
To the Right Honourable

And to the Right Worshipful
of the CITY of LONDON; Viz.

[  Unpaginated in the original. ]

Sir Thomas Abney, Kt.
Sir William Withers, Kt.
Sir Samuel Garrard, Bar.
Sir Gilbert Heathcote, Kt.
Sir Robert Beachcroft, Kt.
Sir Samuel Stanier, Kt.
Sir William Humphreys, Kt. & Bar.
Sir Charles Peers, Kt.
Sir William Lewen, Kt.
Sir John Ward, Kt.
Sir George Thorold, Kt. and Bar.
Sir William Stewart, Kt.
Sir Gerard Conyers, Kt.
Sir Thomas Scawen, Kt.
Sir Peter Delme, Kt.
Sir George Mertins, Kt.
Sir Robert Child, Kt.
Sir Francis Forbes, Kt.
Sir John Eyles, Bar.
Sir Charles Cook, Kt.
John Green, Esq;
Edward Becher, Esq;
Sir Harcourt Master, Kt.
Robert Baylis, Esq;
Robert Heysham, Esq;
Sir George Caswel, Kt. }
William Billers, Esq; } Sheriffs.

And to the Worshipful

Sir William Thompson, Kt. Recorder.
Sir George Ludlam, Kt. Chamberlain.
John Lingard, Esq; Common Serjeant.
Randolph Stracey, Esq; Town Clerk.

And to the rest of the Worthy GENTLEMEN, that bear Office in this Great CITY.


THIS Work concerning the City of LONDON, claimes this Court for its Patron: By the Wise and Steady Government of whose Members, from Time to Time, it hath remained for many Ages, the most flourishing City in this Realm of England, and (May I not say?) in all Europe. And it claims it again by Custom and Prescription. For ever since this SURVEY shewed it self in the World, (now for the Space of an Hundred and Twenty Years past, and more) through the several Editions of it, it hath been countenanced by Dedications of it to the Lord Maior sometimes, and sometimes to the whole Court. And I have an Additional Obligation to commend this New Edition to You, (Right Honourable and Right Worshipful) since divers Years ago I obtained a special Favour by an Order from Your Court, to peruse some of the chief Books and Records belonging to Your Chamber; and to transcribe thence such Things of Moment, as I
