Chapters and Contents.xxxvi

Chapters and Contents.

Containing an Inspection into the Ward of the Borough of SOUTHWARK. As also into the Suburbs of the City, and the Liberty of the Dutchy of LANCASTER.

The Contents of the Chapters of the Fourth Book.

CHAP. I. BRIDGE Ward WITHOUT, the Six and Twentieth in number, consisting of the Borough of Southwark in the County of Surrey. How this came to be one of the Wards. K. Edwards's Grant of Southwark. Paris Garden. Christ's Church Parish. The Stews. The Bishop of Winchester's House. St. Mary Overie. St. Mary Magdalen. St. Margaret on the Hill. Southwark Place. St. George's Southwark. The Goals, White Lion, King's Bench, Marshalsea. St. Thomas Hospital. St. Olaves. Abbot of St. Augustines Inn. The Abby of Bermondsey. St. Mary Magdalen Bermondsey. This Borough farmed; afterwards purchased of the Crown. The present State of this Ward. p. 1.

CHAP. II. The SUBURBS without the Walls briefly touched: As also without the Liberties, more at large described. The Inhabitants. The Buildings. New Buildings forbid. A notable Speech of the Recorder. The Suburb without the Postern by the Tower. Wappin. The Chappel there. Made a Parish. The Alms House in Wappin. Wappin Marsh. Ratcliff. Whitchappel. How it came to be so called St. Mary Matselon. St. Dunstan Stepney. Divers Remarks of that Parish. Stebunhith Marsh. Suburb without Bishopsgate. Soersditch. St. Leonard Shoreditch. New Artillery. Bunhil Fields. A Burying Place there. Suburb wihtout the Postern of Moregate. Morefields. Suburb without Cripplegate. p. 32.

CHAP. III. Suburb without Aldersgate. Suburb without Newgate. The Charterhouse. The Priory of St John's of Jerusalem. St. James Clerkenwell. The old Well of Clerkenwell. Holborn. Gray's Inn. The old Temple. House of Converts. The Rolls Liberty. The Blackfriers in Holborn. Lincoln's Inn. The Chappel there. St. Giles's: And the Hospital of St. Giles. Suburb without Ludgate. p. 61.

CHAP. IV. The Parish of St. Giles in the Fields. The Bounds; and present State of it. Chapel in great Queen's Street. St. Giles's Church new built. Monuments of the Dead there. p. 75.

CHAP. V. An Abstract or brief Relation of the two Manors and Lordships of Stebunhith, alias Stepney, and Hackney. Suburbs North East in the County of Middlesex, with the free Customs, Benefits and Privileges to them belonging, and how they are holden by the Copyhold Tenants of the Right Honorable Thomas Lord Wentworth; with some other especial and remarkable Notes, both of Reverend Antiquity and modern Memory. p. 86.

CHAP. VI. A Survey taken the 30th. Day of December Anno 1567. and the Tenth of Q. Elizabeth, of the Manor of FINSBURY in the County of Middelsex, belonging to the Prebend of Haliwel and Finsbury, in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London. Wherein are particularly specified, as well the Capital Messuage and Scite of the said Manor, and all other Messuages, Houses, Gardens, Orchards, Lands, Tenements, Meadows, Pastures, Leasures, and other Grounds, being the the Demesnes of the said Manor, with the Butts and Bounds thereof; As also the Rents and Services, belonging to the said Manor; And the Names of the Tenants, by whom the same are to be paid. With mention also, for what Land the same Rents and Services are due; and the Butts and Bounds thereof. p.101.

CHAP. VII. Liberties of the Dutchy of LANCASTER. The Bounds. Exeter House. St. Mary at the Strand. The Hospital of the Savoy. Visited. The Bounds and present State of the Savoy Parish. St. CLEMENT DANES. The Bounds and Buildings of this Parish. The Government of this Dutchy. Hanover Square. p.104.