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Tower Street Ward. St. Dunstan's in the East. 46

Tower Street Ward. St. Dunstan's in the East.

He yielded his Soul in Peace to his Maker the 20th of November, after 67 Years Pilgrimage here amongst Men; whose latter Years were bestowed in Expectation of his End, exprest in settling his Estate here on Earth, and in Preparation of his Soul for Heaven, where it now remains in Peace and Happiness.]

MONUMENTS more lately erected.


Bernard Hyde, deceased An. 1630. Anne his Wife, 1640. Bernard Hyde, Esq; his Son, Jan. 5. 1655. Hester his Wife, Jan. 17. 1649.

Monuments here of later time.

J. S.

Dame Mary Moor, late Wife of Sir John Moor, Kt. and Alderman. She deceased 16 of May 1690.

Sir John Moor, Kt. sometime Lord Maior of London, and one of the Representatives of this City in Parliament: A very worthy and munificent Citizen, deceased Jan. 2. 1702. Aged 82.

William Paggen, Merchant, Jan. 31. 1689/90.

Robert Russel Esq; Citizen and Skinner of London, and Deputy of this Ward, Jan.13. 1662.

The Lady Elizabeth Waterman, Relict of the said Robert, Wife of Sir George Waterman, Kt. and Alderman. She deceased Mar. 3. 1675.

Robert Russel and Elizabeth his Wife.

Kendrick Russel, who dyed at Malaga in Spain, April 11. 1670.

Richard Hale, Esq; who dyed 1620. Whose Granddaughter, the Lady Dionys Williamson of Hales Hall in Norfolk, did, for the chief part, rebuild the Church after the great Fire, at the Expence of 4000l. And in Gratitude, the Parish set up this Monument to her Grandfather.

Richard Meynil, Citizen and Apothecary of London, an Inhabitant of this Parish, and Common Council Man of this Ward mant Years, Dec. 4. 1683.

Sir Peter Parravicin, Kt. Jan. 29, 1696. Aged 59.

James Burkin Esq; Merchant; and his Wife Jane, Daughter of John Lethieulier, Merchant. She dyed May 22. 1675.

John Garret, Doctor of Physick, August 8. 1683.

Francis March, born at Limehouse; lived 16 Years in Cyprus; afterwards Traded here at Home, being admitted into the Company of Turkey Merchants; and dyed of a Strangury, 10. Nov. 1697.

Alice the Mother, Lucy the Wife, and Richard the Son of Richard Alie, Esq;

James Yong, Clothworker, and Anne his Wife. He Apr. 4. 1638. She Oct. 2. 1666. She was Daughter of Richard Bull, Eastland Merchant, sometime of this Parish; and had 4 Sons and 3 Daughters. James the eldest Son; upon re-edifying this Church, in pious Memory of his Parents, erected this Inscription, 1669.

William Pitts, Merchant, July 22, 1676.

Stephen Pitts, Common Council Man of this Ward, 1688. and Alice his Daughter, and Mary his Wife, 1686.

Elizabeth Joye, Wife of Peter Joye Merchant, Apr. 14. 1681.

Martha Nicolls, Wife of Richard Nicolls Merchant, 1684.

Anne, Wife of Rowland Place, 1674.

Mary, Wife of Edward Colman, 1693.

Elizabeth, Wife of John Davis Esq; 1670.

John Elwick Distiller, 1685. together with his 4 Daughters.

Against the South Wall, contiguous to the East, is lately erected a noble Monument for Sir William Russel Kt. sometime Alderman of the City, with his Effigies, engraven on Stone, lying on his Left Side: and well resembling him. He was a Benefactor to this Parish, leaving, by his Last Will, three Pounds yearly to be distributed on St. Simon and St. Judes Day, on which Day he was born in the said Parish, viz. twen- Shillings for a Sermon on that Day to be preached, twenty seven Shillings to the Poor, and the rest to the Clark or Sexton, to keep his Monument clean.

Sir William Russels Monument.

The Inscription shews, That he fined for Alderman and Sheriff; that he was the fourth Son of Robert Russel Esq; sometime Deputy of the Ward; that he married two Wives: His first, Susanna sole Daughter and Heiress of Daniel Palmer of Chesthunt, Gent. by whom he had Issue 4 Sons and 3 Daughters; and that she dyed Nov. 18. 1683. His second, Mary Woods Relict of James Woods, sometime Deputy of Langborn Ward, who survived him. That this Knight dyed June 10. 1705. Aged 62. having lived in steady Communion with the Church of England, and with the general Reputation of an useful Citizen, a loyal Subject, an affectionate Husband and Father, and a wise and good Man, and having seen a hopeful and flourishing Posterity.

The Vault wherein he lies, is in the North Ile, where also rest divers of his Relations, as his Father, two of his Brothers, his Father in Law, his first Wife, two of his Sons; Susanna Bludworth his second Daughter, late Wife of John Bludworth of London, Merchant, who dyed in Childbed, and her Son; seven Children of Elizabeth his eldest Daughter, Wife of John Cocks Citizen and Mercer of London, of the antient Family of the Cocks of Bentley Paunceford in Worcestershire; and one Son, of his youngest Daughter Anne, Wife of Lyming Pagit of Westminster, Esq;

On a flat Stone on the Ground in the Chancel in this Inscription:

Mortalitatis Exuvias hic deposuit Franciscus March apud Limehouse in Agro Mediæ Sexiæ natus; Qui circa 16. ætatis annum Insulam Cyprum petens, ibi laudabili Industria & Parcimonia rem familiarem auxit. Dein in Patriam reversus, & in honorabilem Mercatorum Societatem, qui commutandis mercibus Turcarum littora frequentant, cooptatus, erga Deum pium, in Negociationibus justum, in Promissis fidum, in re familiari providum, in suos beneficum, & in omnes benevolum, se præstitit. Tandem stranguria correptus postquam immanes cruciatus per aliquot menses ab ulcere vesicam depascenti, invicta animi Constantia, perpessus esset, ineluctabili morbo cessit, & Mortalitati, non vitæ, valedixit 10. Novembr. 1697. ætat. 62.

North of the Communion stands this Monumental Inscription:

Bernardus Hyde Avus hoc depositus, Obiit Anno Salutis 1630. Anna Uxor, filia Humfredi Walcot Armigeri, obiit An. Sal. 1640. Bernardus Hyde Armiger, Pater, Ob. Januar. 5. An. Dom. 1655. Hestera Uxor, filia Johannis Trot Generosi, ob. Januar. 17. Anno Sal. 1649.

Spe Resurrectionis, in Orientali hujus Ecclesiæ Adyto, propè dormiunt. Sed quoniam fatali Urbis incendio Parentum Monumenta periêre, piæ Observantiæ hoc sacrum renovans Parentat Bernardus Hyde de Bore Place in Agro Cantiano Eq. Auratus fil. natu maximus Anno Sal. 1674. Ex quo pullulavit Bernardus unius mensis filiolus, hic inhumatus infantulus An. Salut. 1662. Maij 12o

Sir John Moors Inscription.


North Wall, just under the Monument of Dame Mary Moor, late Wife of Sir John Moor,


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY