St. James's Parish. The Church.81

St. James's Parish. The Church.
[ Click here to view 
Map of the Parish of St. James's Westminster.
  Map of the Parish of St. James's Westminster. ]

ced with good Buildings, and generally well inhabited, especially St. James's Square, and the Streets adjacent, as also Golden Sqaure. And for the Description of these Places, I shall begin with St. James's Square, and so proceed to the adjacent Streets. Then to Golden Square, and so shall take in all the Streets, as they lie in the Map, with the Courts and Alleys therein.

St. James's Square, a large handsome Place, encompassed with Rails, and graced on all Sides with large Buildings. Inhabited chiefly by the Noblity, except on the South, which is the Back Part of the North Row of Buildings in the Pail Mail.

St. James's Square.

The Pail Mail, a fine long Street, which from the Hay Market runs in a streight Line Westwards into St. James's-street. The Houses on the South Side have a pleasant Prospect into the King's Garden; and besides, they have small Gardens behind them, which reach to the Wall, and to many of them there are raised Mounts, which give them the Prospect of the said Garden, and of the Park. On this Side, and overgainst St. Alban's street, is Stone-cutter's Alley, paved with Freestone, which leads into Warwick-street, and likewise to the Back Gate of the King's Garden, for the Conveniency of Mr. George London, her late Majesty's principal Gardiner, there inhabiting in a neat and pleasant House. Then about the Middle of this Street, is Pail Mail Court, a very neat Place, with fine new built Houses, fit for Gentlemen; the Back Windows pleasantly opening into the King's Garden. This Court hath a handsome Freestone Pavement: And at the Entrance there are Iron Bars made open, with the Door of the same, to shut up a-Nights, for the Security of the Inhabitants. Farther Westward, and adjoining to St. James's House, is an open Yard, which leads into the Chapel, and called the Priory Court.

Pail Mail.

Stone-cutters Alley.


Pail Mail Court.

Priory Court.

Then on the North Side of the Pail Mail, near St. James's-street, is Crown Court, a Place of ordinary Building, and as meanly inhabited. It is a good Through-fare into King's street; and likewise falleth into another Court, which bears the same Name, and openeth into St. James's street.

Crown Court.

Between Rider-street and Little Germaine-street is a small Court called Crown and Scepter Court.

Crown and Scepter Court.

King's-street, a good handsome Street, which fronts St. James's Square Eastwards, and Westwards it hath a Passage through an open paved Alley, called Little King's-street, into St. James's-street. On the South Side is Angel Court, not over well built or inhabited; and near unto this, is a long Yard for Coaches and Stablings, useful for the Gentry in these Parts.

King's street.

Angel Court.

Berry-street, a handsome open Street, which runs up into Germain-street; on the West Side is Painter's Court; and on the other Side, almost opposite to it, is Guy of Warwick's Court; both very small and inconsiderable.


Painters Court.

Guy of Warwick's Court.

Rider's-street comes out of St. James's street, and crossing Berry-street, falls into Duke-street.


Duke-street comes out of Pickadilly, crosses Germain street, and falls into King-street. Here are several well built Houses, which seem to be better inhabited than Berry-street, or Rider-street. On the West Side are two small Courts; the one called Feather Court, and the other Graye's Court; opposite to this Court is a very large Yard for Coaches and Stabling, with some Houses; of which one is very good, with a handsome Garden to it, in which lately dwelt the Duke of Shrewsbury. This Yard is called St. Alban's Mews, and hath two Passages into Duke-street; of which one is for Coaches and Carts, and hath another Passage into Blackmore-street. More towards King's-street is a pretty neat Court, called Prince's Court, with a Freestone Pavement neatly kept, and not meanly inhabited: It hath a Door with open Iron Bars half way, to shut up a-Nights for the Security of the Inhabitants.


Feather Court.

Graye's Court.

St. Alban's Mews.

Prince's Court.

Germain-street, of a great length, which coming out of St. James's-street, runneth Eastward in a streight Line unto Market Lane, near the Market. About the Middle of this Street is seated


St. JAMES's Church.


Well adorned within, with an excellent Pair of Organs, a curious Font, and the Galleries well set off with Tapestries and Persian Carpets, and the Steeple lately finished with a fine Spire, which adds much Splendor to this End of the Town, and serves as a Land-mark.

The Church.

The Act of Parliament for making St. James's a Parish-Church, was made in the first Year of King James the Second, Ann. 1685, being intitled, An Act for erecting a new Parish, to be called, The Parish of St. James's within the Liberty of Westminster. The Church stands in Jermin-street, and was Consecrated by the Right Reverend Henry, the late Bishop of London. It was built at the Charge and Credit of Henry late Earl of St. Albans, and the Inhabitants, Owners, and Occupiers of the Houses in the Precinct after in the said Act described. Seven thousand Pounds had been expended about it.

The Act for St. James's.

J. S.


The Charge of building.

In this Act, the Bounds and Limits of the Parish are set out.


Dr. Tenison, then the Vicar of St. Martin's, constituted the first Rector; and he and his Successors, Rectors of the said Parish, were incorporated, and to have a Capacity and Succession, by the Name of The Rector and Parish of St. James's within the Liberty of Westminster: And to have one Messuage or Tenement for his Habitation, to be erected on Part of the Church-yard, or near thereunto. The Patronage to belong to the Bishop of London, and his Successors, and Thomas Lord Jermin, and his Heirs for ever; that is, two Turns to the Bishop of London and his Successors, and one to the Lord Jermin and his Heirs alternately for ever. The Rector to take Duties as the Vicar of St. Martin's useth to do; and to be endowed of a certain Toft, as in his or their Demesne, situate on the North and East Ends of the Church; containing in Front 33 Feet of Assize, little more or less; and in Depth, 32 Feet and six Inches: And of another Piece of Ground of 40 Feet, and in Depth 75; and of other Houses and Lands mentioned in the Act.

Rector of St. James's




The Rector, with the Consent of the Vestrymen and Churchwardens, to nominate a Preacher, to be Assistant to him, or any six or more of them: And likewise to nominate a Clerk of the said Parish, to be in Priest's Orders; and one or more Sexton or Sextons. The Churchwardens to pay 30l. yearly to the Clerk, to be appointed out of the Profits of the Pews, and other Duties and Profits to them accruing.

His Assistant.

A Clerk in Priest's Orders.

In the said Act Care is taken about finishing the Steeple, and building the Rector's House: The Charge to be taxed upon the Parish, not to exceed 2000l. And the Churchwardens, with four, three, or more substantial Housholders, upon Tuesday in Easter-week, or within ten Days after, to tax and assess the Sum of 100l. upon the Inhabitants and Occupiers of Land, for the Payment of the Preacher Assistant, to be paid him by Quarterly Payments.

Finishing the Steeple.

The Assistant's Salary.

The Altar of this Church hath most admirable Work about it, beside the large Cedar Work, and the other curious carved Woodwork in Flowers, Doves and Pelicans hanging about against the East Wall over the Table. There is a large Organ, under which is writ, This Organ was given to the Parish by her most ex-

The Altar.

