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College of Heralds. Heraldo-Memoriale. 144

College of Heralds. Heraldo-Memoriale.

The Earl of Surrey, 13. Henry VII. sent Norroy King of Arms to the Captain of Hayton Castle, (which was one of the strongest Places between Berwick and Edinburgh) to deliver him the said Castle; which he refused, affirming, He was assured of ready Succours.

Whilst the said Earl lay at Hayton, the King of Scotland sent to him Marchamont and another Herald, with a Challenge either to fight Army to Army, or Person to Person, upon certain Conditions. Which Conditions were refused upon discreet Considerations. And the Earl sent back the Herald well rewarded.

The Duke of Bedford, primo. H. 7. marching against the Rebels, headed by the L. Lovel, commanded the Heralds to make Proclamation, that if they would lay down their Arms, they should have Pardon.

Heralds also have been employed in and after Battels fought; as in some Instances before. The Battel of Veruoil, Anno 1424. in the Reign of Henry VI. was so uncertain for a while, that no Herald could tell to which Party Fortune would be favourable. Afterwards, by Report of Montjoy, King of Arms for France, and the English Heralds, there present, were slain of the French and Scots 9700, and of the English 2100.

Heralds in and after Battels.


As in publick Wars, so they have been concern'd about private Combats and Challenges. In the Year 1380, was a Combat between Sir John Annesly and Thomas Katrington; who was accused by the said Knight for betraying the Fortress of S. Saviour, in the Isle of Constantine in Normandy. The Heralds in this Combat did their Duty, in Calling the Combatants to the Performance thereof.

And in Combats;

The Heralds did the same likewise in the famous Combat intended between the Dukes of Hereford and Norfolk; which the King took up. The Ceremonial Circumstances and Proceedings are well worthy the Reading.


In a Combat Anno 1467, between the Bastard of Burgoine and the L. Scales, the Advice of the Officers of Arms, as well as of the Constable and Marshal, was asked and followed.

They have likewise been employ'd in Justs and Turnaments.

In Justs:

Nor have they only been used in War, but in Peace also; as in Proclamations and Cavalcades, in attending Funerals, in giving Coats of Arms, and such like.

Employed in Peace.

When Knights have been created, they have been proclaimed by the Voice of Heralds. So Camden shews in his learned Book, that Knights made in Scotland are proclaimed by the publick Voice of an Herald.


At the Baptism of Madame Isabelle de France, to whom our King Henry VIII. was Godfather, the Infant's Name was proclaimed by the Kings and Heralds of Arms, both of France and England; having their Coats of Arms adorned with the Arms of both Kings.


At. Christenings of Princes.

Heralds attended at the Christning of Queen Elizabeth and King Edward.

The Proclamation of the Truce between King Henry II. of France, and Charles V. Emperor, with his Son Philip King of England, was performed by Four Heralds.

When Pope Clement VII. was received at Marseilles, Three Heralds at Arms marched just after Fifty Swissers bravely apparrelled; the Heralds having their Coats of Arms blue, with Flowers de Lys of Gold.

And when Ferdinand, Anno 1527, was to be made King of the Romans, before him went Ten Troops, and an Herald at Arms, whom followed the Master of the Ceremonies with the Royal Banner. But lately, when Frederick Duke of Prussia was to be proclaimed King of that Country, the Grand Marshal of the Court, and the Grand Marshal of Purssia, went at the Head of a great Number of Gentlemen, richly clad and well mounted. Then followed Twelve Heralds at Arms, preceded by Four and twenty Trumpets and two Kettle Drums, and followed by a Squadron of Dragoons. The Cavalcade having shewed it self in the principal Streets of the City of Coningsbergh; the Heralds made the Proclamation. A great deal of Difference as to Heralds, between King Ferdinand and King Frederick.


The King of the Heralds and his Fellows proclaimed the Kings new Style of DEFENDER of the Faith.

Foxes Martyrol.

They are honourably employed also in attending at, and marshalling Funerals of the Nobility and Gentry, tho' that considerable Part of their Office is now a-days unjustly invaded by Tradesmen and Shopkeepers.

Marshal Funerals.

Mercator in Loreine, shews how the Body of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, was by Boiset, Herald of the Golden Fleece (at the Command of Charles V.) transported from Nancy to Bruges.


And as they give, so they sometimes take away Coats of Arms.

Give, and change , and abate Coats.

Non solum potestas conferendi nova Insignia set potestas augendi, mutandi, diminuendi insignia vetera, est penes principem, & ejus Heraldo, i.e. It is in the Power of Princes and their Heralds not only to give new Arms, but to increase, change, abate ancient Coats. And so Leigh in his Accidence of Armoury.

Mackenzy, p. 12.

Fol. 16. 115.

Mackenzy saith from Cassanæus, that Heralds devised Godfrey of Boloins Coat.

When any Person is forfeited in Parliament in Scotland, Lion and his Brethren, Heralds, come in with their Coats and Formalities; and Lion doth publickly tear the Arms of the Party forfeited. And if he be a Cadet of a Family, he saith openly, The tearing of these Arms shall be without Prejudice to the Nobelman or Chief, whose Arms these are. After which, he and his Brethren go to the Cross, and there hang up the Shield reversed, the Base or lowest Point upward.

The Esteem and Value Princes have had for their Heralds, appears from hence; namely, How they have resented Violences and Affronts used towards them. An Instance of this happened in the Seventh of Richard II. Henry Spencer, the Warlike Bishop of Norwich, undertaking Pope Urban's Quarrel against Pope Clement, raised 2000 Horses and 15000 Foot, and landed at Calais; and performed great Feats of Arms in Flanders. At length a Flemish Army approaching, he sent an Herald to know what Pope they adher'd to: But the Army being of West Flanders (raised by themselves) and not understanding the Law of Arms, slew the Herald. At which the English were so enraged, that joining Battel, 9000 Flemings were slain, as saith Thomas Walsingham.

Princes Value of their Heralds.


They have usually had high Respects and honorary Presents from those Princes to whom they have been sent, whatever their Messages have been.

Honourably presented.

The King of Scots sent an Herald to King Henry IV. to deliver up George of Dunbarre, Earl of March, that was fled into England. The Herald had an honest, honourable and discreet Answer; but Negative.

When Montjoy the French King's Herald brought King Henry V. word from his Master, that he should have Battel given him, the King gave him a great Reward.

When the Duke of Gloucester sent his Herald Pembroke to the Duke of Burgundy, though it


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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY