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College of Heralds. Heraldo-Memoriale. 145

College of Heralds. Heraldo-Memoriale.

were to defy him, he was rewarded with a Cup, and an hundred Guldens.

King Henry VIII. Anno 1513. being at Tours, a King of Arms of Scotland, called Lion, with his Coat of Arms on, was by Garter King of Arms brought to the King's Presence, and delivered a Letter to him from the Scotch King. And notwithstanding the King was angry at some Words of the Herald, yet he commanded Garter to take him to his Tent, and make him good Cheer. After this, were the Letters read and answered, and an hundred Angels given to Lion at his Departure.

Rouge-Croix, a Pursuivant at Arms in the Reign of King Henry VIII. was sent to the Scotch King invading England. Who detained him, and sent one Hay, an Herald at Arms, to the Earl of Surrey; who, hearing of his coming, sent York Herald to accompany him. And the consequent Discourse is very remarkable; shewing what Respect in those Days was used to Heralds.

To all this may be added some memorable Things that have happened to this honourable and useful Rank of Men.

They have been sent upon Messages so unwelcome to them to whom they came, that they have sometimes been slain, and sometimes illy treated; as the Flemings served Henry Spencer's Herald, before spoken of; whom they slew.

Sabellicus, in his History of the Venetians, mentioneth an Herald of theirs sent to Francis Carrera; who cut off his Nose and Ears.

Laurentius Valentius mentioneth an Herald belonging to the Earl of Urgelles; who carrying a Defiance to the Earl of Cordouna, was ill treated by the said King.

History of King Ferdin. of Arrag. Fifth book.

In Kett's Rebellion under King Edward VI. an Herald was sent to proclaim a Pardon, if they would lay down their Arms. To which was return'd a fawcy Answer by Kett; maintaining himself a true Subject, and that he needed no Pardon; being no Offender.

After three Hours Fight, and a sturdy one, Norroy King at Arms was sent with a Trumpeter to 4000 or 5000, which were at Parkthorpe Gate, to proclaim Pardon, if they would lay down their Arms. To which one Floteman, a bold Knave, gave as base an Answer, as was given by Kett before.

After the Earl of Warwick was come with a Reinforcement to the Army, Norroy was sent to summon the Rebels to surrender the City. Which was refused; and some told him, he was a counterfeit Herald, sent to deceive them. This Norroy was employed often in this Rebellion; who was Gilbert Dethick, afterwards Garter, and Knighted, and was Great Grandfather to H. Dethick, Richmond now or late Herald at Arms. When some had told Norroy (as was said before) that he was a Counterfeit, others of Kett's Crew knew him, and averred they had seen him in Scotland and Bologne; which somewhat pacify'd the rest, and preserved him from Outrage.

The Scotch Rebels spoiled the King's Herald of his Coat and the Letters, when he was about to proclaim them Traitors.


John Cook, Lancaster Herald, sometime Servant to John Dudley Duke of Northumberland, (beheaded primo Mariæ) took upon him to beg the Head of his old Master, to be buried in the Tower of London: Which was granted with the whole Body, and performed accordingly. In remembrance whereof the said Cook did bear for his Crest a Bears-Head Silver, crowned Gold, in Allusion to the said Duke's Badge, which was the Bear and ragged Staff.

Ralph Brook. p. 234.

Cook, Lancaster Herald.

A Pursuivant that brought News to Edward III. at Dover, of a Victory gained by Sir John Chan- dois against Charles de Blois, that invaded Britain, was made an Herald by the Name of Windsor.

Camd. Remains, p. 148.

A Pursuivant was permitted to wear a King of Arms Coat. John Cook, Lancaster Herald, should have worn it; but he died before the Solemnity.

Ashmole Hist. of the Gart.

Casper Sturme, the Emperor's Herald, was sent to conduct Martin Luther from Wittenbergh to Wormes.

Fox's Martyrol.

Clarencieux and Guienne, Kings of Arms, appearing before the Emperor from K. Henry VIII. Anno 1527. the first made a Speech, and the second read a Writing, ending in a Defiance. To which the Emperor made an Answer. And so between the Emperor and the two Kings was a long Discourse, recited at large by my Author, and very much worth the reading. This Clarencieux was Thomas Benolt; whose Monument remains at this Day, May 1. 1703. in St. Helen's Church in Bishopsgate Street.


King Richard III. his Corps, after he was slain in Bosworth Field, was stark naked, trussed behind a Pursuivant at Arms, called Blanch Sanglier, (that is, White Bear) and carried to Leicester, and there buried.

I will conclude (saith the diligent Collector of the foresaid Historical Passages) with the Passage following, "Anno 1674. in the Month of February, at the Countess of Devonshire's famous Funeral, I served for Elias Ashmole, Esq; Windsor Herald; and lying at Leicester, in our way to Darby, I had the Curiosity to go to an Inn, and see the Stone Coffin, wherein once lay the Body of the said King Richard: Which at the Suppression and Demolition of the Gray Friars in the said Town of Leicester, was digged up, and after turned to an Horse-trough. At which Spectacle I could not but be smitten with a melancholy Reflection; and call to mind the last Part of that known Hexameter, mentioned by Wever, with a little Variation to his Purpose," Sic transit Gloria mundi.
John Gybbon,
Blue Mantle.]

Wever, p.827.

In favour of the College, as also to preserve the Honour of the Nobility and Gentry from Persons of meaner Rank intruding into their Families, and unjustly assuming their Arms, and for preventing false Blazonry, the Queen issued out her Command and Pleasure in June, An. Dom. 1707, confirming the Deputy Earl Marshal's Order following.

An Order of Bindon, Deputy Earl Marshal.

"Whereas the ordering, judging, and determining all Matters concerning Arms, Crests, Supporters, Cognizances, Pedigrees, Devices and Ensigns Armorial; the making and prescribing Rules, Ordinances and Decrees, for the granting, controlling and Regulation thereof; and the putting in Execution the Laws and Ordinances relating thereunto; are, among other Powers and Authorities, with her Majesty's Approbation, invested in me, Henry Earl of Bindon, Deputy to his Grace Thomas Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marshal and Hereditary Marshal of England: And whereas divers Abuses, Disorders, and Irregularities, have been committed and done by Painters, Funeral- Undertakers, Glaziers, Goldsmiths, Engravers, Carvers, Chacers, Stonecutters, Coachmakers, and others, in the Premisses: For Remedy whereof, for the Time coming, these are to warn, charge and require all and every the said Artificers, and others concerned, that they forbear to design and appoint, to, or for any Persons, any Arms or Ensigns Armorial, by making any Arms, Crests, Supporters, Cognizances, Pedigrees and Devices in Coat-Armour, Helm, Banners, Standards, Penons and Hatchments, Tents and Pa-"


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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY