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The SAVOY. 210


Buildings, or Grounds therewith used, of any other Person of Persons, within or near the Precinct of the said Churchyard or Hospital, and not conveyed, or mentioned to be conveyed by the said Thomas Sutton to the said Governors.

The Ancient Poor Men which this House doth maintain are Eighty in Number: And they are chosen by each particular Governor, every one in their Order, taking his Turn to put in his Poor Man. The Sovereign only putteth in Two; the rest One apiece in their respective Turns, as Places happen to be vacant. And this they do by a Warrant, sent to the Master and Register of the House, under a Form thus superscribed: To my loving Friends, the Master and Register of Sutton's Hospital.

Eighty poor Men maintained.

From 1614, to 1676, (when Mr. Hern's Book of this Hospital came forth) there had been admitted Five Hundred Fifty four Poor Men, and there also ended their Days. By which Account it was computed, That out of Eighty Aged Men, there died but Nine in a Year. Whence an Observation was made of the Healthfulness and Sweetness of the Place. To which another Observation may be made, of the Advantage of a regular, temperate Course, for Length of Days.

An Observation upon their Mortality.

In case the City of Londong be visited with the Pestilence, or some such infectious Distemper, the House is dissolved for a Time. And then every Pensioner shall have a Certificate, That neither the Bearer, nor any of the Society, had been yet visited with the Contagion, or in danger thereof; but were in perfect Health and Soundness, as in former Times. And therefore, to will and desire all Men, whom it might concern, to suffer A.B. quietly to pass, and freely to stay at the Place of his intended Abode, or elsewhere, &c. And this to be signed from the Charterhouse, by Order of the Lords and Governors.

In a Plague the House breaks up.

The King, or Queen, the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Treasurer, the Archbishop of Canterbury, are Governors of Course; and commonly other Persons of the Court, or Highest Nobility, are named Governors of this Hospital. And it was the Founder's Wisdom; who, in his Will, made choice of Men of Honour and Power to be the first Governors; that were able to maintain his Foundation by their Interest, and to grace it with their Honour.

Governors of the most Honourable Rank.

GOVERNORS in the Reign of the late Queen ANNE.


His Highness Prince GEORGE.
Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury.
Lord Chancellor.
Lord Treasurer.
The Dukes of Shrewsbury, Ormond, Leeds, and Buckingham.
The Earls of Pembroke, Clarendon, and Rochester.
Lord Somers.
The Bishops of London, Winchester, and Ely.
Lord Chief Justice Holt.
Lord Chief Baron Ward.
Dr. Burnet, Master.

The Officers then were,


Dr. Burnet, the Master.
Dr. King, Preacher.
Dr. Charles Goodal, Physician.
Dr. Walker, Schoolmaster.
Mr. Tooke, Usher.
Mr. Welstead, Reader.
Mr. Hempson, Register.
Mr. Paine, Receiver.
Mr. Spur, Auditor.
Mr. Love, Organist.
A Chapel Clark.
A Gardiner.

The present Governors and Officers are,


GEORGE Prince of Wales.
The Archbishop of Canterbury.
The Lord Chancellor.
The Dukes of Somerset, Shrewsbury, and Buckingham.
The Earls of Pembroke, Sunderland, Oxford, and Dartmouth.
The Bishops of London and Winchester.
The Lord Harcourt.
Lord Chief Justice Pratt.
Master, John King, D.D.
Physician, Dr. Levett.
Preacher, Emanuel Langford, D.D.
Register, Mr. William Hempson.
Receiver, Richard Paine, Esq;
Schoolmaster, Thomas Walker, LL.D.
Usher, Andrew Tooke, M.A.
Reader, Mr. Ralph Welstead.
Organist, Mr. Love.]



IN the Liberty of the Dutchy of Lancaster, situate in the Strand, leading to Westminster, stood another famous House of Charity, called The SAVOY. It was anciently a very Noble House, built and inhabited by Peter Duke of Savoy, Uncle to Queen Eleanor, King Henry the Third's Queen. After him, it came to the Duke of Lancaster, and was his Seat; being one of the most Magnificent Buildings in the Nation. Afterwards being burnt down in a Rebellion, Anno 1381, it lay in Ashes and Rubbish, I know not how long: But in the latter End of King Henry the Seventh, he built it again; not now for an House to be inhabited by Nobility, as it was before; but to be a Charitable Foundation, to harbour an Hundred poor People, Sick or Lame, or Travellers; to be furnished with Lodging, Food, Firing and Attendance, for a certain Time: Dedicating it to St. John Baptist, and Endowing it Royally.

The Hospital of the Savoy.

J. S.

And over the Gate entring in, was the King's Arms, and these Two Lines in old Characters engraven:

King Henry the Seventh, to his Merit and Honour,
This Hospital founded, poor People to succour.

To this Hospital was afterwards added, (as it seems) by the last Will of K. Henry VII. a Master, and Four Chaplains, to pray for his and his Royal Consort's Soul.

A Master and Four Chaplains.

Out of an Extract of that King's Will, there was,

"Item, Land assured for the Hospital of the Savoy, and Provision of Two Hundred Beds, and other Things for the Chapel there, 500 Mark Land."


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY