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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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The Circuit Walk. St. Leonard's Bromley.108

The Circuit Walk. St. Leonard's Bromley.

In this Monument of Roberts are represented two Women sitting in a mourning Posture, with Palms in their Hands. The Coat is Baron and Femme. Baron quarterly, 1. Or, a Lion rampant, Gules. 2. A Bow extended in Fesse, with an Arrow upon it in Pale. The Third as the Second, the Fourth as the First.

Next downwards, against the same South Wall, is the fair Monument of the Ferrers. Here you see a Man and Woman half Way, well cut in Stone: Both laying one Hand upon the same Death's Head, and in the other holding a Book. The Epitaph this:

Here lyeth the Body of William Ferrers, the only Son and Heir of William Ferrers, Esquire, late Citizen and Merchant of London. Who took to Wife Jane, one of the Daughters of Sir Peter Van-lore of London, Knight; by whom he had one Child. His Wife and Child both dyed before him; and he departed this Life a Month before his Father. He was a Gentleman of a religious Soul towards God, and a sweet Behaviour towards Men. And his Death was by his Kindred, and generally by all, much lamented. He dyed the 25th of August, 1625, and left his Uncle Thomas Ferrers his Executor; who to the Memory of him hath erected this small Monument.


In this most pure and blessed Shade,
(Such by the sacred Ashes made,
That here inhabit must) does lye
The Man, whose Vertues cannot dye.
His Alms, his Prayers, his Piety,
Have sent his Soul above the Sky.

Nature full well had taught his Wife,
To sum her Hours in pious Life:
To God, to Friend, to Poor, to all,
She was as good as we dare call
Frail Flesh: Good Passenger give praise
To them who liv'd such happy Days.]

His Coat was, Argent, a Bend Gules, charged with three Horseshoes Or, between two Bendlets Azure.

The Epitaph for the Child of the said Ferrers was,

As Nurses strive their Babes in Bed to hie,
When they too liberally the Wantons play;
So, to prevent his future grievous Crimes,
Nature, his Nurse, got him to Bed betimes.

In the same Church was this written in a Place where Bread was set to be disposed to the Poor.

This Bread is given to the Poor, for the Honour of God, and to the Memory of William Ferrers the younger, by Thomas Ferrers, his Executor.

A. M.

In the Chancel still:

Upon the Ground, on a Brass Plate:

Of your Charity pray for the Soul of Roger Horton, Citizen and Goldsmith of London, and Margaret his Wife. Which Roger deceased the 15th Day of January, A. Dom. M CCCCCLVI. On whose Soul Jesu have Mercy.

The Effigies in Brass on this Stone, is a naked Man, only wrapt in a Sheet, holding his Hands together in a praying Posture.

The Coat of Arms on the Stone is the Goldsmiths Arms impaled with that of the Fishmongers.

Next adjoining, on the Ground, a Man in Brass between his two Wives.

Here lyeth the Body of Thomas Graye, Citizen and Grocer of London, the eldest Son of Alexander Graye. He had two Wives, Elizabeth and Barbara. He had Issue by his first Wife four Sons and two Daughters. Elizabeth dyed the 5th Day of Jan. 1580. The said Thomas dyed the 30th of Jan. 1590; when he had lived 62 Years.

Next this, on the Ground, another Stone with an Effigies in Brass.

Here lyeth the Body of Mr. Michael Barker, Gentleman: Who having lived 62 Years, a quiet Life in very honest Fame, dyed in the Faith of our Saviour Christ the 16th Day of Aug. 1599; leaving only one Daughter.

Against the North Wall in the Chancel, nearest the East.

Here underneath lyeth, in Hope of a blessed Resurrection, the Body of Sir Richard Munden, Kt. one of his Majesty's Captain's at Sea. Who having been (what upon publick Duty, and what upon Merchants Accounts) succesfully engaged in fourteen Sea Fights, after several considerable Exploits, and singular Services performed to his King and Country, (whereof that of taking St. Helena is not to be forgotten) dyed, in the Prime of his Youth and Strength, in the 40th Year of his Age June the 2d, A.D. 1680.
He had to Wife Mrs. Susanna Gore; by whom he left one Son Richard, born since his Father's Death, and five Daughters, Susanna, Elizabeth Dorothy, Anne, and Rachel.

Think, Reader, how every Man, even at his best Estate, is Vanity, Psal. 39. 5.

The Shield is born Baron and Femme. Baron quarterly, 1. Parted per Cross Gules and Sable, the Cross engrailed Argent, charged with five Lozenges Azure. Upon a Chief Or, two Legs of a Crane erazed Vert. On a Canton ermin an Anchor Or.

In the Church hangs up the Hatchment and three Streamers of Sir William Cranmer, Kt. and sometime Governour of the Company of Hamburgh Merchants. His Coat, Argent, a Cheveron Az. charged with three Cinquefoils Or, between as many Pellicans Sable.

Another Hatchment. Az. a Fesse Arg. charged with a Lion passant Sable, between three Annulets Or. For Major Cowden.

Another Hatchment of Dame Turner, Wife of Sir William Turner, Kt. She dyed the 7th of May, 1681. Buried on the South Side of the Chancel.

Divers other Hatchments.

Will. Fowler dyed the 30th of March, 1663.

In the Porch is a very ancient Stone of some hundred Years old; on which is engraven in Letters Capital, resembling the Saxon Character, WODEHOUSE. Who was probably some Person of Quality buried in this Monastery.

In the Churchyard, a Vault with an Altar Monument erected over it, inscribed,

Mr. Thomas

© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY