100l.
And towards the Poor of the Parish40l.

In St. Margaret's Westminster Parish are three Charity-Schools, set up for poor Children. Upon a Proposal made by the Trustees of these Schools, the Church-wardens have allowed them a large House belonging to the Parish, Rent-free for seven Years; and have given them as many of the Parish-Children (with the usual Pensions they gave to their Nurses) as the Trustees would undertake to maintain and employ with Work. Whereupon they took in the fifty poor Boys that belonged to their Charity-School, and at several Times since fifty more Boys and Girls upon the Parish Account; and have set them all to Work, some to spinning of Wool, others to mending and making of Shoes; others to Sewing, Knitting, &c. And the Income of the Charity and their Earnings, have been sufficient to find them Diet, Lodging, and all other Necessaries; with an Overplus of some small Matter towards a Stock to put the said Children out Apprentices.]

Three Charity Schools in this Parish.

Not far off, in King Street, stood another ancient Parish Church, dedicated to the Holy Innocents; as appears by these Extracts following, taken out of the Records belonging to the Court of Exchequer.

S. Innocent's Church.

J. S.

Hæc est finalis Concordia, facta in Curia Dni. Regis apud Westmer. die Mercurii, in festo Sti. Martini, Anno Regni Regis Ricardi decimo, coram E. Eliensi, P. Dunelm. Episcopis, Galfrido filio Petri, Willo. de Ste. Marie Ecclia. Willo. Brewer, Rico. de Heciet, Reginald. de Argenton, & aliis Dni. Regis fidelibus, ibid. tunc presentib. Inter Stephanum de Turnham, & Edelinam uxor. ejus, petentes, &c. Et Abbatem Westmer. tenentem de una virgata terre, & dimid. & duabus Hidis tre. cum pertinen. in Patrichesie (in Com. Surr.) Unde recognitio de morte Antecessoris summonita fuit inter eos in prefat. Curia. Scilt. qd. predict. Stephanus & Edelina remisserunt, & quiet. clamaver. de se & heredib. suis totum ejus & clam. qd. habuerunt in predict. terra, eid. Abbati & successorib. in perpetuum.

Pet. le Neve, Norroy.

Et pro hac remissione, &c. Abbas dedit predict. Stephano & Edeline quandam terram in Westmer. contra Ecclesiam Sanctor. Innocentium. Cujus Latitudo versus vicum continet xxxi. ulnas; & in medio continet xxxvii ulnas, & versus Thamesiam continet in Latitudine xxxiiii ulnas, & in Longitudine quicquid continetur inter vicum de Westmer. & Thamisiam. Tenend. eisd. Stephano & Edeline, & heredib. eorum de predict, Abbate & ejus successoribus in perpetuum, reddendo inde annuatim in Festo Sti. Michis. eidem Abbati & success. unam libram piperis, vel sex denarios pro annu. servitio, &c.

Vide Original. inter fines diversor. Comitat. tempore Rs. Rici primi, in Curia Receptionum Sccii. Reg. ap. Westmer.

The Land which is here granted, is said to be against the Church of St. Innocents, and runs down to the Thames, and in Westminster-street: So that the Church must have stood, not on the East Side of King Street, but on the West, as this old Building doth.

Alius Finis levat. anno 3tio Reg. Henrici 3tii in Com. Midds. in Vico Innocentium: Et alius, in Parochia Sanctorum Innocentium eodem anno.

Innocent Street.

Parish of St. Innocents.

Finis terrarum ex opposito Ecclie. Sanctorum Innocentium ibidem.

[ Click here to view Plan of former St Innocents' church   ]

The Church (as is guessed) now is desecrated, and made Use of for a Wine Cellar, belonging to the Quaker's Tavern in Thieving Lane. The Front is at the farther End of the Great Sanctuary. The whole Cross being the Form of the oldest Churches.
