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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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The Circuit Walk. Chelsea, Fulham.72

The Circuit Walk. Chelsea, Fulham.

Sacred to the Memory of the Honourable Dame Grisel, Relict of the Honourable Sir John Laurence, late of Iver in the County of Bucks, Kt. and Bar. 1675. Aged 80. A fruitful Parent of Childrens Childrens Children.

Sacred to the Memory of Henry, Turkey Merchant, youngest Son of Sir John Laurence, Kt. and Bart. 1665.

The Excellent Mrs. Frances Laurence, second Daughter to Sir John Laurence aforesaid, by Dame Grisel his only Wife.

Sacred to the Memory of Sir John Laurence, late of Iver in the County of Bucks, Kt. and Bart. 1656.

North Ile. Thomas Larrance: Noted before.

Sacred to the Memory of Sara Wife to Richard Colvile of Newton in the Ile of Ely, Esq; Daughter to Tho. Laurence of Iver, Esq; 1631.

Wonder not, Reader, how this Stone
Should be so smooth and pure. Here's One,
That lies within't, by whose fair Light,
It shines so clear, and looks so bright, &c.

Chancel. South Wall.

D.O.M. Elizabethæ, Equitis Theodori de Mayerne Baronis Albonæ Filiæ, Petri de Caumont Marchionis de Cugnac, &c. uxori dulcissimæ, &c. mœreus posuit. Ob. 1653. Vixit annos xx.

Sir Thomas More's Monument near Mayernes; of which Sir Thomas Mention is made before. His Coat of Arms appears with many Quarterings.

Middle Ile. The Return of Baldwin Hameis, Dr. of Physic, 1676.

South Side of the Church.

Here sleeps; and feels no Pressure of this Stone,
He that had all the Gorges Souls in one, &c.

The generous and worthy Gentleman Arthur Gorges, Esq; eldest Son of Sir Arthur Gorges, Kt. The last surviving Branch of the first Male Line of that Honourable Family: 1668.

North Wall.

Pientissimæ & Sanctissimæ Heroinæ, nec non tam avitis Imaginibus quam propriis Virtutibus inlustris, Dominæ JANÆ CHEYNE, excellentissimi Dni GULIELMI Ducis de Novo Castro Filiæ, &c. CAROLI CHEYNE Armigeri, Conjugis dilectissimæ, &c. 1669. She lies within the Chancel in the middle Vault.

Charles Cheyne Viscount of Newhaven in the Kingdom of Scotland, and Lord of this Manor of Chelsey: Buried in the same Vault with the Lady Jane his Wife above-named. He dyed 1698.

James Buck, Esq; 1680, Son to Matthew Buck, Esq; of Winterburn in the County of Gloucester.

Here also, in this Parish, lived and dyed, (tho' not buried) the Right Noble and High Born Dutchess of Somerset, some time Wife to Edward Duke of Somerset, Protector and Unkle to King Edward the Sixth. Of the Place of her Habitation there is Mention in the Records of the Rolls. That the Marquess of Winchester, then Lord Treasurer of England, had an House in Chelsea, (situated where now stands Beaufort House) and he having a Mind to change some Lands with Robert Richardson, then Rector of Chelsea; the said Robert did by Deed, bearing Date May 3, 1566, grant and confirm unto the said Marquess about 18 Acres of Glebe Land, and to his Heirs forever. Which Grant was confirmed by Edmund [i.e. Grindal] Lord Bishop of London, as Ordinary and Diocesan: And by Anne Dutchess of Somerset, who had a Grant from Q. Elizabeth, dated July 3. Eliz. 2do. of the Manour and Advouson thereof for her Life: And also Q. Elizabeth herself, as having the Reversion and Perpetuity of Right and Patronage after the Death of the said Anne Dutchess of Somerset. The said Dutchess was buried in Westminster Abby, in a darksome Chapel on the right Hand, a little beyond the first Entrance. The Inscription (by reason of the Darkness hard to read) importing her to be the Daughter of Sir Edward Stanhope by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter of Sir Foulk Bourchier, Lord Fitzwarren, who was descended from Thomas of Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester, Son to King Edward III. She dyed on the 10th of April, 1577.

5. Par. 8. Eliz.

Dutchess of Somerset's House in Chelsea.

Mr. King, Rector of Chels.

Manour and Advouson of Chelsea.



Here the Bishops of London have an ancient Palace, where they usually reside in the Summer Time. It hath a fair Church, in which are these Monuments.


A Monument at the Upper End of the Chancel hath this Inscription.

HIC situs est Gulielmus Billesby, Eques Auratus, Fisci Regii ostiarius, cum Anna uxore, è Familia Brogravia. Quæ illi peperit duas Filias, Franciscam & Margaretam, totidemque Filios, qui infantes obierunt.     
Obiit ille 25 Martii 1607.     
Illa 27 Maii 1608.

Francisca Filia primogenita, primum nupta Joanni Madocks, Armigero, postea Thomæ Walker, Armigero, Fisci Regii ostiario. Obiit die 6. Novembris 1607, & hic parentibus tumulatur. Margarita altera Filia enupta Hugoni Parlor de Plumsted, Armigero. Obiit & in Ecclesia Sanct. Margaretæ Westmonasterii requiescit.

Another Monument on the South Side of the Choir, with this Inscription.

Thomæ Smitho Equiti Aurato, Regii Majestati, à supplicum libellis, & ab Epistolis Latinis, viro doctrina, prudentiaque singulari, Francisca Guil. Baronis Chandois filia, optimo Marito Conjux Mœstiss. plorans posuit. Obiit 28. die Novemb. 1609.

Another Monument on the South Side the Choir with this Inscription.

Epitaphium D. Gulielmi Buttii Equitis Aurati, &     
Medici Regis Henrici Octavi, qui obiit     
An. Dom. 1545. Novem. 17.

Quid Medicina valet? quid Honos? quid Gratia Regum?     
Quid popularis Amor, Mors ubi sæva venit?
Sola valet pietas, quæ structa est, Auspice Christo,     
Sola in morte valet, cætera cuncta fluunt.
Ergo mihi in vita fuerit quando omnia Christus,     
Mors mihi nunc lucrum, vitaque Christus erit.

Epitaphium hoc primitus inscriptum pariete, & situ jam penè exesum, sic demum restitutit Leonardus Buttis, Armiger, Norfolciensis. Oct. 30, 1627. Amoris ergô.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY