Chapters and Contentsxxxv

Chapters and Contents

Containing a particular Inspection into the Twelve Wards on the West side of WALBROKE.

The Contents of the Chapters of the Third Book.

CHAP. I. Wards on the West side of Walbrook. And first of the VINTRIE Ward. Bordeaux Merchants. The Vintners great Merchants. St. Michael Pater-noster in the Royal. Whittington College. The Tower Royal. St. Thomas Apostles. St. Martins in the Vintrie. St. James Garlick Hith. Richard Lions beheaded by Wat Tyler, his Monument. The present State of this Ward. p. 1.

CHAP. II. CORDWAINER Street Ward. Soperlane, whence so called. St. Autholines. St. Mary Aldermary. Sir Henry Keeble. St. Mary Le Bow. Antiquities of Bow Church, Bells and Steeple. The Crownsild in Cheap. The present State of this Ward. p. 15.

CHAP. III. CHEAP Ward. The Bounds of it. St. Sithes or Benet Shrog. St. Pancrace Soperlane. St. Mildreds Parish. The Parsonage House there. The Grocers Hall. The Bank of England kept here. St. Mary Colechurch. Thomas Becket; where born and christned. The Standard in Cheap. Great Cross in Cheap. St. Thomas of Acars. The Mercers Company. St. Martins Pomery. Alhallows. Honylane. Guildhall. The Chappel hard by. St. Laurence Jewry. Two Fraternities here. The present State of this Ward. p. 26.

CHAP. IV. COLEMANSTREET Ward. The Bounds. Antiquities in this Ward. The Jews Synagogue in Lothbury. St. Stevens Colemanstreet. The present State of this Ward. p. 53.

CHAP. V. BASSINGSHALL Ward. The Bounds. Weavers Company. Bassingshall. The Family of the Bassings Blackwell Hall, a Market for Cloth. St. Michael Bassishaw. The present State of this Ward. p. 65.

CHAP. VI. CRIPPLESGATE Ward. The Bounds. Morefields. St. Mary Aldermanbury. A prodigious Shankbone. Elsing Spittle. Sion College. St. Alphage. St. Albans Woodstreet. St. Michael in Woodstreet. The Head of King James IV. buried there. St. Giles's Cripplegate. The Circuit of St. Giles's Parish. Brotherhood of St. Giles. The Jews Garden. Barbican. The present State of this Ward. p. 70.

CHAP. VII. ALDERSGATE Ward. The Bounds within and without. St. Mary Staining. St. John Zachary. Goldsmiths Hall. Principal Goldsmiths. St. Olaves in Silverstreet. St. Leonards Fosterlane. St. Anne in the Willows. St. Martins Le Grand. St. Botolph Aldersgate. The present State of this Ward. p. 95.

CHAP. VIII. FARINGDON Ward INFRA, or WITHIN, so called. The Bounds. St. Peters Cheap. St. Fosters. Lamb's Chappel. St. Nicolas Church. The Gray Friars. Christ's Church. St. Matthew Fridaystreet. The Old Exchange. St. Augustines. The Cathedral of St. PAULS. The Foundation and Building thereof. St. Faiths. Monuments in St. PAULS. St. Martins by Ludgate. The Prisoners there. The Monuments. Blackfriers. The Liberties thereof. The fatal Vesper there. St. Michael the Querne. St. Ewin. The present State of this Ward. p. 124.

CHAP. IX. BREADSTREET Ward. The Bounds. The Bakers of London. Cheap raised. Goldsmiths Row. The Old Change. Alhallows Breadstreet. Mildred Breadstreet. Gerards Hall. The Counter in Breadstreet. St. John Evangelist. St. Margaret Moyses. The present State of this Ward. p. 198.

CHAP. X. QUEENHITH Ward. the Bounds. The Church of the Holy Trinity. St. Nicolas Cold Abby. St. Nicolas Olave. Bishop of Herefords Inn. St. Mary Monthaut. St. Mary Somerset. St. Peters Pauls Wharf. Queenhith. The Customs there. The present State of this Ward. p. 208.

CHAP. XI. CASTLEBAINARD Ward. The Bounds. Beaumonts Inn. Scropes Inn. Burley House. Bainards Castle. Mills on the Fleet Water. St. Benet by Pauls Wharf. St. Andrews in the Wardrobe. The Kings Wardrobe. Darby House. Doctors Commons. St. Mary Magdalen Old Fishstreet. Three West Gates of St. Pauls. Lollards Tower. St. Gregories by St. Pauls. The present State of this Ward. p. 220.

CHAP. XII. The Ward of FARINGDON EXTRA or WITHOUT. The Bounds. St. Bartholomews Hospital. St. Bartholomew the Less. Priory of St. Bartholomew. Great St. Bartholomew. Bartholomew Fair. Smithfield. St. Sepulchres. Ely Place. St. Andrews Holbourn. The Fleet. St. Dunstans in the West. The House of Converts. The Rolls. Bridewel. St. Bridgets, or St. Brides. The White Friers. The New Temple. Templars. The present State of this Ward. p. 291.