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City's Entertainment of K. Charles I. 298

City's Entertainment of K. Charles I.

Words to express his Royal Thoughts, as well at Dinner as afterwards, (so did the Queen, Princes and Nobility) how great Content and Satisfaction he received from the City by it.

His Majesty also, after Dinner, sent for Mr. John Pettus, a Gentleman of an ancient Family in the County of Suffolk, who had married the Lord Maior's Daughter; and bestowed the Honour of Knighthood upon him: Knowing, that whatsoever in this kind he should do to his Lordship, or his, must necessarily result of the Honour of the City, and be an Expression of his Grace and Favour to it.

The King makes a Knight.

Their Majesties having reposed themselves a while after Dinner, (the Days being short) the Word was given for their Departure. And by this Time, the Three Companies of the Twelve, and the rest of the inferior Companies, that had not waited in the Morning, had taken their Standings from St. Laurence Lane End Westward, towards Temple Bar.

The King departs towards Westminster.

The Two Captains also, with the Three Marshals, had ordered the Horsemen after this manner:

They first drew up the Sheriffs Men in the Front, by two and two. Then they caused the Rear of the Horsemen, that had made the first Stand at Bishopsgate in the Morning, to pass through the rest of the Companies, after the Sheriffs Men: And so the rest according to their former Order; till the whole Number of Five Hundred were ranked again, by two and two, as in the Morning: And so passed through Cheapside; till the Rear of the first Company (which was the Lord Maior's) came even with St. Laurence Lane End. And in this Order they stayed, till their Majesties were ready to come out of Guildhall; which was about Four of the Clock in the Afternoon.

The Lord Maior carrying the Sword before his Majesty, as in the Morning; and the rest that conducted him from Cheapside to Guildhall, led his Majesty thither again: Where the Word was given for the Horse to advance. Which they did; and every one fell into the same Order which they had in the Morning: The greatest Difference being, That whereas in the Forenoon the Footmen carried Truncheons in their Hands, they now went with lighted Torches: Which gave so great a Light, as that the Night seemed to be turned to Day.

As their Majesties passed along, the Trumpets and City Musick were placed in several Parts, sounding and playing: Which, together with the several continual, and joyful Acclamations of the People, gave great Content to both their Majesties.

The little Conduit in Cheapside, and the Conduit in Fleetstreet, running with Wine; as the other two Conduits had done in the Morning. And in their Passage by the South Door of St. Paul's Church, the Choir (with Sackbuts and Cornets joining with them) sang an Anthem of Praise to God, and Prayers for their Majesties long Lives. Which pleased his Majesty so well, that he gave them and extraordinary Respect.

As they passed by Pauls, the Choir sung an Anthem.

And in their Passage to Temple Bar, he made such Expressions of his Gracious Acceptance of the City's Love, that the People could not sufficiently make manifest the Joy they conceived at it. So that by this Time, the whole Day seemed to be spent in a kind of Emulation (with Reverence be it spoken) between their Majesties and the City: The Citizens blessing and praying for their Majesties, and their Princely Issue; and their Majesties returning the same Blessings upon the Heads of the Citizens; with innumerable Thanks added thereunto: Insomuch as it is hard to resolve, whether the Citizens were more joyed with the gracious Acceptance of their weak (tho' hearty and loyal) Endeavours, or their Majesties with the Performance of the Day's seasonable Service: Both their Majesties and the Citizens seeming (as it were) not well satisfied to whom the Thanks of this Day's Work were properly due.

Emulation between their Majesties and the Citizens.

But to proceed.

When the Sheriffs Men (who were in the Front) were come as far as the May-Pole in the Strand, they began to make a Stand, and singled themselves, by falling off at the right Hand of the Street; their Company extending in Length as far as Exeter-House. And after them, the Horsemen did the like, in the same Order and Posture as they had done in the Morning. And so continued to the Tilt-yard, over against his Majesty's Palace of Whitehall: To which Place the Lord Maior, Knights and Aldermen, conducted their Majesties.



And now by this time it might be conceived, that a Period might be set to this Relation; and that his Majesty had given Testimony, ample and sufficient, of his gracious Acceptation of the City's Love and Loyal Affection towards him. But, Manet altâ mente repôstum, in a better Sense than the Poet spake it: His Majesty had taken so deep Impression of his poor Subjects Love, that he thought he had not sufficiently express'd himself, by all that he had already so graciously been pleased to demonstrate. And therefore, when the Lord Maior had brought their Majesties into Whitehall, and was taking his Leave in humble manner, his Majesty most graciously embraced and thanked him; and withal gave him in Charge, That in his Name the whole City might be thanked.

The L. Maior takes his Leave of his Majesty at Whitehall.

Whereupon, against Tuesday Morning following, being St. Andrew's Day, the Lord Maior caused a Common Council to be warned; where Mr. Recorder, in an eloquent and pithy Speech, related the Charge and Command, that his Majesty (by the Lord Maior) had imposed upon him. And withal (as was thought fit) he read his Speech to his Majesty, and his Majesty's most gracious Answer; (both which are before set down): Which so much revived and increased the Joy of all the Commons, that an Act was there made; and the Lord Maior was intreated to appoint Mr. Recorder, and so many Aldermen and Commoners as his Lordship should think fit, to attend his Majesty; and to return their humble Thanks for all his great and Princely Favours to the City; and to prefer to his Majesty such other Desires of the City, as should be thought necessary and convenient.

The King's Message of Thanks to the City, delivered at the Common Counsil.

In the mean Time, his Majesty (studying, as it were, how to add more Honour to the Lord Maior, and in his to the whole City) had sent to his Lordship his gracious Letters Patents; whereby he created him a Baronet.

A Patent sent to the Lord Maior for Baronet.

The Lord Maior, according to the Power given unto him, by the Act of Common Council, called a Committee to his House: Where he appointed how many Aldermen (besides those of the Committee for the Entertainment,) should attend his Majesty, with Mr. Recorder, in Pursuance of the said Act. Where it was concluded, what Desires they should humbly represent to his Majesty, on the Cities Behalf.

Upon Friday, the Third of December, Mr. Recorder, with these Aldermen, viz. Sir George


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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY