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Rules and Directions for the Rebuilding 233

Rules and Directions for the Rebuilding

with the Records of the said City, and to remain as a perpetual and standing Record.

8. That none of the said Justices and Barons shall take any Fee or Reward whatsoever, directly or indirectly, for any Thing to be done by them, by Virtue or Colour of this present Act.

9. And for a Reward of the Officers to be employed herein, the said Justices and Barons, are to Order and Direct a Table of such reasonable Fees to be made, as may carry on and effect the Purpose and Intent of this Act.

This Act was to continued in force till the last Day of December, in the Year of our Lord, 1668, and no longer - But all Differences in that time not being ended, the former Act was continued till the 29th of September, 1671, and afterwards till the 29th of September 1672.

Rules and Directions to be observed in the Rebuilding of the City of London.


FOR the speedy Restauration, and for the better Regulation, Uniformity, and Gracefulness, of such new Buildings as shall be Erected for Habitations; and to the intent that all Encouragement and Expedition may be given unto, and all Impediments and Obstructions that may retard and protract the Undertaking, or carrying on a Work so necessary, and of so great Honour and Importance to his Majesty, this Kingdom, and this City in particular, may be removed;

Be it therefore Enacted by the King's most excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That the Rules and Directions here prescribed be duly observed by all Persons therein concerned.

1. That no Building whatsoever be hereafter erected within the Limits of the said City and Liberties thereof, but such as shall be pursuant to such Rules and Orders of Building, add with such Materials as are hereby particularly appointed; and according to such Scantlings, as are set down in a Table in this present Act specified: And if any Person or Persons shall presume to build contrary thereunto; that then, and in such Case, the said House so irregularly built, shall be deemed a common Nusance, and the Builder thereof shall enter into Recognizance, for Abatement and Demolishing the same in convenient time; or to amend the same according to such Rules and Orders as aforesaid; and in default of either, the Offender to be committed to the Common Goal of the City, there to abide, without Bail or Mainprize, till he shall have demolished, or otherwise amended, the same .

And that such irregular Buildings may be the better prevented, the Lord Maior and Court of Aldermen, are authorised to nominate and appoint discreet and intelligent Persons in the Art of Building to be the Surveyors or Supervisors, to see the said Rules and Scantlings well and truly observed. Unto which Surveyors or Supervisors, the Maior and Aldermen in their Court of Aldermen, are empowered to administer an Oath upon the Holy Evangelists for the true and impartial Execution of their Office in that Behalf.

2. That there shall be only four Sorts of Buildings and no more; and that all manner of Houses so to be Erected shall be of one of those four Sort of Building, and no other.

The first and least sort of Houses fronting By-Streets or Lanes. The second Sort of Houses fronting Streets or Lanes of Note. The third Sort of Houses fronting high and principal Streets. The Fourth and last, of Mansion Houses for Merchants, Citizens, or other Persons of extraordinary Quality, not fronting either of the three former Ways. And the Roofs of each of the first three Sorts of Houses respectively shall be uniform.

3. That all the Outsides of all Buildings in and about the said City be henceforth made of Brick or Stone, or of Brick and Stone together, except Door Cases and Window Frames, The Brest Summers, and other Parts of the first Story to the Front, to use substantial Oaken Timber instead of Brick or Stone, for conveniency of Shops. And that the said Doors, Brest Summers, and Window Frames, be sufficiently discharged of the Burthen of the Fabrick, by Arch Work of Brick or Stone, either Streight or Circular.

4. That there shall be Party Walls, and Party Peers set out equally on either Builder's Ground, to be built upon by the first Beginner of such Building: And that convenient Toothing be left in the Front Wall by the said first Builder, for the better joining of the next House that shall be built to the same. And that no Man be permitted to build on the said Party Wall, or on his own contiguous Ground, until he hath fully reimbursed the said first Builder the full Moiety of the Charges of the said Party Wall and Peers; together with Interest for the same, after the Rate of 6 per Cent. per Annum for forbearance thereof, to be accounted from the beginning of the said first Building.

5. That the Houses of the least sort of Building, fronting By-Streets or Lanes, shall be of two Stories high, besides Cellars and Garrets; the Cellars thereof to be Six Foot and a half high. The first Story Nine Foot high from the Floor to the Cieling; and the second Story Nine Foot. That all Walls in Front and Rear (so high as the first Story) be of the full Thickness of two Bricks at length; and upwards to the Garrets of the thickness of one Brick and a half; and the Walls at the eves of the Garrets not to be less than one Brick.

6. That the Houses of the second Sort of Building, fronting Streets and Lanes of Note, and the River of Thames, shall consist of three Stories high, besides Cellars and Garrets. That the Cellars thereof be Six Foot and an half high; the first Story Ten Frot high; the Second Ten Foot high; the Third Nine Foot from the Floor to the Cieling; That all the Walls in Front and Reer, as high as the first Story be two Bricks and an half thick; and upwards, to the Garret Floor, one Brick and half thick; the thickness of the Garret Walls at the discretion of the Workman. And also, that the Thickness of the Party Walls be two Bricks thick so high as the first Story, and upwards to the Garrets one Brick and an half thick.

7. That the Houses of the Third Sort of Buildings, fronting the High and Principal Streets, shall consist of Four Stories high, besides Cellars and Garrets. The First Story to contain full Ten Foot, from the Floor to the Cieling: The Second, Ten Foot and an half: The Third, Nine Foot; and the Fourth, Eight Foot and an half. - That all the Walls in Front and Rear, as high as the First Story, be two Bricks and a half thick; and from thence upwards to the Garret Floor, one Brick and a half thick. And that the Thickness of the Party Walls between every House, be two Bricks thick, so high as the First Story;


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY