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College of Heralds. Dethick Garter. 139

College of Heralds. Dethick Garter.

guages, Travel, and Experience: But as for their Dealings in Pedigrees of Nobility, they did but privately collect and observe the Marriages and Issues of Princes, Nobles, and Gentlemen, for their better Knowledge and Remembrance; whereof they took notice upon Sight, Relation, or slender Surmises. But this Action was intended to be committed to the Custody of one private, secret, and sworn Officer, a Herald. And the Pedigrees, and Consanguinities to be registred in this Court, should be grounded upon Matter of Record and Warrant, provided by Offices, Traverses, and Inquests, containing the Names of the Persons, Times, and Ages. Secondly, The Form and Manner of the Pedigrees in this Court, should contain in the Roundel or Circle of each Descent, a certain Notice of the Age, Time, Liveries, and Obijt of each Person, convenient only for this Court. Thirdly, This would be very grateful to the Ward in his Minority, for so careful a Remembrance of his Pedegree. And it would carry with it a Proof of the Deserts of the Ancestors towards their Posterity. For herein some Note should be made of the Tenure of the Lands and Manors, (if it seemed good) with this Addition, primus Acquisitor. Which might affect Children with a grateful and respectful sense of those from whom they are sprung, and from whom they derived their Estates and Honours. This was an ingenious Project of Mr. Dethick, and might, had it taken, have redounded considerably to his Advantage, who had now been an Attendant Officer of Arms Twenty Years, and complained of the mean Profits thereof to be very small and uncertain; tho' with Patience he at length got Advancement.

This Garter, in the Year 1595, fell into new Troubles, being cited by Earl Marshal- Commissioners, for giving George Rotheram, Esq; the Lord Grey of Ruthyn his Coat of Arms, belonging to Henry, then Earl of Kent. To which by a Letter to Sir John Pickering, Lord Keeper, he answered, that the said Rotheram a Year ago had requested him to take notice, according to the Custom of his Office, of crtain Records; one out of the Tower, and other Evidences; and by an antient Book, and a Monument or Tomb Stone, with Arms in the Church of Luyton, to set down his Pedigree, pretended from Anthony Lord Grey of Ruthyn. Which Pedigree he did exemplify for him, without any further Approbation or Confirmation to the same, to be true: but only according to his Proofs shewn him, which he, the said Rotheram was to produce or defend by Laws, and not by his Office. And so he, the said Garter, reckoned himself to stand discharged.

Garter gives Rotheram the Lord Grey of Ruthyns Coat.

But the Complaint made by the Earl of Kent to the Court of Earl Marshal ran against both, as well Garter as Rotheram. And the Sentence also was against both, which was given in favour of the Earl in June, Anno 1597, after long hearing on both Parts at sundry Times, whereby it was judged, "That the said Dethick Garter, and Rotheram had manifestly done wrong to the Complainant, (for so are the Words of the Sentence) in making and publishing that Pedigree, in a Case so long suspended without Claim, to make a Shew that the said Rotheram was descended Lineally of Katharine, a Daughter of Anthony, Lord Grey of Ruthyn, who was proved before them by divers Means of good Credit to have dyed without Issue. And they, the Commissioners of the Office of Earl Marshal, (Judges in this Cause) did Revoke and Annul the bearing of the said Arms of the Earl of Kent Quarterly by Rotheram, and judged them to be unlawfully born; and determined that Part of the Pedigree made by Garter to be unlawful, by which the said Rotheram was made the Cousin and Heir general of Edmund Earl of Kent, by Anthony Eldest Son of the said Earl; reserving to themselves Power to tax the Costs and Expences of the Complainant against the Defendants."

Sentence against Garter in favour of the Earl of Kent.

How Garter got off from this troublesome Business I cannot tell, but I find he was Knighted, and after some time Deposed in the first Year of King James. For indeed his rough Carriage had procured him many Enemies in this Office. He was Buried, Anno 1612, in St. Paul's near Sir Pain Roet, King of Arms, named Guyon, that lived in the Reign of Edward III.

Garter Deposed.

Wev. Mon.

The Quarrel in these Times between the two Kings, Garter and Clarentieux, in regard of their Rights and Encroachments upon each other, made the Lord Treasurer Burghley bethink himself of joyning them both into one, that the Office might hereafter be enjoyed by one Person, Cook Clarentieux being now Dead. But the Establishment of the Corporation by Parliament, whereby these two Kings were appointed, obstructed this Design, and other Considerations made it inconvenient: wherefore some other Expedient was propounded for the begetting and continuing of better Agreement between these Kings. And particularly, that the Earl Marshal, in preferring Clarentieux to the room of Garter, would take Order, that his Successor in the Office of Clarentieux, might remit some part of his Interest in Matters of Profit. Then Garter might be well provided for, and the Corporation no whit altered.

A Motion of uniting the Offices of Garter and Clarentieux.

Robert Cook Clarentieux, Dyed in the 37th Year of Queen Elizabeth, that is about the Year 1593. Then the Lord Burghley, acting as Earl Marshal, knowing he had many Books of Heraldry (some whereof he had taken out of the Office violently) sent to the Lord Maior and Sheriffs to take an Inventory of his Books; which they did, and returned a Catalogue of them. Then Dethick, Garter, propounded to the said Lord, that they might have them at a reasonable Price to the Office, being sorry, as he said, that the Maior and Merchants of London should have the Perusal of the honourable Secrets of the Office of Arms, and have the Custody thereof; who might not Arrest their Bodies, and yet kept their Records. By this Catalogue, Cook seems to have been a very diligent Man in his Science, consisting of a vast Collection of Descents and Pedigrees of English Noblemen, Gentlemen, and Strangers, Statutes of the Order of the Garter, antient Patents, Evidences, Certificates, Visitations of the Counties of Leicester, Warwick, Lincoln, the City of London, Surrey, Kent, Hampshire, Sussex, Cornwal, Cambridge, Hertford, Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Justs, Proceedings to Coronations and Combats, divers Books of Tricks of Arms, Escripts, Writings, Muniments with Seals to the same; Notes of the Wars of K. Edward III. and many other old Papers and Offices from Henry III. to Henry VI.

Clarentieux dies.

His Books.

Richard Lee, Richmond Herald, succeeded Cook in the Office of Clareutieux. Against him also Garter took great Offence, accusing him to have invaded his Office for the Burial of Bishops, and the Lord Maior of London. He accused him also to the Commissioners of the Earl Marshal's Office, for using an Hearse in the Funeral of a Knight Batchelor, viz. Sir Richard Baker. To which he answered for himself, That Knights Funerals had according to Custom, Hearses, as well as Barons. Nor did Hearses make Difference or Distinction between those two Degrees; and that the using thereof was left to the Discretion of the Officers at Arms, as more indifferent. And that the said Hearse of that Knight wanted Ornaments, wherewith properly the Hearses of Barons were garnished. Garter also accused the said Lee, that he had allowed and set out the

Lee Clarentieux.


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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY