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TOWER of London. The Constable. 73

TOWER of London. The Constable.

or Marquis every Week 6s. 8d. And for every of his Gentlemen 6s. 8d. And for every of his Yeomen waiting upon him 5s. before his Attainder; and after his Attainder, as their Majesties shall appoint.

Item, The said Constable shall have for every Earl and Viscount, for the Suit of his Irons, 20 Marks. And for their Board every Week, 46s. 8d. And for the Gentlemen and Yeomen, as in the Duke's Diet before the Attainder; and after, at their Majesties Will.

Item, The said Constable shall have for every Baron and Lord, of the Degree as the younger Son of a Duke or Marquis, and for a Knight of the Garter, for the Suit of Irons, 10l. And for his Board weekly, 35s. And for his Gentleman and Yeoman, as before.

Item, The aforesaid Constable shall have for every other Knight or Gentleman, above One Hundred Pounds Lyving, for Suit of his Irons, 5l. And also for his Board weekly, 23s. 4d. And for every of his Gentlemen and Yeomen, as before.

Item, The said Constable shall have of every Gentleman of Livelode of an Hundred Pounds by the Year, and under, for the Suit of his Irons, 40s. And his Board weekly, 17s. 6d. And other Men not having Lands and Possessions, and yet having Goods sufficient to find themselves, for Suit of Irons, 20s. And for their Week's Board, 13s. 4d.

Item, All other to live of the House; except their Majesties appoint the same a better Diet by Warrant.

Item, The Porter shall have of every Prisoner, commanded by the King and Queen's Majesties for Treason to the said Tower, his uppermost Garment, or agree with him for it.

The Porter's Allowance.

Item, He shall have of every Person delivered out of the Tower, 5s.

Item, It is ordered, That the Constable shall no more take the Bedding, Goods and Plate, or Money of any Prisoner attainted, or not attainted; except that he may stay the same for the Time that he be answered and contented for his Fees and Diets, after the Rate aforesaid. And except that upon the Attainder of every such Prisoner, the said Constable shall have their wearing Apparel and Bedding of the same Prisoner so attainted, and the Plate and Jewels of the same, if any do remain, to be kept to their Majesties Use.

These Orders were made out of the Queen's good Husbandry: For these Allowances to the Prisoners, were made for the most part out of the Princes Purses. What a Regulation and Reduction of the Fees this was, may appear to him that shall compare this Note of Fees following, brought in by the Lieutenant in the Reign of King Edward the VIth, for the Duke of Norfolk, the Dutchess of Somerset, and Edward Lord Courtney, Eldest Son to the Marquis of Exeter, executed; Viz.

The Fees varied.

The Charges of the Tower, being rated after the Degrees of the Persons, and Ordinary there accustomed.


Thomas late Duke of Norfolk,Per Week,
For himself,100s. 00
For his Man,6s. 8d.
For Fuel and Candle,8s. 00
 114s. 8d.

This was answered by Warrant Leiger in the First Fruits and Tenths.

The Dutchess of Somerset,Per Week,
For her self,100s. 00
For Two Gentlewomen,20s. 00
For Three Men attending upon her,20s. 00
For Fuel and Candle,20s. 00
 8l. 00 00

Edward Courtney,
For himself,26s. 8d
For his Man,6s. 00
For Fuel and Candle,5s. 00
 36s. 8d.

This was answered by Warrant Leiger of the Treasurer of the Chamber.

Of later Times, these Constables have been more rarely set over the Tower; (None, I think, thorough the long Reign of Queen Elizabeth;) but instead thereof, a Lieutenant (who was an Officer subordinate to the Constable and his Deputy) had the chief Government of this important Place; and therefore was sometimes called the Constable's Lieutenant.

Lieutenant of the Tower.

I meet with Two Lieutenants in former Times, who are said in express Terms to be the Lieutenants of the Constables; Viz. John Chauncy, Lieutenant of Holland, Duke of Exon, 31 Henry VI. and John Winwike, Lieutenant to the Constable of the Tower, 16 Edward III. To whom a Command came, to this Import:

Lieutenants of the Constable.

Record. Turr.

Turr. London. Rex mandavit Johan. Winwike, Locumtenenti Constabulario ejusdem, & W.L. Capital. Carpentar. suo, quod reduci fac. Ingenium suum magnum ab Sandwico usque Turr. prædict. & ad Naves arrestand. & capiend. pro Vectura, &c. ejusdem. That is, Tower of London. The King hath commanded John Winwike, Lieutenant to the Constable of the same, and W.L. his Chief Carpenter, to being back his great Engine [a Ship, I suppose] from Sandwich, to the Tower aforesaid; both to arrest Ships, and to take for Fraught, &c. of the same.

There were also in Times past, Custodes, or Keepers, sometimes set over the Tower: Who had chief Power and Government of it; but only the Title not so high as that of Constable.

Custodes of the Tower.

Yet Henry Fitz Aucher, who was Constable of the Tower, had a particular Fee for keeping of the Tower, which was 50l. per Annum; as tho' Constable and Custos had been Two several and distinct Places. The Record runs, That this Henry Fitz Aucher, Constable of the Tower, be paid ad Kaiam Regis, i.e. at the King's Key, before the Tower, 20l. 12 Henry III. and 50l. per Ann. for keeping of the Tower, Anno 13 Henry III. And 14 Hen. III. it is recorded, That the Constable took 50l. for the Custody of the said Tower.

The King granted the Keeping of his Tower, with the Appurtenances, and his City of London, to Thomas Ipgreve; unà cum Armatur. instaurand. & Victualib. suis, per Cirographum liberand. in the 52 H. III. Here was a Custos both of the Tower and the City too.

Record. Turr.

Such another was Radulphus de Sandwich, in the 13th of Edward I. Turris London, cum Pertinentiis, commissa Rad. de Sandwico, quamdiu Domino Regi placuerit. Ita quod de Exitu inde proven. Regi respondeat ad Scaccarium. 13 Edw. I. Idem Rad. habet Custodiam Civitat. London, ut supra Et iterum, Anno 17.

Record. Turr.

Again; William Archbishop of York was Custos of the Tower, 1 Edw. I. And there was Order for the Payment of a Hundred Pound for his Fee.

Record. Turr.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY