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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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The Circuit Walk. Walthamstow.118

The Circuit Walk. Walthamstow.

By Vertue of his Death, that was the Death of Death; and in Vigour of his Resurrection, and that the Resurrection and the Life, even her victorious JESUS; here rests deposited to the assured Hope of Immortality and Glory, all that was mortal of that Religious and Christian Matron, Dame MARY MERRY, last and for ever the most desired Consort of Sir Thomas Merry of Walthamstow in the County of Essex, Kt. A Lady whom, if either intensive Piety to her God, or extensive Charity to her Neighbour: If Faithfulness to her Celestial, or Fidelity to her Terrestrial Spouse: If the Desires of her Friends, the Prayers of her Children, or the Tears of the Poor, could have embailed from the common Frailty, she had not, Reader, in these perishable Postures, stood the sad Remembrancer of their Loss, and thy Mortality.
Seeing she is gone, go speed thyself, frail Dust, of a Monument of like permanent Vertues. They, they they the likliest Morals to transmit thy Memory to Posterity, that have perpetuated hers to Eternity.

By a short Inscription following, (viz. Thomas Merry Eques auratus Consors, &c.) it appears she dyed Anno 1632, and he, in his Life Time, erected it in a dear Remembrance of her.

Under his Effigies the Inscription is wanting. There be two Heads of Men set under him, and two of Women, dressed in their Hair, under her: their Children, no doubt.

Under her, likewise, besides the Epitaph above, are added these Verses set in Gold; whereof the Tradition is, that Sir William D'avenant was the Composer.

Posteritati æmulæ Sacrum.

Tho 'tis but vain to raise dead Stones to Her,
Whose Vertues their own live Inscription were:
Yet, not to envy future Times their Part,
Of what a Wife's Loss hath gain'd on my Heart,
I have this hardy Pile inspir'd to mutter,
Plaints that would break a Widow'd Heart to utter.
The Top of conjugal Obedience,
The Pattern of unconquer'd Patience,
The Closet of religious Prayer retir'd,
The Altar which devout Zele daily fir'd.
The Life of discrete Hospitality,
The Soul of Home-affecting Housewifry,
The rare Example of maternal Care,
Dead in this one Urn, and con are
Press gently, Earth, and keep each Grain in Trust,
'Till Heaven reit of this rich Dust.

On the North Side of the Communion Table is an ancient fair Table Monument of Sir GEORGE MONOX, Kt. and his Lady; the Brass Plates pulled off. A Label with these Words on a Brass Plate, coming out of his Mouth, O Lord shew thy Mercy upon us. Another Label with these Words out of hers, O Lord, give to us thy Salvation. This Gentleman, (who lived at Moons) was the Noble Benefactor before spoken of, and was the Founder of the Hopsital and School situated in the Churchyard: And also endowed them well; but much of the Endowment withdrawn. For the Recovery of which, Endeavours have been made more than once, at Commissions for charitable Uses: But as yet to none Effect.

Lower down on that Side of the Chancel, is a very fair Monument arched over: Where is the Effigies of a Lady upon her Knees: And this Inscription:

Sir EDWARD STANLEY erected this Monument for a Testimony of his Love which he bear to his Wife, Lady LUCIE, and his four Daughters deceased.

Two other Effigies of Women praying, and this written between them:

The Souls of the Saints live.

On the other Side of the Monument:

THOMAS STANLEY, Kt. second Son of Edward Earl of Darby, L. Stanley and Strange, deceased, from the Family of the Stanleys; married Margaret Vernon, one of the Daughters and Coheirs of Sir George Vernon of Nether Haddon in the County of Derby, Kt. By whom he had Issue two Sons, Henry and Edward: Henry dyed an Infant. Edward survived, (to whom these Lordships descended) and married Lady Lucie Percy, second Daughter to Thomas Earl of Northumberland: And by her he had Issue seven Daughters, and one Son. She and four Daughters, Arabella, Mary, Alice and Priscilla, are interred under a Monument in the Church of Walthamstow in the County of Essex. Thomas, her Son, dyed an Infant, and is buried in the County of Lancaster. The other three, Petronella, Frances, and Venetia, are living.

Another Stone, and two Brass Plates of a Man and a Woman, with another Brass Plate underneath both, and these Latin Verses inscribed:

Filia PORTERI, Thalamis Sociata, sed HALO,     
Granta me genuit, nunc tegor hoc tumulo.
Quatuor en! natos, natas totidémq; relinquo.     
Nunc quoq; cum Christo, qui vocat, ecce, migro.
Terra fui, Cinis & Pulvis: tamen ista resumo,     
Cum sanctis vivens judice læta Deo.
Vos orate, pii Lectores, quilibet ergo;     
Dicat quisq; pius, Propitiato Deus.

In the North Chancel, a Stone with a Brass Plate, and this inscribed on it:

Here lyes the Corps of Thomas Brown,     
Esquire, engrav'd in Ground;
Whose cunning Skill and Conscience eke,     
The Chequer Court doth sound.
A Man who living fed the Poor,     
And feasted Friend and Foe:
Did Good to many, Hurt to none,     
And feared God also.
Yet dreadful Death bereft his Life,     
His Body turn'd to Dust:
His Soul with God, I hope, doth rest,     
And reign among the Just.
24. of Decemb. 1582.

Against the North Wall in this Chancel, on a Brass Plate, is this Memorial of Will. Rowe, of the ancient Family of the Rowes of this Parish:

GULIELMUS ROWE de Higham Hill in Comitat. Essex, Generosus, Thomæ Rowe Miles natu tertius, Oxonii in Collegio Merton. optimarum artium studiis præclare institutus, cum summa laude non solum domi Mag. in Artibus adeptus est Dignitatem; sed etiam foris in Germania & Gallia, ob summam eruditionem & pietatem, viris eruditis, præcipuè autem Immanueli Tremellio, & Theodoro Bezæ, longè charissimus fuit. In matrimonium duxit Annam Cheney, Joannis Cheyney


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY