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Billingsgate Ward. St. Botolph's Church. 166

Billingsgate Ward. St. Botolph's Church.

" whatsoever should after the said 10th of May, buy or cause to be bought at the said Market of Billinsgate, any quantity of Fish to be divided by Lot among any Fishmongers or other Persons, with an intent to be put afterwards to sale by retail, or otherwise. Nor any Fishmonger to engross or buy in the said Market any quantity of Fish, but what shall be for his own sale or use, and not on the behalf of any other Fishmongers exposed to sale, on pain of forfeiting 20l. for every such Offence, the one half to the use of the Poor of the Parish where he lives, the other half to his own use that shall sue for it. Provided, nothing contained in this Act should be construed to prohibit the selling of Mackrel before or after Divine Service on Sundays."


Afterwards upon the Ingrossing of great quantities of Fish by some Persons, to the violation of this Act, this Order came forth Anno 1707. Sir Robert Bedingfield, Maior.

Jovis Vicesimo sexto die Junij, 1707. Annoq; Regni Reginæ ANNæ Magnæ Britanniæ, &c. Sexto.


WHEREAS in and by an Act of Parliament made in the Tenth and Eleventh Years of the Reign of King William the Third, Intituled, An Act to make Billingsgate a Free Market for Sale of Fish, It is Enacted, That it shall, and may be lawful for any Person or Persons, to Buy or Sell any sort of Fish, in the said Market, without any Disturbance or Molestation whatsoever, and to Sell the same again in any other Market Place or Places within the City of London, or elsewhere by Retail. But contrary to the true intent and meaning of the said Act, divers Persons do frequently Buy and Ingross to themselves great quantities of Fish, in, or at Billingsgate Market, and Sell the same again in the said Market; which Practice tends greatly to the Enhansing the Prices of Fish, and is punishable by the Statute made against Regrators, in the Fifth and Sixth Years of the Reign of King Edward the Sixth, Chapter the Fourteenth.

For prevention whereof for the future, It is now ordered by this Court, That no Fishmonger, Fishwoman, or other Person or Persons whatsoever, do, or shall hereafter Sell or expose to Sale any Fish, in, or at Billingsgate Market, which was then before bought in the same Market; and that none but Fishermen, their Wives, Apprentices or Servants, be permitted to stand, stay or remain there to Sell by Retail the Fish by them taken, and brought to the said Market to be Sold, so that the Citizens may have Fish at the first hand for their own use, according to the true meaning of the Law: And it is further ordered by this Court, That the Hours limitted for beginning of the said Fish Market at Billingsgate, shall hereafter be strictly observed, (that is to say) from Lady-Day to Michaelmas, at Four of the Clock in the Morning, and from Michaelmas to Lady-Day at Six of the Clock in the Morning;and that before those Hours none do presume to Buy or Sell any sort of Fish at the said Market, (except Herrings, Sprats, Mackarel and Shell-Fish) on pain of being proceeded against as Forestallers of the Market. And the Yeomen of the Waterside are strictly enjoyned and required to see this Order duly and constantly observed; and also, constantly to Ring the Bell at Billingsgate precisely at the Times aforesaid, for the beginning of the Market there; and that without fail they cause all Persons that shall Buy or Sell Fish there, before the said Hours, and Ringing of the said Bell, or shall Regrate Fish, (that is to say, Buy Fish, and Sell the same again in the said Market) to be apprehended, and brought before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of this City, for the time being, or some Justice of the Peace, to be bound over to the Sessions, there to answer the same: And it is further Ordered, That no Fish (except Herrings, Sprats, Mackarel and Shell Fish) be Sold aboard any Vessel or Boat at Billingsgate, which the said Yeomen of the Waterside, and the Under-Water-Bayliff are likewise carefully to see observed, as they will answer the contrary at their Perils.

The Hours of the Fish Market at Billingsgate.

Next to this is Somers Key, which likewise took that Name of one Somer dwelling there; as did Lion Key of one Lion, Owner thereof, and since of the Sign of the Lion.

Sommer Key.

Lion Key.

Culverkey juxta Billingsgate. Regist. Ep. Lond.]

E. A.

Then is there a fair Wharf or Key, called Botolph's Gate, by that Name so called in the Times of William the Conqueror, and of Edward the Confessor, as I have shewed already in the Description of the Gates.

Butolph Wharf was in the Crown in Edward the First's time, who granted it to Richard de Kingston in these Words: "Our common Key of St. Butolph next Billingsgate, London, with free going in and out to the same, in the East Head of the same Place. Which place hath Land contained from the Tenement of the said Richard against the West, and to the Head of the said Church, and the common way which leadeth to the Thames against the West, eighteen Ells and one quarter of an Ell, of the Iron Ell of our Sovereign Lord the King of England, without Inches measured. And it containeth in both Heads, from the Wall of the said Church unto our common Key in breadth six Ells of the Ell aforesaid, without Inches measured. To have and to hold to the said Richard and his Heirs, and to whom he will give, sell, bequeath, assign, or any other mannerwise Alien, and their Heirs, of us, our Successors &c. freely, quietly, well and in peace, &c. yielding therefore a Silver Penny at the Feast of the Nativity of S. John Baptist, for all Services, &c.]"

Botolph Wharf granted by K. Ed. I. to Rich. de Kingston.

J. S.

Records of the Vintners.

Iron Ell.

The Parish Church of St. BUTOLPH Billingsgate.


Next is the Parish Church of St. Butolph, a proper Church.

It was repaired and beautified at the Cost and Charge of the Parishioners in the Year of our Lord God, 1624.



Robert Dowley,
Robert Lemman

This Church was burnt in the great Fire, and rebuilt. An Encroachment upon the Church was presented in the Parochial Visitation 1693. namely, that most part of the Ground, on which the Chancel stood was taken by Sir Josiah Child into the Passage to Butolph Wharf: For which he was to pay to the Parish an 100l. which then was not paid: Tho' I make no doubt before this time it is: As likewise for Encroachments upon the City Ground.

Encroachment on St. Botolph Church.

J. S.

Upon part of that Ground where the Body of the Church stood, there is an House built by Lease from the Parish, which had, as was thought, 200l. Fine, and have a Ground Rent of 6l. per

Building upon the Church Ground.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY