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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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Tower Street Ward. St. Dunstan's in the East. 47

Tower Street Ward. St. Dunstan's in the East.

is his Monument placed, being of curious Workmanship, with this Inscription:

In a Vault near this Place, is deposited the Body of Sir JOHN MOORE Kt.sometime Lord Maior of London, one of the Representatives of this City in Parliament, and President of Christs Hospital. Who, for his great and exemplary Loyalty to the Crown, was empowered by King CHARLES II. to bear, on a Canton, one of the Lions of England, as an Augmentation to his Arms. Who, out of a Christian Zeal for good Works, founded and endowed a Free School at Appleby in Leicestershire, his native Country, and was a good Benefactor to the worshipful Company of Grocers, to the several Hospitals of this City, to his own Relations in general, and to this Parish. He departed this Life the 2. of June, 1702. Aged 82.

North Wall, a Monument for the Grandfather of the Lady Williamson, the most noble Benefactrice to the rebuilding of this Church, bearing this Inscription:

Pietati & Charitati sacrum.
Hic Juxta depositæ sunt Reliquiæ Richardi Hale Armigeri, in spe beatæ Resurrectionis. Qui decessit Anno Dom. 1620.
Cujus è filio primogenito Gulielmo Neptis, Domina Dionysia Williamson de Hales Hall in Comit. Norfolc. pro summa Pietate & munificentia, Ecclesiam hanc incendio deletam, impensis MMMM Libris maxima ec parte restauravit. Exiguum hoc, honoris & gratitudinis Ergò xxx Avo posuëre P.S.D. Or. Tota hæc quam extruxit Sacra Moles Ipsi erit pro sempiterno Monumento. Tuum erit, Lector, è tam illustri Exemplo discere, Fidem sine Operibus mortuam esse. Domine dilexi Decorem Domus tuæ, Locum Habitationis Gloriæ tuæ.

Under a Grave Stone in the Cross Ile of the Chancel, lyes interred the Body of Sir James Dolliffe Kt. who departed this Life the 15. Febr. 1704/5. Aged 54.

In this Church of St. Dunstan's in the East, in the Reign of Edward IV. were certain Holidays more solemnly kept, viz.

Certain Holydays observed in St. Dunstan's.

J. S.

The Dedication of the Church, which was on the Day of the 11000 Virgins, when the Church Wardens laid out for Bread, Wine, and Ale in the Church, 15d.

St. Fabians and St. Bastians Day. The Charge that Day for Bread, Wine, and Ale, was 13d. ob.

St. Dunstanes Day; for Bread, Wine, and Ale, with Garlands, 16d.

Ascension Day; for Bread and Ale in the Church, 2d.

Whit Sunday and Trinity Sunday; on the same Account, 2d.

Corpus Christi Day; for Garlands and Ale, 11d.

And these Obits and Memories of the Dead were in this Church observed, by the Care of the Church Wardens in the same King Edward IVths time.

Obits and Memories in this Church.

John Maykin and William Lyn; for rehearsing their Names in the Pulpit every Sunday by the Priest, was paid to him for one Year, 8s. 4d.

For singing for their Souls by Sir John Vincent [Chauntrey Priest] for one whole Year, 9l.

For praying for their Souls and all Christian Souls, paid to Stephen Brown Priest, for the Year complete, 7l. 6s. 8d.

For their Obit, Aug. 16. according to their Testament, 12s. 4d.

Dyones Joy and William Holbeach, their Obit, Sept. 28. ......

Robert Colbroke his Obit, Oct. 16. to Priests and Clerks, and for Ringings, Wax, and to the Church Wardens for their Labour, 7s. 1d.

Sir Bartholomew Jamys his Obit, to Priests, Clerks, the Maior, Sheriffs, Sword Bearer; for Wax, Bread, Ale, Cheese, and Money given to the Poor of the same Parish, according to the Will, 41s. 8d.

Other Charges belonging to this Parish in these Times, and paid by the Church Warden, were as follows:

Other Charges of this Parish.

To John Martin the Conduct, for keeping our Lady Mass, and teaching Children to keep the Quere every Sunday, and every Double, 9l.

For two Dozen of Girdles for Aubes [Albes,] 6d.

For displinyng Rods, and Trashe for the Sepulchre, 1s 1d. ob.

For Pinnes, and a Rode to light the Pascal, 2d.

For keeping clean the Pardon Church Yard, and other Things necessary to the Church, 16d.

For Easter Even, a Quarter of Coals for the Holy Fire, 5d.

For Bread and Ale the same Day in the Church, 2d.]

Now, in regard that this Parish of St. Dunstane is the last (in our Account) of Tower Street Ward, we are to speak of Gods Blessings there to the Poor. Which I find to be seven Shillings three pence every Sunday through the Year, given in ready Money, beside Bread and other Gifts, according to the Wills and Dispositions of Sir Richard Champion, and Master Alderman Heardson, with Coals given beside at certain Times. More, I find, that one Man hath given yearly, for ever, an whole Ox to be distributed by a Quarter thereof Quarterly, and a Peck of Oat Meal therewithal, to the Poor: But yet so discreetly ordered, that they that have the Quarter of Beef and Peck of Oat Meal at one Quarter, must stay till other Poor be so served, and that it comes to their turn again. Other Charities there are which came in Gifts of ready Money, and are accordingly truly distributed.


A. M.

This is but a very imperfect Account of the Charitable Donations to this Parish, which have been very many and large. But the Parish suffered very much in those given in the Popish Times, which, having some Mixtures of Superstition, were all lost and forfeited to the Crown by the Statute of King Edward VIth his Reign. But those that are still enjoyed by the Parish, according as I have received Information by the Reverend Mr. Stringfellow Rector, are these:

Charities belonging to St. Dunstan's.

J. S.

Mr. Stringfellow Rect.



William Sevenoke gave 13 Houses in Mincing Lane and Tower Street; out of which a Beam Light (as it is in the Will) of 13s. 4d. is issuing: Which with the Almes Houses in the two Alleys in Mincing Lane, and two poor Widows Houses there; (for which two Widows Houses Mrs. Russel gave 10l. to free them from the Rent,) amount to the yearly Rent of 29-13-4.


Matthew Earnest gave all that capital Messuage or Tenement, called The Horse Head, with four Shops on either side of the same, situate in Thames Street; out of which an Obit of 1l. 13s. 4s. is issuing; and also 5d. every Sunday


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY