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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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APPENDIX of Additions, &c.

SUNDRY Matters of Note coming to Hand, since the finishing of this Work, being of Use, and tending to the farther Improvement of it; it was necessary to add an Appendix, for the repositing and preserving of them; and likewise for the supplying any Omissions, or rectifying any Errors. Which is done with References to the proper Places, whereunto they do belong.

BOOK I, Chap. 4. p. 22.b. At the End of this Chapter of Gates and Posterns, it may be added, That divers other small Posterns were made, for the Convenience of some adjoining Inhabitants, through the City Walls, in the Reign of Q. Elizabeth: Which were complain'd of, and Endeavours made, for the more Safety of the City, to have them stopped up. Concerning which, the Chief Magistrate of the City, Sir John Spencer Maior, in the Year 1595, wrote thus to the L High Treasurer, and others of the Privy Council:

"....... There is one Thing, which I thought it my Duty to refer to your Honours Consideration: Which is, that there are some five or six small Postern Doors made through the City Walls, for the Ease of some Tenements: Which I have made some Motion to have stopped up, as things dangerous. But by reason that they which hold the same take themselves interessed therein, it hath much Opposition. In which Respect I could wish, that some Letters were directed from your Honours, [i.e. of the Queen's Privy-Council] for some Reformation in that Behalf, if it shall so seem good to your Wisdoms."

Ibid. p. 27.b. after lin. 25, add: As the Supply of the City by Thames Water, at the Bridge, is undertaken by a Company; so, of late, the like Supply is made at a farther Distance Westward, in York Buildings, to be raised here, managed by a like joint Society, consisting of a Governour and Members. And for the effecting this to good Purpose, there is a Subscription made to a Fund of 200,000l. for purchasing forfeited and other Estates in Great Britain, for granting Annuities for Life, and for assuring Lives. The Court and Meetings of this Company, are kept in Mercers Hall.

Ibid. p.29, l.31. Instead of In Dorcetshire, read In Oxfordshire. P. 77,b. l. penult. r. Additions. P.88,b. l. ab im. 6. r. MDCCCCXCIV, one C being wanting there.

Ibid. Chap. 22. p.125.a. Where Mention is made of a remarkable Lecture, called the Mathematical Lecture, set up by Hood, for the Instructing of the Citizens in Arms, I add his Petition made to the Lords and others of the Privy Council, to recommend to the Maior and Aldermen the speedy Execution of the same, and Establishing of his Salary. Which Petition the said Lords referred to the L. Treasurer, a great Forwarder and Friend to all Devices, worthy, honourable, and useful to the City and Kingdom. Which encouraged the said Mathematic Reader to make the following Address to that great Statesman.

"Euoratt?n. May it please you, Right Honourable, to understand, that forsomuch as the Maintenance of the Mathematical Lecture, and other Necessaries belonging thereunto, dependeth especially upon the Execution of certain Articles confirmed by the Right Honourable the Lords of her Majesty's Privy Council, concerning the Capitains of the Trained Bands in the City of London, and the erecting of a Mathematical Lecture therein; I did therefore, in humble Manner, request their favourable Letters to the L. Maior and his Brethren for the speedy Execution of the said Articles. To my Petition I received this Answer: That it pleased the Right Honourable Lords, in my Behalf, to direct Letters to my Lord Maior and his Brethren, requesting them to move those which had been Contributaries to my Lectures, to continue their Benevolence towards the same as they had begonne. The which Answer, Rt. Honourable, as it seemed greatly to favour my Preferment, so I am bound to be thankful for the same. But considering, that my Wages dependeth not upon the Contribution of any certain Number of Men, but upon the Promise of the L. Maior and the City, I feared that their Honours Letters so directed, would be an Hindrance to my Purpose: I was bold, therefore, to renew my Petition unto their Lordships: Whereunto an Answer was returned in these Words, That their Honours were ready to grant the same, so far forth as your Honour would consent thereunto."

Hood's Petition concerning his Mathematical Lecture.

"Wherefore my Request unto you, Rt. Honourable, is this; that considering my Petition containeth nothing prejudicial to the Honour and Profit of the Commonwealth; or that hath not by your Lordships Hand been adjudged convenient, and earnestlie requested by the whole City, it wolde please your Lordship to further the same. And I doubt not, but as I shall think myself bound unto your Honour, and the rest, for your great and singular Favour, so you shall have just Occasion to say, (in respect of that Good, which, by mine Endeavour shall arise to the Commonwealth)"


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY