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Towers and Castles. Castle Baynard. 61

Towers and Castles. Castle Baynard.

nances, fell from the Possession of the Fitzwaters, I have not read; only I find, that in the Year 1428. the Seventh of Henry VI. a great Fire was at Baynards Castle; and that Humphrey Duke of Gloucester builded it new. By his Death and Attainder in the Year 1446. it came to the Hands of Henry VI. and from him to Richard Duke of York, of whom we read, that in the Year 1457, he lodged there as in his own House.

Baynard's Castle perished by Fire. Humphrey Duke of Gloucester new builded it.

Richard Duke of York, Owner of Baynard's Castle.

In the Year 1460, the 28th of February, the Earls of March and of Warwick, with a great Power of Men, (but few of Name) entred the City of London, where they were of the Citizens joyfully received; and upon the Third of March, being Sunday, the said Earl caused his People to be mustred in S. John's Field; where unto that Host was shewed and proclaimed certain Articles and Points, wherein King Henry, as they said, had offended; and thereupon it was demanded of the said People, Whether the said Henry was worthy to reign as King any longer, or not? Whereunto the People cried, Nay. Then it was asked of them, Whether they would have the Earl of March for their King? And they cried, Yea, yea. Whereupon certain Captains were appointed to bear Report thereof to the said Earl of March, then being lodged at his Castle of Baynard. Whereof when the Earl was by them advertised, he thanked God and them for their Election; notwithstanding, he shewed some Countenance of Insufficiency in him, to occupy so great a Charge; till by Exhortation of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of Excester, and certain Noblemen, he granted to their Petition. And on the next Morrow at Pauls, he went on Procession, offered, and had Te Deum sung. Then was he with great Royalty conveyed to Westminster, and there in the great Hall set in the King's Seat, with St. Edward's Scepter in his Hand.

Edward IV. elected in St. John's Field.

Earl of March lodgeth in his Castle Baynard.

Edward IV. took on him the Crown in Baynard's Castle.

In the Seventh Year of King Edward's Reign, many Men were arrested of Treason surmised against them, where-through many of them were put to Death, and other escaped for great Sums of Money. Amongst whom were, Sir Tho. Cooke, Sir John Plummer, Knights, Humphrey Heyward, and other Aldermen of London arrested, and charged with Treason: Whereof they were acquitted; but they lost their Goods to the King, to the Value of 40000 Marks, or more, as some have written. And for Example, Sir Tho. Cooke, lately before Lord Maior of London, was by one named Hawkins, appeached of Treason; for which he was committed to the Tower, his Place in London seized on by the Lord Rivers, and his Lady and Servants clearly put out thereof; the Cause being thus:

Ex Lib. Erswick.

Treason surmised against many Men.

Divers Aldermen unjustly charged with Treason.

The forenamed Hawkins came (upon a Time) to the said Sir Thomas Cooke, requesting him to lend him a Thousand Marks upon good Surety; whereunto he answered, that he would first know for whom it should be. At length understanding that it should be for the Use of Queen Margaret; he answered, He had no current Wares, whereof any Shift might be made, without too much Loss; and therefore required Hawkins to move him no further, for he intended not to deal therewithal. Yet the said Hawkins requested but one Hundred Pounds at length, and went away without it, or the Value of One Penny, and never after came again to move him. Which rested so for 2 or 3 Years after, till the said Hawkins was committed to the Tower; and brought at length to the Brake or Rack, commonly called, The Duke of Excester's Daughter, because he was the Deviser of that Torture. By means of which Pain, he revealed many Things; and among the rest, the Motion which he had made to Sir Thomas Cooke, was one. In regard whereof, the said Sir Thomas was troubled, as you have heard; and a Jury, by the means of Sir John Fogg, indicted him of Treason. After which, an Oyer Determiner was held in the Guild-hall, where sate the Lord Maior, the Duke of Clarence, the Earl of Warwick, the Lord Rivers, Sir John Fogge, with other of the King's Council.

The Reason of Sir Thomas Cooke's Troubles.

The Brake, or Rack in the Tower, usually called, The Duke of Excester's Daughter.

An Oyer Determiner for the Trial of Sir Thomas Cooke.

To this Place was the said Sir Thomas brought, and there arraigned upon Life and Death: Where he was acquitted of the said Indictment, and sent to the Compter in Breadstreet, and from thence to the King's Bench. Being thus acquitted, his Wife got Possession again of his House, the which she found in a very evil Plight; for the Servants of Sir John Fogge, and of the Lord Rivers, had made Havock of what they listed. Also, at his Place at Giddy Hall in Essex, another sort had destroyed the Deer in his Park, his Conies and Fish; and spared not Brass, Pewter, Bedding, and all that they could carry away; for which never a Penny might be gotten back again in Recompence, nor Sir Thomas Cooke be delivered, until he had paid 8000 Pounds to the King, and 800 Pounds to the Queen. And because that Sir John Markham, Knight, then Chief Justice of the Pleas, determined somewhat against the King's Pleasure (that the Offence done by Sir Thomas Cooke was no Treason, but Misprision, the which was no Desert of Death, but to be fined at the King's Pleasure:) the Lord Rivers, and the Dutchess of Bedford his Wife, procured, that he lost his Office afterward.

Sir Thomas Cooke acquitted by the Jury.

When Men are in Distress, much Spoil is made of them.

Sir John Markham, Lord Chief Justice, lost his Office for doing Justice.

Edward IV. being dead, leaving his eldest Son Edward, and his second Son Richard, both Infants; Richard Duke of Gloucester, then Protector, practised here for the Crown, and as it were by Election of the Commons in the Guild-hall of London, took on him the Title of the Realm, as offered and imposed upon him, in this Baynard's Castle, as ye may read set down and penned by Sir Thomas Moore, and in my Annals.

Richard the Third took on him the Crown in Baynard's Castle.

Henry the Seventh, about the Year 1487. the 31st of his Reign, repaired, or rather new builded this House, not imbattelled, or so strongly fortified Castle-like; but far more beautiful and commodious for the Entertainment of any Prince or great Estate. In the Seventh of his Reign, he, with his Queen, were lodged there, and came from thence to Paul's Church, where they made their Offering, dined in the Bishop's Palace, and so returned.

Baynard's Castle repaired by K Hen. VII.

Lodgeth there.

The 18th of his Reign he was lodged there; and the Ambassadors from the King of the Romans were thither brought to his Presence, and from thence the King came to Paul's; and was there sworn to the King of the Romans, as the said King had sworn to him.

The Twentieth of the said King, he, with the Knights of the Order, all in their Habits of the Garter, rode from the Tower of London through the City, unto the Cathedral Church of St. Paul's, and there heard Evensong; and from thence they rode to Baynard's Castle, where the King lodged, and on the next Morrow, in the same Habit, they rode from thence again to the said Church of St. Paul's, went on Procession, heard the Divine Service, offered, and returned. The same Year the King of Castile was lodged there.

Henry the Seventh and Knights of the Garter rode in their Habits from the Tower to Paul's Church; and thence to Baynard's Castle.

This Castle came afterwards to the Earls of Pembroke.

In the Year 1553, the 19th of July, the Council, partly moved with the Right of the Lady Mary's Cause, partly considering, that the most of the Realm was wholly bent on her side, changing their Mind from the Lady Jane, lately proclaimed Queen; assembled themselves at this Baynard's Castle, where they communed with the Earl of Pembroke, and the Earl of Shrewsbury, and Sir John Mason, Clerk of the Council, sent for the Lord Maior; and then riding into Cheap to the Cross, where Garter King at Arms (Trumpets be-

The Council assembled at Baynard's Castle, and proclaimed Queen Mary.


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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY