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Tower Street Ward. Wharfs and Keys. 49

Tower Street Ward. Wharfs and Keys.

returning back into the Cross Lane, so far as Sir Cuthbert Buckles House, now in the Custody of Sir John Lemmin Kt. and Lord Maior of London, they go home to the Place where they began. Here I was favoured by Master John Childerlay Doctor of Divinity, my worthy good Friend, and his diligent Officers.]

Now for the two Church Lanes, they meeting on the South side of this Church and Church Yard, do join in one; and running down to the Thames Street, the same is called St. Dunstan's Hill: At the lower end whereof the said Thames Street (toward the West, on both sides almost to Billingsgate, but towards the East up to the Water Gate, by the Bulwark of the Tower) is all of Tower Street Ward. In this Street on the Thames side, are divers large Landing Places, called Wharfs or Keys, for Cranage up of Wares and Merchandise, as also for shipping of Wares from thence to be transported.

Wharfs and Keys.

By occasion of the defrauding of the Queen of her Customs for Goods and Merchandises brought in or carried out, by making use of small obscure Creeks, or Places, where no Custom House Officer was attending, or by the Corruption of those Officers, or by other fraudulent and undue Practices; and so privately conveying them away without paying the Custom or Subsidy due; there was an Act made in the first Year of Q. Elizabeth, an. 1559. That no Goods should be put ashore at any Place in the Kingdom, but where she should assign and appoint by her Commission. In pursuance of this Act, the Queen ordered her Lord Treasurer, her Under Treasurer, and Chancellor of her Exchequer, to set forth and publish her Pleasure for the divers Ports of her Kingdom. And for the Port of London, the said Commissioners drew up this Declaration; determining what particular Keys, Wharfs, and Stairs should be for lading and discharging of all manner of Merchandises: And what particular Goods should be landed at Billingsgate, the Three Cranes, the Bridgehouse, and the Stilyard: Where Newcastle Coals, Beer, Deal Boards, Ore, Corn, &c. should be laid on Land: What Creeks, Wharfs, and Keys, from Gravesend to London Bridge, should be no more used as lading or discharging Places, but be debarred utterly from it for ever: And that no Stranger, whether Denizon or not, should henceforth inhabit upon any of the Wharfs allowed, except the Stilyard only: And lastly, that all Keepers of Wharfs and Keys should be bound to the Queen in certain Sums of Money, that no Goods should be landed at their Keys or Stairs, or put thence upon the Water, to be carried abroad, before the said Goods were entred in the Queen's Custom-Books, and to be laden in the Presence of some Searcher. All these Orders ran in this express Tenor following.

Wharfs and Keys appointed for landing Merchandises.

J. S.

1 Eliz. c. 11.

Anno Dom. 1559.


WHarfes and Keyes for Ladinge and Discharginge Places, within the Porte of London, for Merchndises, aswell to be brought thither from the Parties beyonde the Seas, as from thence to the saide Parties, to be caried: Assigned, and appointed the xxviijth Day of Auguste in the firste Yere of the Rayne of our Soverayne Lady Elizabeth, by the Grace of God, Quene of Englande, France, and Irelande, Defendour of the Faithe, &c. By the Right Honorable William Marques of Winchester, Lorde Treasorer of Englande; Sir Richard Sakevile Knight, Under- Treasorer of the Quenes Highnes Courte of Theschequour; and Sir Walter Mildemay Knight, Chancellour of the sayde Courte, assigned for that Purpos by the Quenes Hyghnes Patente under the Seale of the saide Courte of Theschequour, dated the xiiijth of June, in the Yeare aforesaide, accordinge to the Statute in that behalf made and provided, in the Parliament holden at Westminster in the Yeare abovesaide. Scilt.

The Order for the Wharfs.

Old Wooll Key,
New Wooll Key,
Galley Key, Andro
Morris Key, Am-
brose Thurstan's Key,
Rauff's Key, Cock's
Key, Gibson's Key,
Haddock's Key, Dyce
Key, Bear Key,
Sommer's Key, But-
tolph's Wharf, Sabb's
Key, Young's Key,
Crown Key, Smart's
Key, Fresh Wharf,
and Gaunt's Key,
Appointed to be general
Lading and Discharging
Places for all manner of
Billingsgate, Appointed to be an open
Place for the landing and
bringing in of any Fish,
Corn, Salt, Stones, Vi-
ctuals, and Fruits, (Gro-
cery Wares excepted:)
And to be a Place of car-
rying forth of the same,
or the like; and for no
other Merchandises.
The Three Cranes
in the Vintry. Tho-
mas Johnson's Key,
and Busher's Wharf.
The said Three Cranes ap-
pointed to be an open
Place for the landing and
discharging of all manner
of Wines and Oyles. And
the same Three Cranes,
Thomas Johnson's Key,
and Busher's Wharf, to be
open Places for the land-
ing or discharging of
Pitch, Tar, Flax, Iron,
Wainscott, Clapboards,
Deals, Ores, Rafters,
Ashes to make Soap, Os-
munds Eeles, Cables,
Halsers, Hemp, Stones,
Chests, Playing Tables;
and all manner of Fish
and Hops: And to be
open Places for the Ship-
ping and lading of any
Woollen Cloths of the
Price of six Pounds or
under the Cloth, Cony
Skins, and for no other
Newcastle Coals
to be carried over
the Seas.
Appointed to be shipped in
any Place within the Port
of London, in the Pre-
sence of the Searcher
of the said Port, or one of
his Servants sworn to
serve in that Office, and
not otherwise.
Beer to be carr-
ed in the Seas.
It is by later Orders
provided, that Beer
shall be taken in at
Appointed to be entred in
the Customers Books, and
then shipped at any Stairs,
Wharf or Wharfs within
the City of London, South-
wark, and St. Katherines,
in the Presence of the
Searcher or any of his
said Servants.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY