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And as through the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, under three Archbishops, these Prohibitions were thus stomached by the Civilians; so in the Reign of K. James I. under Archbishop Bancroft, in the Year 1606, the Convocation then met, stirred in it, and prayed some Redress by a Petition of the Lower House to the King, to this Tenor:

Under Archbishop Bancroft.

"Most humbly beseeching you most excellent Majesty, your faithful Subjects, the Clergy of the Lower House of Convocation, for themselves, and the rest of their Brethren in the Ministry: That whereas they have been very much of late Years defrauded of their Tithes, and debarred from obtaining their Right, due unto them by your excellent Laws of this Church, through Prohibitions procured by those which wrong them, out of your Majesties Temporal Courts, to your Suppliants great Hindrance, Molestation, and utter impoverishing in Time, if Remedy be not provided; beside the stopping of Justice, occasion of Perjury, and further Wrong, and overthrow of your Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, as though it were an unjust Usurpation of foreign Power against your Majesty and Crown; and not to do execution of your Majesties own rightful Power and Jurisdiction in Causes Ecclesiastical: It may please your most excellent Majesty upon due notice given, and in tender Consideration of our Grievances herein, to take some speedy Order for the Help and Relief of the same, in such Manner as to your Highness's Wisdom, Piety, and Clemency shall seem just, fit, and convenient. And your Majesties Suppliants shall evermore, as they are bound, with all due Thankfulness pray unto God for your Majesties long and happy Life, and prosperous Reign, &c."

The Convocation petition K. James I. about Prohibitions.

Cotton Library, Cleopatra, F. 2.

Some of these Civilians, now in chief Trust and Place, are;

Dr. John Bettesworth, Judge of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, and Dean of the Court of Arches.

Judges, &c. in these Courts.

Sir Henry Penrice, Knt. Judge of the High Court of Admiralty.

Dr. George Paul, Vicar General to the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Dr. Henchman, Chancellor of the Diocese of London.

Sir Nathan Lloyd, Knt. Advocate General.

Dr. Ja. Johnson, Master of the Faculties.

There is also a Register belonging to each of these Courts, viz. the High Court of Admiralty, and Delegates, the Court of Arches, and of the High Court of Chivalry, of the Prerogative Court. Also a Register to the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's; and another to the Chancellor and Commissary of London.

Registers of the Courts.



THere is yet a more modern Colledge, instituted for Experimental Philosophy, called THE ROYAL SOCIETY, founded also in this City, and a very great Ornament to it. The Meeting of the Members thereof is wont to be formerly at Gresham-College, now in Crane-Court in Fleetstret.

The Royal Society.

J. S.

The Original of this Society was about the Years 1650, 1651, 1652, at Oxford, &c. and about 1658 in London, when divers Learned and Judicious Persons of different Professions, used to have Meetings together; all of them great Improvers of Ingenuity, and Promoters of a Noble Design, viz. the bettering of the Condition of Human Life by a vigorous Advancement of real Knowledge, and an Improvement of Arts and Sciences; their Business being to consider, discover, and take Account of Philosophical Expe- riments, Observations, and Matters; to view and discourse upon the Production and Rarities of Art and Nature; to consider how they may be improved, and what to deduce from them for the Benefit of Mankind, and to make a Record thereof for future Ages.

The Original of it.

R. B.

The great Benefit by this Society for the improvement of Knowledge.

And since their Assembly or Institution, they have made a great many commendable Experiments, very profitable and delightful, relating to Eclipses, Meteors, Comets, and other Cælestial PhÅ“nomena; likewise relating to Mines and Minerals; to Animals, and Plants; to Earthquakes, Fiery Eruptions, Inundations, Mountains, Lakes, Tides, Currents, the Depth of the Sea, with abundance of the like Works of Nature; they also have much advanced the Art of Navigation, so useful to us, and improved that of Architecture, both Civil, Military, and Natural. They have also been very industrious in promoting the planting of Trees, as well for Fruits as for Timber, and other Uses, to the great Benefit of the Nation.

Amongst the first Persons that met (which was at Wadham College in Oxford, at the Lodgings of Dr. Wilkins, late Lord Bishop of Chester) were Dr. Seth Ward late Bishop of Salisbury, the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq; Sir William Petty, Dr. Wallis, Dr. Goddard, Dr. Willis, Dr. Bathurst, Mr. Christopher Wren, and some others.

The first Persons that began to meet.

And by their Meetings, for the consulting of the Matters aforesaid, they begat Applause, not only at Home but in Foreign Parts, which augmented their Number, especially about the Year 1658, at which time they had a Meeting at Gresham College; and the greatest part of them living in London, they continued their Meetings at the said College, until the Year 1660, being the time of the Restauration of King Charles II. soon after which, the Design (being favoured by some ingenious Persons, who had followed the King in his Exile) pleased so far his Majesty taking notice thereof, that he was graciously pleased so to favour and incourage it, as to grant a large Charter to them, bearing Date the 23d of April, 1663, whereby they were made a Corporation; to consist of a President, of a Council, and of Fellows, for promoting the Knowledge of Natural Things, and useful Arts, by Experiments; wherein his Majesty declared himself to be the Founder and Patron, Sovereign and Companion of this Society; giving them power to purchase Lands and Houses; to have and use a Common Seal and Coat of Arms; to have two Secretaries; two or more Curators of Experiments; one or more Clerks; and two Serjeants at Mace: He likewise gave them Power to make Laws, Orders, and Constitutions amongst themselves; to have one or more Engravers and Printers, with power to Print whatsoever they shall think good of their own Observations and Remarks; to Take and Anatomise dead Bodies, executed by Order of Law, to Erect Colleges, &c.

They meet at Gresham College.

K. Charles the IId, granted them a Charter.

The Coat Armour granted to this Society is the Field, three Lions of England in chief. The Crest. An Eagle. The Supporters hunting Hounds. Emblems of Sagacity and Search.

Coat of Arms.

Upon their meeting at London, which much augmented their Number, the Lord Viscount Henry Brounker, the Lord Brereton, Sir Paul Neal, John Evelyn, Esq; Dr. Scarborough, Dr. Clark, and divers others, became Members of this Society, and still increased, so that at this Day they are very considerable, according to the List or Catalogue by and by to ensue.

The Office of the several Members of this Society.


The President is to call and dissolve the Meetings, to propose the Matter whereon to consult, to put Questions, to call for Experiments, to admit of Members that from time to time shall be received into the Society.

The President.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY