Strype, Survey of London(1720), [online] (hriOnline, Sheffield). Available from:
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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY




NOW, for Diversion, let us step out of our City, and take a Perambulation or Circuit-Walk four or five Miles round about; and especially, let us Visit the several Churches within that Compass, and take a View of the Monuments and the Inscriptions thereon: And the rather, since many of our eminent Citizens having Country Houses in those Towns, happened to dye, and be interred there.

J. S.

And first we shall walk in the West and South Sides of LONDON, and so round on the East and Northern Parts of it.



A VISITATION of the Towns and Churches within four or five Miles distant of LONDON: viz. Kensington, Hammersmith, Chelsea, Fulham, Putney, Wandesworth, Battersea, Clapham, Camberwel, Lambeth, and Newington Butts. With Cognizance of the Monuments of the Dead in those Churches.



We begin with Kensington. In which Town is situate one of the Palaces of our Princes.

In the Church of Kensington are these Monuments.


IN the Chancel, a Balck Marble Grave-stone, with a White Border, for Sir William Lister, 1649.

Monuments in Kensington.

In the Pew under the Pulpit, Aaron Mico, Merchant, 1652.

Pet. le Neve, Norroy.

Lionel Ducket Esq; Son and Heir of William Ducket, late of Hartham in the County of Wilts, Esq; Born in this Parish: Deceased 1693.

Nathaniel Barnard the Elder, late of Langford in the County of Somerset, Esq; 1685. Also, Nathaniel Barnard, Gent. his eldest Son, 1688.

Joice Robertson, Relict of Alexander Robertson of Uxbridge, 1686.

John Dickins, 1694: And Katharine Dickins, his Widow: Who, some Time before her Death, was a Benefactrice to this Church. And by her last Will and Testament bequeathed several Legacies, to be given to the Poor of this Parish presently after her Death: And the Profits of 50l. for ever, to the Master of the School belonging to this Town, for teaching of such poor Children to read, write, and cast Accompt, whose Parents are not able to pay for the same. She dyed, aged 84, 1702.

Anthony Carnaby, aged 84, 1678.

Dorothy, Daughter to John Thomas, Esq; 1686. Aged one Year. This Stone is never to be taken up, nor undermined, nor the Ground stirred within five Inches of either Side, nor four Foot farther Eastward, except for the Father or Mother; as may be seen by the great Church Book, and by a Silver Bason given to the Church.

That Stone was never laid upon the Grave; nor what is above-written, entered into the great Church Book; the Bason being pawned for as much as it was worth, and bought by the Churchwardens: Who caused it to be melted down, and more Silver added to it, for the Use of the Minister at the Communion.

Thomas and Elizabeth Roberts, 1687.

Henry Willaston, Son and Heir of Will. Willaston, Esq; 1695.

Obrian, the Son of Obrian Feltham, Esq; ten Months old, 1682/3.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY