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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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Camei and Intaglia's of Egyptian, Grecian, and Roman Work: Many Roman, Greek, Syrian, and other Medals: Roman Weights: A Roman Semi-Congius: Urns, Lachrymatories, and other Things, procured from Alexandria, Constantinople, Rome, &c. And besides, an antient Roman Altar from the Picts Wall in Northumberland, with a considerable Inscription upon it: Several ancient Weapons of Brass, Thuribula, Pataræ, Urns, &c. found in the remoter Parts of this Kingdom, Cumberland, the Isle of Man, Yorkshire, Wiltshire, Gloucestershire, Northamtonshire, Devonshire, &c. He hath a vast Variety of ancient Instruments, Utensils, Vasa, and the like, that have been discovered in several Places in and about this City: In particular, several Vessels of religious Use, and employed in the Sacrifices, as for Example, Præfericula, Simpula, Pateræ, Thuribula, Labra, digged up; together with Horns, Teeth, and other Parts of the Beasts that were offered in Sacrifice; above twenty Sepulchral Urns, of various Forms and Sizes: Likewise, Lanxes, Amphoræ, Crateres, Scyphi, Gutti, Pocula, Ollæ nummariæ clausæ; Parts of the Plasmata fictilia, in which the embossed Vasa were molded; and Lamps of various Sorts. The precedent Vessels are of Pot or Earth; several of them extreamly fine, well baked, some curiously glazed, and the Colours beautiful.

As to their Forms, they are universally very elegant and handsome. And indeed, the Doctor, the Possessor of them, well observeth, that the Remains of these Works of the Romans shew them to have been a People of an exact Genius, good Fancy, and curious Contrivance.

Their Forms,

'Tis observable also in this Collection, that the Things are fair, well preserved, and intire; which, considering the great Number and Diversity of them; how brittle Pots and Glasses are, and how liable to be defaced, injured, and dashed in Pieces, is the more extraordinary.

Well and whole preserved.

He hath likewise in his Cabinet of Antiquities, a Glass Urn, with a Cover; also a Scyphus; divers Ampullæ, Phialæ, and Lachrymatories of Glass, that are very fair and perfect. Then, there are several Pieces of British Money, coined both before and after the Descent of the Romans upon this Island. As also Roman Numismata, coined here: (Besides Saxon, Danish, and Norman Coins, which, as well as others, are very fair, and happily preserved.) Likewise, Styles of Ivory, Bone, and Steel: Several Fibulæ, Aciculi, Bullæ, Claves, Armillæ, Annuli, Beads of various Sorts; Aleæ, Tessaræ, Pectines, Calcaria, Spicula, Jacula. Likewise Tiles, Pieces of Lithostrata, or tessellated Pavements of Earth, Glass, Paste, Enamel, and gilded.

Ancient Coins, &c.

So that Dr. Woodward's Musæum is a Treasury of all Sorts of Commodites and Utensils, sacred and profane, of ancient Heathen Rome: As Vessels for Sacrifice, and for other subordinate Uses in Sacris. Vessels also for Uses Domestic, Sepulchral, Military, Personal, for wearing and dressing: Also divers Pieces of Art relating to Building, or Sculpture, explanatory of some Parts of Roman History.

Besides these Remains of Roman Skill and Workmanship, here are also reposited several Gothic Historical Carvings, in Copper, Ivory, and Wood; the Work of some of them very good: Impresses on Lead, and leaden Seals, that have been affixed anciently to Popes Bulls; with various other Things, all well chosen, of real Importance, and serviceable to some useful Design.

Gothic Carvings.

One great Intention of this learned Gentleman (as he hath assured me) in amassing together so great a Number of these Things, and that with so great Diligence, Trouble and Expence, was in order to clear and give Light to those ancient Writers who mention and treat them, viz. the Greeks and Romans; which he hath read and studied with great Exactness. Another of his Ends herein was, to illustrate the History and Antiquities of this great and noble City; out of the Ruins of which these Things were retrieved, upon the Occasion of that great digging, (greater indeed than ever happened from the Foundation of it before) and the Removal of Rubbish that was made in all Parts, after the late great Fire. And, indeed, the Medals and Coins, the various Figures, Historical Embossments, and Inscriptions upon the Vases, contribute very much to that End. And farther, from the various Places in which the Urns were found reposited, (which, according to the Laws of the twelve Tables, were to be buried without the Walls) he is able to ascertain the ancient Bounds of this City, whilst Roman: From several Things discovered in laying the Foundation of St. Paul's Church, to shew, not only that there was anciently a Temple there; but also, by some Instances to prove that it was dedicated to DIANA, according to the ancient Tradition, notwithstanding what a very learned Antiquary as well as Divine, has lately offered to the contrary.

The Intent of the learned Collector.

Bp. Stillingf. Tract concerning the origin. Foundat. of St. Paul's. Lond.

Indeed, the far greater Part of these Things is so very considerable, that it would afford much Satisfaction to inquisitive People, to see Icons graved of them; and that the Possessor could have spared so much Time from his Business, and his other Studies, as to have writ his own Observations and Reflections upon them, that I might have entered them (as I requested of him) in this Work.

In Black Fryars, in clearing away the Rubbish, in order to building after the great Fire, they came to a thick Wall, very probably a Part of the Foundation Wall of the old Fryery. In which Wall was placed somewhat like a Cupboard shut. Which being opened, in it were found four dead Men's Heads, reposited in fine Pewter Cases, made for them; round, only flat on one Side; and a thick Cover of Pewter, having a Ring fastened on the Top, for the more convenient taking it off, or putting it on. Three of these Heads are now lost; likely enough conveighed beyond Sea, where they may serve for Relicks. That which remained is, or was lately, in the Possession of Mr. Prestbury, a Sopemaker in East Smithfield, who shewed it me Oct. 2, 1703. We took out the Head from the Case: It had been wrapt in black Silk, which was then grown rotten. The Skin was like a Piece of tanned Leather, or Bacon. The Hair of the Temples yellow, but upon the Head the Hair was red, short, and thick, and would not be pulled off. There was a Tonsure, or round bare Place on the Crown of the Head, that bespake him to have been in Holy Orders: The Nose flat, as tho a Piece of it had been cut off: The Mouth gaping: The Teeth in the Head sound, ten in Number; the rest had been pulled out. The Feature still discoverable. There remained a great deal of Dust of a brownish Colour in the Case. On the Side of the Cover was scratched this Name in a bad Character, I. Cornelius. There was one Corpse found near it under Ground, without a Head. These seem to have been Fryars of this religious House, or some of their Benefactors, or their Saints or Martyrs. Whose Heads, perhaps, were taken out and shewn upon extraordinary Days and Occasions: And upon the Dissolution of the House (it may be) here concealed.

In Black Fryers

Four Human Heads found in a Wall.

Mr. Prestbury.

Near the Foundation of Charing Cross, at a great Depth, were Stones found, which seemed

In Charing Cross.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY