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West Ham.113

West Ham.

four Daughters. The First married to Sir John Cuttler of London, Kt. and Bart. The Second to Arthur Onslow of Clandon in the County of Surrey, Bart. The Third to Sir John Lewis of Ledstone in the County of York, Kt. and Bart. The Fourth to Sir Francis Rolle of Tuderley in Hampshire, Kt.

Against the Wall on the South Side of the Chancel is a Monument for John eldest Son of Robert Faldo, Esquire. Who dyed May 22, An. 1613. Francis fifth Son of Robert Faldo: Dyed An. 1632.

John Fawcet, Gentleman, married to Jane the second Sister of the said Francis: Dyed An. 1625.

William Fawcet, the only Son of John, and Anne his eldest Daughter, 1636.

In a Side Chancel is a fair Monument, with the Effigies of William Fawcet of Upton. His Mother was a Daughter of Arnclif of York. He endowed with an honest Salary a Chapel of Haughton Gil. And built there a Free School. And gave 20s. for a yearly Sermon on the 5th of November. He dyed May 18, 1631. Aged 60.

William Toppesfield, a Justice of Peace, who married his Widow, set up this Monument in the Year 1636.

On the Pavement, under a fair Marble Stone, is buried James Wittewrongle, the Son of James Wittewrongle, a Fleming: A singular Friend to the Ministers of the City, a Mecœnas of studious Youth, a Favourer of Piety and Learning. Dyed the 5th of June, Anno 1622. Aged 64.

Sir Robert Smith, Kt. and Bart. dyed the 13th of June 1669, being 75 Years of Age. And Judith his Wife departed in the Year 1653. Aged 48.

Mrs. Jane Pyot, Daughter of Sir Rob. Smith, Bart. Wife of Mr. John Pyot, dyed 1684. Aged 28.

In one of the Side Chancels lies Thomas Salter, Citizen of London. And departed June the 12th, 1640.

On the Wall is engraven,

Thomas Rookes, Esquire, Captain of the Trained Bands of this Hundred: Descended of the antient Family of Rookes of this Parish. He gave a yearly Contribution of 5l. to this Parish for ever. He had two Wives and seven Children. And dyed Oct. 5. 1630.

Thomas Staples of West Ham, Tanner, deceased the 22d of July 1592. He gave 20s. a Year for ever to the Poor of the Parish. His Effigies in Brass still remains, with his four Wives, Ann, Margaret, Denise, and Alice.

Tho. Wilmer, second Son of George Wilmer of West Ham, Esquire,

At the lower End of the Church Nicolas Avenant lyeth, with a Table Monument set over him; Citizen and Merchant Tayler of London. Who gave 5l. 4d. for ever, to be distributed in Bread upon every Sunday after Morning Prayer He dyed July 1599. His Wives were Katharine and Margaret.

There is also an antique Table Monument, that joyneth to the Vestry, and standeth just behind Sir Tho. Foot's Monument. There is no Inscription, but no Question was set up for one of the Lord Abbots of Stratford. There be these Coats of Arms upon the Monument: An Angel with a Cross on his Head, holding an Escutcheon on his Breast with both his Hands, with a Cheveron charged with three Tuns, as it seems, between as many Garbs. The Colours not visible.

Another Bearing: Three Coats palewise: The first is, A Pal, charged with Crosses, and a Crosier. The second, Three Eagles Heads erazed: And the third, the former Coat mentioned, that was held by the Angel.

At the Head of the Monument is a Man, as it seemeth, cloathed in a Surplice, standing in a Glory. His Hand advanced a little toward his Breast. On the left Hand is something like a Chalice, or rather a Bottle, standing upon his Hand.

On the North Side of this Monument is the Coat of Arms of London, that is, The Red Cross and the Dagger. And in another Place the Arms of the Goldsmiths. As being probably a Member of that Guild, or Fraternity: For those Companies were founded commonly in Religion. In another Place stands the Cross, with the Crown of Thorns hanging upon the upper Part of it. And in a 4th Place on this North Side are the three Coats impaled, as before is mentioned. The first is, Gules, a Pal, charged with Crosses Patee Sable. Over the Pal, another open Cross, the lowest Point thereof Flowry. The three Eagles here are in full Proportion, not their Heads erazed as above.

On the opposite Side of the Chancel, against a Pillar, is a fair Monument, erected by the Reverend Mr. Buckridge, to the Memory of all his Children, deceased: With the Figures of his Son in a Gown, and his Daughter, both kneeling: And of another Daughter advanced on the Top of the Monument, also kneeling: Besides the Heads, in Marble, of four more dying young: Having this Inscription, viz.

Near this Place lie interred the Bodies of Amhurst eldest Son of Nicolas and Eleonaora Buckeridge, A.M. and Fellow of St. John's College, Oxon. who dyed March 22, 1709, in the 29th Year of his Age, and of Elizabeth their eldest Daughter, who dyed September 27th, 1698, in the 16th Year of her Age; and of Eleonora their second Daughter, who dyed Apr. 4, 1710, in the 26th Year of her Age; and of Annabella their third Daughter, who dyed about 11 Months old; and of Anne their fourth Daughter, who dyed in the 6th Year of her Age; and of Nicolas their second Son, who dyed about 2 Months old; and of William their third Son, who dyed about 11 Months old.
Of these, Amhurst and Eleonora lived to be remarkable for their great Dutifulness to their Parents, for their most affectionate Kindness to and Fondness for one another, and for their being inoffensive and obliging to every Body. These both died of the Small Pox in 13 Days Time, one after the other. And whether the Grief of Eleonora for her Brother's Death, or the Small Pox, contributed most to her Death, is uncertain. They were, indeed, lovely and pleasant in their Lives, and but a very little divided in their Deaths.
And to their Dear Memory is this Monument erected.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY