
This new Edition hath the Advantage of Improvement by the Use of these Authors, Records, and choice MSS. antient and modern following.


DRayton's Polylbion.
Records of the Tower.
Collections of Records of the Tower by Sir Rob. Cotton Kt.
Brief Animadversions thereon by Will. Prynn, 1657.
His collections out of the Tower Records in 3 Tomes.
Reliquiæ Spelmannianæ
Sir Will. Petties Essay, &c.
Recordatorium Civitatis.
Liber Albus.
Liber Horn: being an old Book of Laws and Customs.
Lib. Dunthorn.
Records in the Chamber of London.
Abridgment of the Records, revised by Will. Prinn.
Camden's Britannia.
Bp. Stillingfleet's Antiquities of London.
Vindiciæ Britanniæ. MS. by Mr. Owen.
Sir Edward Coke's Records of London.
Dr. Bradies Collections out of the Cities Book.
King Edward's Book of Sales, MS.
Bp. Latymers Sermons.
Crowley the Printer his Epigrams.
Sir Tho. Smith's Commonwealth.
W. Lambard's Archiologiæ
Dyer Lord Chief Justice.
Lord Chief Justice Coke's Institutes.
K. Richard III. Ledger Book.
Monasticon Anglican.
Chart. D. Thesaurar. Burghl.
Registr. Episcop. London.
Stephan. Lexicon.
Suetonius Caligula.
Repertory of Records.
Bp. of Carlile's English Historic. Library.
Present State of the Universe.
Londinopolis by Jam. Howel.
Present State of the City by DeLaune, 1681.
Present State of England by Chamberlain.
Postman No. 1867.
Attorneys Academy.
Dr. Meric Casaubon of Credulity.
Archiv. Ecclesia Belgicæ Lond.
Familiar Letters by Jam. Howel.
Abridgment of English Chronicles.
Privilegia Londini.
MSS. Harliana.
Monumenta Westmonasterian.
Lib. Trinitat. Priorat.
Baga Quo Warranto of London in the Tally Court, Exchequer.
Fox's Martyrology.
Leigh's Accidents of Armory.
Edm. Howes Chronicle.
Customs of London.
An Abstract of the Lives of Several Saints, to which the Churches in London are dedicated. MS. by Rich. Smith, Secondary of the Compter.
Sir Hen. Spelman's Glossary.
Cotton Library.
Wever's Monuments.
Fabian's Chronicle.
Gower, De Confessione Amantis.
Works of Hall Bp. of Norwich.
Lives of the Bps. of London by H. Wharton.
History of Peterborough.
Letter to Sir Christoph. Wren, concerning Antiquities found in St. Pauls, digged up; by J. Woodward, M. D.
Dr. Willet his Synopsis Papismi.
Royal College of Physicians.
Historical Account of the College's Proceedings. By Dr Charles Goodal.
Present State of the Practice of Physick. By Dr. Pitts.
Journal of Goodric, Bp. of Ely Lord Chancellor.
Cott. Library, Julius B. 9.
Brompton's Chronicle.
Hist. Monachor. St. Albani.
Theier. Biblioth. MSStor.
Dugdales Baronage.
Catalogue of Honour by Mills.
Stow's Summary.
His Annals.
Baker's Chronicle.
Bp. Pilkingtons Confutation.
Treatise of Tithes. By Dr. Brian Walton.
Dr. Tillesly against Selden, of Tithes.
Dr. Matt. Hutton's Collections MS.
Parochial Visitation Book of the Parishes of London. An. 1693.
Dr. Andr. Willet's Catalogue of Charities and good Works since the Reformation.
Fædera, Conventiones, &c. by Rymer.
Manley's Interpreter.
Certificates of Fraternities, in Turr. London.
Liber Custumar.
Record. Camerar. London.
Athenæ Oxoniens.
Heylin's Geography.
Calendar. Cameræ London.
Bp. Stillingfleet's Tract concerning the Original Foundation of St. Paul's Church.
The Mischief of the 4s. Tax upon Coals. Print. 1699.
Notitia Morastica. By Dr. Tanner.
A Remedy for Sedition. Print. 1536.
Red Book in the Chamber of London.
Repertorium Ecclesiastic. By Newcourt.
Camdens Elizabeth.
Reasons offered by the Governors and Assistants of the Eastland Merchants against giving a general Liberty to export English Woolen Manufactures, &c. by Nat. Zouch, Esq; Pr. 1689.
An Apology and Defence of the East-India Company, against Interlopers.
Offspring of the House of Ottoman. by Hugh Gouge.
Annales præcipuar. rerum Londinens. Cotton Librar. Vitellius F. 5.
A Memorial touching the Nature and State of the Trade to Africa.
Spotswoods History.
Camdens Remains.
Ashmole's History of the Garter.
History and State of Sion College.
A MS. of the Parishes of London, wrot by J. Williams D. D. Bp. of Chichester.
Fuller's Church History.
Musæum Regalis Societatis, by Dr. Neb. Grew.
A Discovery of Errors, &c. Against Brooksmouth, York Herald. By Camden.
Variorum in Europa Itinerant. Deliciæ. Nathan. Chytræo Authore. 1606.
Camdeni Annal. Apparatus.
Dugdale's History of St. Paul's.
Life of Sir Thomas More.
Lamentation against the City of London. An old Book. Pr. at Nurenburgh, An. 1545.
Life of Camden by Dr Gibson, now Lord Bishop of Lincoln.
Philosphical Transactions.
A Defence of the Bank of England by N. Tench, Esq.
An old Book about the Education of Children.
The Elementary. Both by Richard Mulcaster, Schoolmaster of Paul's School.
Register of Sion College.
Epitome of Chronicles, by Bp. Cooper.
Registr. Ridley.
MSS. Archiepisc. Parker.
The Martyrs Letters.
Liber Fleetwood.
Sutton's Hospital by Hern. 1676.
Lib. Statutor. Silk Throwers.
The Repertory, in the Chamber of London.
Annals of the Reformation by J. S. Print. 1709.
A true and exact Relation of the Fire of London, 1666.
Order of the Lord Maior and Aldermen, for the Hospitals, 1562.
