Chapters and Contents.xxxix

Chapters and Contents.

CHAP. XXV. Antient Assize, and Weight of Bread. An Ordinance for it according to the Price of Wheat. Old Orders for Bakers, by the Privy Council of Q. Elizabeth, and K. James I. How the Assize of Bread was made each Year. The Bakers Halimotes. Assay of Bread according to the Regale of England. Table of the modern Assize of Bread; Hanging up in Guildhall. Laws and Charges for Bakers. Miller. Baker. Brewer. Butcher. Fisher. Cook. Innholder. Taverner. Tallowchandler. Spicer. Weaver. Tanner. Cordwayner. Currier. White Tawyer. Mercer. Grocer, &c. Forestaller: each their Assizes. Standard for Weights adjusted. Measure for Sea Coal, and other Things measurable upon the Thames. p. 336.

CHAP. XXVI. The Royal CHARTERS of the City from Edward the Confessor, and from William the Conqueror, to K. Charles II. The Saxon Charter of William the Conqueror specified, and of Henry I. The Cities Charter seized by K. Charles II. The Occasion thereof. The Cities Plea and Justification of what they did. The Charter sent back to the City by K. James II. a little before his Abdication. Restored under K. William and Q. Mary, by Act of Parliament. A Repertory of the Contents of all the Charters granted to the City. p. 346.

CHAP. XXVII. The Citizens upon all Occasions insist upon their Charters. Sometimes contend with the King. The good Order and Government of the City depend on the Charters. Articles of Government for the City, and for keeping the Peace; in the Reign of K. Edward II. Confirmed by the Bread Seal. Provisions of Flesh, Fowl and Fish, rated by the Maior and Sheriffs; by the King's Letter, and Commandment. Care taken about Provision of Bread in a Dearth: by laying up Corn in the Bridge-House. The Maiors Letter thereupon. p. 359.

CHAP. XXVIII. The Courts of London. The Hustings. Lord Maiors Court. The Orphans Court. The present State of the Orphans. The Court of the Aldermen. List of the City Officers. The several Offices in the Gift of the Maior and Aldermen. Court of the Common Council. Committees chosen out of the Common Council. The Chamberlains Court. His Power about Apprentices and their Masters. Sheriffs Court. Court of Request, or of Conscience. The Court of Conservacy. Laws and Ordinances for the Fishermen of the Thames. Other lesser Courts, viz. Wardmote Court; Halmote Court; Court of the Coroner; Court of the Escheator; Court of the Tower; Court of St. Martins. The Court of the Kings Commission of Oyer and Terminer, held in the Old Baily. Crimes and Misdeameanors. Pleas of the Crown held antientlly at the Tower by Judges Itinerants. The Manner thereof. p. 369.

CHAP. XXIX. Laws and Customs of the City. Privileges of the Lord Maior and of the Aldermen. Precendency of a Knight Alderman to a Knight Commoner. Aldermen have a Negative Voice. Fares of Watermen and Coaches and Carmen. The Watch. The Markets. Table of Rates for Marketfolks standing. The Posts. Packet Boats. A Postmaster was for Strangers. Inland Post. Table of Stages and Post Towns. Penny Post. Office of Insurance for Houses, and Goods. Table of Rates for insuring Houses. Abstract of the of the Settlement of the Amicable Contribution. p. 389.

CHAP. XXX. Divers of the most important Acts of Common Council. Concerning Foreigners, restraining them, and Hawkers that go about with Wares to sell. Selling or colouring Foreign Goods. No Foreigner to keep open Shop in the City. Taking up Places in the Streets to sell Wares to the hindrance of the Markets. Market Bell. Laws for Porters. Ticket Porters. Tronage and weighing of Goods at the King's Beam. Acts and Charters about it. Acts for the Watch; And the Markets. Information about foreign buying or selling. Petty Chapmen and Pedlars. Charters concerning foreign buying and selling. p. 409.

CHAP. XXXI. A Collection of some Orders and Appointments made for the City, with divers remarkable Matters happening in Q. Elizabeth's Reign. Proclamations and Orders. The present State of London as to its Wealth and Health. Weekly Bills of Mortality. Plagues in London. Number of Souls. p. 431.

CHAP. XXXII. The Military Government of the City of London. Musters of the Citizens in former Times. The City raised Men to defend themselves on Occasion. A Book for marshalling of the City. The Military Government now established in the Trained Bands, and Auxiliaries. The Artilery Company. The antient City, as described by Sir Tho. More, and Sir Tho. Chaloner. p. 451