Strype, Survey of London(1720), [online] (hriOnline, Sheffield). Available from:
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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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Hester Crayford, Daughter and Heir of William Crayford, Esq; 1654.

Katharin Moor, Widow, late Wife of Marmaduke Moor, of the Parish of St. Martins in the Fields, Esq; She was Daughter of William Asfordby of Asfordby in Bilsby in Lincolnshire, Esq; Ob. 1667.

Anne the Widow of Sir William Tufton, Kt. and Bart. Daughter of Cecil Cave of the County of Leicester, Esq; 1649. These before are upon Tables and Hatchments.

Capt. Francis Stacy, 1674. And Mary his Wife, 1684.

A Table for Annabella Humble, Daughter of Will. Humble, Esq; and Elizabeth his Wife, 1652.

In the Church is the Picture of K. Charles I. at his Devotions:

And likewise the Picture of Q. Elizabeth, who was born at Greenwich: Under which is this Distick:

Olim parva fuit Grenovicum villa, sed ortu     
Virginis Augustæ clarior urbe micat.

On the North Side of the Church:

A Tablet in the Wall for Mary Ward, late Wife of Richard Ward, Esq; mentioned before.

Thomas Hixon of Greenwich, Esq; Wardrobe Keeper to Q. Elizabeth and K. James. Married Margaret Daughter to Tho. Manley, and had Issue five Sons and two Daughters.

His Son Humphrey of Greenwich, Esq; was afterwards Keeper of the Standing Wardrobe there, and married Mary Daughter to John Bradshaw of Bradshaw in the County of Lancaster.

Joseph Son of Nathaniel Horneby of this Parish, Esq; 1684. Aged 7.

Hic jacet ille puer, dolor unus & una Voluptas,     
Qui moriens vitæ gaudia mille rapit, &c.

Mary Smith, Wife of Rob. Smith, Citizen and Mason of London, 1694.

Richard Davers, 1678.

West End of the South Ile.

M.S. En! ad pedes tuos, Lector, Stus. Johannes Clark, Gen. quod mortale deposuit: Vir optimus, moribus suavis, serenus mente, Facultatis suæ felix ornamentum, Deo & Ecclesiæ semper devotissimus, &c. Uxorem duxit Mariam Gulielmi Turner ex agro Somersettensi Equitis filiam. Ex qua suscepit liberos, Janam, Gulielmum, & Mariam.

Ralph Dallans, Organ-maker, deceased while he was making this Organ: Begun by him Feb. 1672. James White, his Partner, finished it, and erected this Stone, 1673.

Nicolas Turner, 1686.
St. John Clark, Sept. 27, 1680.
Anne Denew, 1665.
Capt. William Baxter, 1686.

In the Church-yard of Greenwich.

South Side.

Mary Tuke, Wife of George Tuke of East Greenwich, Esq; 1662.

William Collet, 1618.

Francis Clarke, Mas. 1664.

Over the East Door.

This Door was rebuilt by the Feoffes of Will. Stanton, a good Benefactor to this Church, Poor of the Town, and Poor of Mr. Lambard's College. He gave a Perpetuity yearly of 40s. to each of them, as by his own Will appeareth.

The Body of Tho. Hixon of Greenwich, Esq; Master of the Soldier under Henry IV King of France; Gentleman of the Bedchamber to Q. Elizabeth, and Keeper of the Standing Wardrobe at Greenwich unto Q. Elizabeth and K. James: Espoused Margaret, Daughter to Tho. Manley, second Son of Tho. Manley in the County of Chester, Esq;

By the Door, against the Wall.

Hic jacet Gulielmus Boreman, Armig. Qui cum Reginæ Elizabethæ, Regibusque Jacobo & Carolo LX annis fidelissime

The rest not legible. But the same Inscription is preserved on a Tomb hard by, viz.

Hic jacet Gulielmus Boreman, Armiger, Qui cum Reginæ Elizabethæ Regibusque Jaco. & Caro. (decursis LX annis) fidelissime servisset animam Deo pacatè reddidit ult. Junii, Anno Salutis 1646. Ætatisque suæ 82. Recumbunt hic pariter Jana Conjux ipsius probatissima. Amborum filiæ Susanna & Jana hoc insusurrant, OMNES POSTERI, QUOD SUMUS ERITIS.

Dulcibella Boreman, 1675.

By the great North Door:

John Warner Esq; Son of Novel Warner, Esq; Master of the Barges to K. Charles II, K. James, and K. William, 1694.

Richard Warner Senior, Esq; Master of the Barges to Q. Elizabeth: Dyed 1612.

Richard Warner Junior, Esq; Master of the Barges to K. James, 1625.

Nowel Warner, Esq; Son to Richard Warner Junior, Master of the Barges to King Charles I, and King Charles II, 1662.

Richard Warner, Merchant, eldest Son to Nowel Warner, 1653.

Thomas Sheffield, Esq; one of his Majesty's Sewers of his Hall, Keeper of the Manour of Greenwich; Supervisor and Keeper of his Majesty's Gardens and Orchards at Greenwich, 1613.

Captain William Higgin of East Greenwich, 1698.

East Church-yard.

Susanna Robinson, late Wife of Sir Rob. Robinson, Kt. 1673. And four Children.



THere is at Greenwich a fair College built, fronting pleasantly the Thames, for Maintenance of twenty poor Men, and a Master: Founded and well endowed by Henry Earl of Northampton, and committed by him to the Care of the worshipful Company of Mercers of London.

In this College is a fair Chapel, where the Body of the said Noble Peer is laid. Whose said Body, together with his Monument, was lately translated by the said Company from the Chapel of Dover Castle hither: Where is a most sumptuous Mausolæum erected for him.

There is a black Marble in the Resemblance of a Stone Coffin, resting upon Pedestals. Four Figures in white Stone, on the Corners of the Fabrick, resembling the four cardinal Vertues.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY