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Post cujus mortem dict. Nicolaus authoritate Concessionis predict. dilect. & fidelem Subditum nrum. Magistr. Degoreum Watur Presbyterum, in Decretis Baccalaur. ad Vicariam predict. cum suis juribus & pertinientiis universis, vobis in forma juris presentaverit. Quod utiq; non obstante vos dict. Magistrum Degorium ab Institutione & Inductione ad dict. Vicariam vigore dict. Presentationis multimodis viis quampluries, ut intelligimus, dilatastis: Et quendam Magistrum Ricum. Fox, Clericum, nunc & ad tunc existentem cum magno Rebelle nro. Henrico ap Tudder nuncupat. Comit. Richmond, in dict. Vicariam promovisse proposuistis, in nostram derogationem, & prejudicium juris & Tituli predict. Magistri Degorei, ut informamur.

Unde idem Magist. Degorius nobis & Concilio nostro, lamentabilites conquestus est, supplicando nobis ut de congruo remedio pro ipso in hac parte providere vellemus. Super quibus non tantum una vice, bina vice scripsimus vobis, sed etiam misimus vobis de Concilio nro. rogando & exhortando vos ex parte nra. quatenus dict. Magistrum Degorium juxta Presentationem dict. Nichi. & jus suum, sinautem authoritate nra. in dict. Vicariam cum suis jurib. & pertinentiis universis, presentat. instituere & inducere voluissetis: Quod ita peragere similiter dilatastis. Attamen misistis nobis & Consilio nro. vestras mentem & intentionem oretenus per Johann. Asheby unum clericor. de nro. Signeto, dicendo, quod in casu quo compertum & probatum fuisset, quod dict. Ricardus Fox extitisset cum dict. Rebelle nro. quod tunc haberemus authoritatem nram. & jus presentandi Vicarie predict. talem Personam qualem in ea parte complaceremur. Et quoniam firmiter intelligimus ut vob. in presenti significamus quod dict. Ricard. Fox est cum dict. Rebelle nro. consilio, favore & auxilio, quantum in se est, contra nos & Regnum nostrum, & Pacis nre. & omnium nostror. fidelium subditorum ejusd. Regni nri. Et pro eo quod dict. Nicolaus jus suum presentandi ad dict. Vicariam nob. concessit. Igitur sciatis, quod Nos tam aucte nra. nobis concessa, quàm ex Concessione ejusd. Nichi prefatum Magistr. Degorium Watur ad dict. Vicariam cum suis juribus & pertinentiis vob. tenore presentium presentamus: Affectans & desiderans vos. quatenus ad nram. Contemplationem ipsum Magistrum Degorium Watur ad eand. Vicariam admittere, ipsúmq; Vicarium in ead. cum suis jurib. & pertinentiis universis canonicè instituere velitis: Ceteráq. peragere que vro. in hac parte incumbunt officio pastorali dignemini cum favore, omnibus Exceptionibus, dilationibus & interp. postpositis. Dat. sub signeto nro. infra placeam nram. de Garderoba in Civitat. nra. London. 22mo secundo die Januarii An. Dom. secundum cursum & computationem Eccles. Anglicane Millessimo Quadringentesimo Octogesimo quarto.

But notwithstanding this Letter of the King, Watur had not the Vicarage, but Fox obtained it. Whose Name stands in the Bishop of London's Register, next after Luke deceased.

Among the Vicars of this Church were two in the Reign of King Henry the Eighth, of eminent Note, both Deans of St. Paul's; the one Dr. John Colet, the Founder of St. Paul's School; and the other Dr. Pace, that had been the King's Embassador in foreign Parts.

The Parsonage and Vicarage of this Parish of Stepney, were purchased some Years ago by the Principal and Scholars of King's Hall and College of Brazen Nose, Oxon. with the perpetual Advousons, Donations, Rights of Patronage and Presentation to the said Rectory, Parsonage, and Vicarage; which, before the said Purchase, was granted to others. And also the perpetual Advousons, Donations, and Rights of Parsonage and Presentation of and to the Rectory or Parsonage of St. Mary Matfelon, alias White Chapel. And also of and to the Rectory or Parsonage of St. John Wapping. And also a Lease of the said Rectory of Stepney, formerly granted for three Lives, whereof one of them then in Being. Which said Lease, Advousons, Donations, and Rights of Parsonage, were, and stood vested in Trustees, in Trust for the only Benefit of the said Principal and Scholars of the said King's Hall, and College of Brazen Nose, and of their Successors and Assignes for ever; for the Payment of the Purchase-Money, they were obliged to borrow, and take up, being great Sums of Money, at Interest.

The Rectory and Vicarage of Stepney, purchased by Brazen Nose College:

And of St. Mary Matfelon:

And St. John Wapping.

For the confirming this Purchase to the said Principal and Scholars, and of the Advouson of Stepney, and the other Churches, and for the settling the same to the Benefit of the same College, an Act of Parliament was obtained about the Year 1710. By this Act it was declared, that the Right Reverend Father in God Henry late Lord Bishop of London, Ordinary of the said Church, and John Wright, the Vicar, were willing and desirous, that upon the Terms there mentioned, the said Vicarage should be for ever united to the said Rectory: And that the said Principal and Scholars should have and enjoy the yearly Pension and Sum of 106l to be issuing out of the said Rectory and Vicarage so united, and out of the Profits of the same; toward the reimbursing of the said Sums by them borrowed, and for the better Support of the College and Principal. And so, by Vertue of this Act, the said Advousons, Donations, Rights of Patronage and Presentations of those several Parishes, and all their Rights, Members, and Appurtinences, were for ever vested in and confirmed to the said Principal and Scholars, their Successors and Assigns.

Confirmed by Act of Parliament.

And the said Vicarage was for ever united and annexed to the Rectory. And the Rectory and Vicarage so united, to be deemed and called, The Rectory of Stebunheath alias Stepney. And John Wright the then Vicar, thereby to be constituted and appointed the actual and full Incumbent of the said Rectory and Vicarage, so united: And that without Dispensation, Institution, or Induction into the same; he paying, as long as he should remain Incumbent, the yearly Pension of 106l. unto the said Principal and Scholars, free of all Taxes and Payments whatsoever: The first quarterly Payment to begin at the Nativity of St. John Baptist, Anno 1711. And from and after the Death, Resignation, Cession, &c. of the said Wright, the said Rectory to be, and be considered and understood in the Law to be, and under the Term of two Moieties or Portions of the said Rectory. And that it shall and may be lawful for the said Principal and Scholars, and their Successors, under their Common Seal, to present two fit Persons, as Portionists, to the said united Rectory, in Manner following: One Person, by the Name of the Portionist of Stepney, [Ratcliff Stepney:] And the other Person, by the Name of the Portionit of Spittle-Fields Stepney: Who shall be severally admitted, instituted, and inducted, as two Portionists, into their several Portions of the united Rectory. And the said Principal and Scholars, and their Successors, from Time to Time, upon the Death, Resignation, Cession, Deprivation, &c. of any of the said Portionists, or any other Avoidance, to present a fit Person, to be instituted into such void Portion.

The said two Portionists to have their respective Cure of Souls of the Inhabitants of the said Parish; and alternately to serve, viz. One of the said Portionists to supply the Cure of his Parish, and perform all Duties belonging to the


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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY