Strype, Survey of London(1720), [online] (hriOnline, Sheffield). Available from:
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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY


A Second APPENDIX.11


10, Cons. at Nottingham, Roger Arderne, Galfrid Peacock.
11, P. at Westm. Adam Ferthing, Rob. Hammond.
11, ditto, Thomas Coleman, Galfrid Peacock.
12, ditto, Galfrid Peacock, Alan Ferthing.
13, ditto, Thomas Coleman, Alan Ferthing.
14, ditto, Thomas Coleman, Thomas Ande.
14, ditto, Adam le Chandler, Will. Rickthorne.
15, ditto, Galfrid Peacock, Thomas Coleman.
17, ditto, Walter de Peletere, Will. le Brewere.
18, ditto, Thomas Colman, Rob. torn.
20, ditto, Alan Farthing, Thomas Stamford.
22, ditto, Adam Farthing, Galfrid Peacock.
24, ditto, Will. atte Fenn, Elias Brughing.
No Returns nor Names, from 24 'till 28 Ed. 3.
28, P. at Westm. Elias de Braghyng, Tho. Kingston.
29, ditto, Thomas Kingston, Elias de Brughing.
31, ditto, Elias Braghyng, Thomas Kingston.
32, ditto, Elias de Braghyng, Thomas de Kyngeston.
34, ditto, Simon Plummer, John de Hales.
34, ditto, Simon Plummer, Thomas de Kingston.
36, ditto, John Mocking, John Hales.
37, ditto, John Halys, Tho. atte Hynde.
38, ditto, John Folvill, John Mocking.
39, ditto, Rob. Riffin, John Folvyll.
42, ditto, Will. Clitterley, Tho. Hollyere.
45, Council at Winchester, Thomas Dane.
46, P. at Westm. John Spershere, Thomas Gyle.
47, ditto, Thomas Hosyer, Will. Malton.
50, ditto, Thomas Croydon, Henry Bailly.



2, P. at Glocester, Will. Childerle, Henry Baylly.
3, P. at Westm. Thomas Torksey, Adam Pulter.
4, P. at Northampton, Galfrid Whitelef, Thomas Torksey.
6, P. at Westm. Roger Chaundler, Rich. Ford.
7, P. at Sarum, Stephen Skynnere, Thomas Spicer.
7, P. at Westm. John Burgeys, Rob. Barbour.
8, ditto, Thomas atte Gyle, Thomas Torksy.
9, ditto, Nich. Nevill, John Kirkby.
10, ditto, Henry Thimelby, Will. Beeche.
11, ditto, John Mocking, Will. Wintingham.
12, P. at Cambridge, Rich. atte Vine, Rog. Chaundeler.
15, P. at Westm. Will. Spaldynge, Walter Seagrave.
16, P. at Winchester, Tho. Solas, John Solas.
18, P. at Westm. John Mocking, John Solas.
20, ditto, Thomas Mocking, John atte Gyle.
21, ditto, John Mocking, Will. Derby.



1, P. at Westm. John Parker, Ralph Spalding.
3, ditto, John Mocking, John GÅ“fayne.
8, P. at Goucester, John Dekene, Tho. Coleman.



1, P. at Westm. Thomas Spencer, Will. Horton.
2, P. at Leicester, John Wellys, John Wyllyam.
3, P. at Westm. John Mockyng, John Solas.
5, ditto, Will. Kirton, John dekene.
7, P. at Gloucester, Thomas Spencer, John Baker.
8, P. at Westm. John Dekene, Will. Kirton.
9, ditto, Thomas Lucas, Thomas Dew.



1, P. at Westm. Will. Kirkton, Rich. Tiler.
3, ditto, Rich. Tiler, Will. Kirton.
4, P. at Leicester, Will. Gedyng, Roger Overton.
6, P. at Westm. Henry Purchas, Peter Saverey.
7, ditto, Adam Levelord, Will. Hawkesworth.
11, ditto, Will. Hawkesworth, Nich. Preest.
13, ditto, Adam Levelord, Will. Hawkesworth.
15, P. at Cambridge, Adam Levelord, Will. Brigges.
20, P. at Westm. Adam Levelord, Will. Kirton.
25, P. at Cambridge, Adam Levelord, Will. Redstone.
27, P. at Westm. John Rokesle, John Gloucestre,
28, ditto, Will. Kirkton, Will. Redstone.
29, ditto, Will. Kirkton, John Pemberton.
31, P. at Reading, Will. Phillipp, Will. Brygge.
38, P. at Coventry, Alexan. Fairford, Tho. Went.
38, P. at Westm. Will Kirkton, Roger Palmer.



7, P. at Westm. Richard Fingelden, John Hunt.
12, ditto, Robert Leylord, Thomas Avery.
17, ditto, Nicholas Gaynesford, John Holgreve.
The Writts, Indentures, and Returns, from 17 Edw. 4, to 33 Henry 8, all lost throughout England.



33, P. at Westm Robert Aston, Thomas Bulle.



1, P. at Westm. John Gate, Kt. Richard Fulmerston, Gent.
6, ditto, John Eston, Gent. John Sawyer.



1, P. at Westm. Humphrey Collet, John Sawyer.
1. P. at Oxford, John Eston, Esq; John Sawyer.
1 & 2, P. at Westm. John Eston, torn.
2 & 3, ditto, John Eston, Humphrey Collet.
4 & 5, ditto, John Eston, Esq; Rob. Freeman, Gent.



1, P. at Westm. torn.
5, ditto, Thomas Cure, Gent. Olifus Burre, Generosus.
13, ditto, Thomas Cure, Esq: Will. Wilson.
14, ditto, Olliffe Burr, Gent. Thomas Wey, Gent.
27, ditto, Thomas Way, Richard Hutton.
28, ditto, Tho. Cure, Esq; Rich. Hutton, Armorer.
31, ditto, Will. Pratt, Gent. Rich. Hutton Armorer.
35, ditto, Hugh Browker, Esq; Rich Hutton, Armorer.
39, ditto, Edward Bowyer, Esq; Rich. Hutton.
43, ditto, Matthew Dale, Zachary Locke, Esq;



1, P. at Westm. George Rivers, Esq; Will. Counden.
12, ditto, No Bundle or Return of this Parliament (who never sate above a Week, or thereabouts) extant any where.
18, ditto, Rich. Yarwood, Esq; John Bromfield, Esq;
21, ditto, Richard Yarwood, Robert Bromfield, Esqs. George Thompson, George Snelling, Esqs.



1, P. at Westm. Rich. Yarwood, Esq; Will Cox, Esq;
1, ditto, Rich. Yarwood, Esq; Will. Cox, Esq;
3, ditto,
15, ditto, Rob. Holbourne, Esq; Rich. Tufnell, Gent.
16, ditto, Edw. Bagshaw, Esq; John White, Esq;

Mock Parliaments in the Time of Oliver's Usurpation.
Anno 1653. The short Parliament, An. 1653, when no Members were returned for any City or Borough, except London, these were return'd for London.
Robert Titchborne, John Ireton, Samuel Moyer, John Langley, Henry Barton, Praise-God Barebone.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY