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Ealdgate Ward. Creechurch Bounds. 64

Ealdgate Ward. Creechurch Bounds.

Susanna, some time Wife of James Crawforth of this Parish, and eldest Daughter of John Strype, Clerk.

I have been told, that Hans Holben, the great and inimitable Painter in King Henry VIII.'s Time, was buried in this Church; and that the Earl of Arundel, the great Patron of Learning and Arts, would have set up a Monument to his Memory here, had he but known whereabouts the Corps lay.]

Hans Holben buried here.

On the North Wall hangs a Table of the Benefactors, which are many.

God's Blessings to the Poor of this Parish, by the Gifts of Christian Benefactors.

Benefactors to the Poor.

A. M.

Mr. William Gilborne, Draper, by his last Will and Testament, gave four Marks yearly for ever, to be bestowed in one dozen of Bread, and to be distributed on every Sabbath Day to the Poor of the said Parish. Which said Sum is yearly paid out of the Rent of his late Dwelling House in the said Parish. Also he gave twenty Pounds more towards the building of a Gallery in the said Church.

Mr. John Smith, Mercer, in like manner, gave three Pounds yearly for ever, out of his late Dwelling House in the said Parish, to be paid by the Church Wardens for the time being, to and amongst the Poor of the said Parish, at every Christmas yearly.

Mr. George Lee, Sadler, gave twenty Shillings yearly for ever to the Poor out of his Rent in the said Parish.

Mrs. Dane, Widow, gave eight Shillings yearly for ever to the Poor, payed by the Ironmongers to M. Deputy in a greater Sum.

Mrs. Alice Bateman appointed and gave in her Life-time the Sum of forty two Pounds six Shillings to the said Parish, the Profits thereof to be distributed yearly to the Poor for ever.

Mr. John Bedow, Gentleman, gave ten Pounds, to be distributed in Bread yearly to the Poor.

Mr. George Hothersall, Merchant Taylor, gave twenty four Shillings yearly for ever out of his Land to the Poor of this Parish.

Mr. John Waddis, Cooke, born in this Parish, gave to the Poor thereof three Pounds, to be distributed among them in Bread yearly for ever.

Stephen Roberts, Cooke, gave also forty four Shillings yearly for ever to be distributed in Bread.]

To the Benefactors beforementioned are these to be added, who lived of later times, as appears by the Parish Tables of Benefactors.

Later Benefactors.

J. S.

Donors.Sums per Ann.
Thomazin Owfield1100 00
George Dun 011000
Richard Lingham0300 00
Capt. Martin Bond0200 00
Henry Jordan00608
Richard Blackwel0110 00
Tho. Rich030000

Other Gifts to this Parish.


William Avenon gave100l.
Sir John Gayer Knt.200l.
Edward Rennick50l.
Anne Cheney10l.
Richard Spencer Esq;10l.
Richard Richardson Esq; per ann.
for 12 Years

John Philips hath settled Lands for the Maintenance and Education for ever of two poor Children of this Parish in Christ's Hospital in London; and for placing forth Apprentice two poor Children of this Parish, per annum, for ever, 10l.

Mary Stanyon, for 30 Years,020000
Mrs. Bland gave2000 00
William Hilliard1000 00
Nathaniel Selby1000 00
Mr. Lambert, to be paid once in
eight Years, for ever
Bernard Hyde Esq; once in 10
Years for ever
Mr. Wilford500000
Sir Francis Chaplin Knt. and Al-
James Wellington gave to the
Poor of this Parish a Stock
for Coals for ever
Elizabeth Carpenter1000 00

This Table was made 1679, Thomas Gardiner and Richard Draper Church Wardens.

Item, In another Table in the Church.

Joseph Cox, towards the Organ1000000
William Hiet, for Coals400000
Henry Lewis, per ann.0610 00
Sir Samuel Stanier, Kt. and Alder-
man, for cleaning the Organ
Job Charnock, Esq; born in
this Parish, and late Gover-
nour of Bengal, gave to the
Poor for ever
Thomas Heatly Deputy of this
Anthony Ingram1000 00

John Jackson, born in this Parish, 100l. In lieu whereof 5l. is ordered to be distributed to the Poor on the 4th of Novemb. for ever.

Katharine Cornwel1000 00
Anne Alder100000

Tho. Parker 100l. The Interest whereof, at 5 per Cent. to be distributed annually on the 6th of Decemb. for ever.

John Betton of Cyprus2000 00

This Table was made 1692, Christopher Raper and Francis Cade Church Wardens.

In this Parish was a Messuage and Tenement, called the Bear, to which belonged other Houses, Edifices, Shops, Cellars, Solars, &c. lying in the said Parish; which were given for the Maintenance of a Priest, to say Mass in the Church of St. Botolph for some Body's Soul that was buried there. This, by virtue of an Act of Parliament, coming into the Hands of King Edward VI. in the second of his Reign, he sold with other things to Giles Harrison for 219l. 7s.]

A House here to maintain a Mass Priest.

The Bounds and Limits of this Parish are in this manner: From the Church into the Churchyard, to the corner Westward, where turning East, they cross the Churchyard through a great House, where sometime dwelt one Mr. Wilford, but bought since by Sir Henry Billingsley, and converted into divers Tenements. So on into the Street to the Pump, and Westward on to the Sign of the Rose, sometime the dwelling House of one Thomas Shepheard. There crossing the Street to the Smith's House, his Name John Tatum, next to the Sign of the Moore Fields Tavern; thence they go back East to the Pump, turning at the corner West, to Harts-horn Alley to the midst, to Homes's House and over against him, so back to Billeter Lane, to the House of John Lemote, crossing the Street there to the House of Peter Rutt, Taylor: And so back to the end of Billeter Lane, turning West to a Brick House, sometime in the Custody of Mr. Leese, but possessed now by Widow Dewen. There crossing the Street to the House next Mr. Leaning, they go East to the Church Lane, and then

The Bounds of this Parish.


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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY