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Bridge Ward within. Fishmongers. 179

Bridge Ward within. Fishmongers.

Figures Anno 1555, were new beautified and painted. But the Bible in King Henry's Hand gave great Offence, and Commandment was given immediately that it should be put out, and so it was, and a Pair of Gloves pictured in the room of the Bible.]

The Customs of Grasschurch Market, in the Reign of Edward the third, as I have read in a Book of Customs, were these: [Cet la Custume de Ger [or] Gerscherche, Chescune carecte de foreyn que meiste blee ou brees dorra ab Chescune carecte que meistie furmage 2 deniers, &c.] i.e. Every foreign Cart laden with Corn or Malt, coming thither to be sold, was to pay one halfpenny. Every foreign Cart bringing Cheese, two pence. Every Cart of Corn and Cheese together ( if the Cheese be more worth than the Corn) two pence; and if the Corn be more worth then the Cheese, it was to pay a halfpenny. Of two Horses laden with Corn or Malt, the Bailiffe had one farthing. The Cart of the Franchise of the Temple, and of S. Martin le Grand, paid a farthing. The Cart of the Hospital of S. John of Jerusalem, paid nothing for their proper Goods. And if the Corne were brought by Merchants to sell again, the Load paid a halfpenny, &c.

Customs of Grass-street Market.

Lib. Alb.

J. S.

On the West side of this Ward, at the North end of London Bridge, is a Part of Thames Street, which is also of this Ward; to wit, so much as of old time was called Stockfishmonger Row, of the Stockfishmongers dwelling there: down West to to a Water-gate, of old time called Ebgate, since Ebgate Lane, and now the Old Swan, which is a common Stair on the Thames, but the Passage is very narrow, by means of Encroachments.


Stockfishmongers Row.

Ebgate Lane.

On the South side of Thames street, about the midway betwixt the Bridge Foot and Ebgate Lane, standeth Fishmongers Hall. and divers other fair Houses for Merchants.

Fishmongers Hall.

These Fishmongers were sometimes of two several Companies, to wit, Stockfishmongers and Saltfishmongers. Of whose Antiquity I read, that by the Name of Fishmongers of London, they were for forestalling, &c. contrary to the Laws and Constitutions of the City, fined to the King at 500 Marks, the 18th of King Edward the first. More, that the said Fishmongers hearing of the great Victory obtained by the same King against the Scots, in the 26th of his Reign, made a triumphant and solemn Shew thorough the City, with divers Pageants, and more than 1000 Horsemen, &c. as in the Chapter of Sports and Pastimes.

Antiquities of the Fishmongers, 1290.

A triumphant Shew made by the Fishmongers for the Victory of the King.

These two Companies of Stockfishmongers and Saltfishmongers, of old time had their several Halls, to wit, in Thames street, twaine, in new Fishstreet twaine, and in Old Fishstreet twaine; in each Place, one for either Company: In all six several Halls, the Company was so great, as I have read in the Records of the Tower, now worn out of Knowledge to the Company.

Fishmongers had 6 Halls in London.

These Fishmongers have been jolly Citizens, and 6 Maiors of their Company in 24 Years; to wit, Walter Turke, 1350. John Lofkin, 1359. John Wroth, 1361. John Pechie, 1362. Simon Morden, 1369. And William Walworth, 1374. It followed, that in the Year 1382, through the Counsel of John Northampton, Draper, then being Maior, William Essex, John More, Mercer, and Rich. Northbury, the said Fishmongers were greatly troubled, hindred of their Liberties, and almost destroyed by Congregations made against them: So that in a Parliament at London., the Controversie depending between the Maior and Aldermen of London, and the Fishmongers there, Nic. Exton, Speaker for the Fishmongers, prayeth the King to receive him and his Company into his Protection, for fear of corporal Hurt. Where- upon it was commanded, either part to keep the Peace, upon Pain of losing all they had. Hereupon a Fishmonger starting up, replyed, That the Complaint brought against them by the Movers, &c. was but matter of Malice; for that the Fishmongers, in the Reign of Edward the third, being chief Officers of the City, had for their Misdemeanors then done, committed the chief Exhibitors of those Petitions to Prison. In this Parliament, the Fishmongers (by the King's Charter Patents) were restored to their Liberties. Notwithstanding in the Year next following, to wit, 1383, John Cavendish Fishmonger, craveth the Peace against the Chancellor of England, which was granted. And he put in Sureties, the Earls of Stafford and Salisbury,. Cavendish challengeth the Chancellor for taking a Bribe of 10l. for favour of his Case; which the Chancellor by Oath upon the Sacrament avoideth. In farther trial, it was found that the Chancellor's Man (without his Master's Privity) had taken it. Whereupon Cavendish was adjudged to Prison, and to pay the Chancellor 1000 Marks for slandering him.

Fishmongers, 6 of them Maiors in 24 years.

Fishmongers for their Greetings envied of the other Companies.

Nicolas Exton for the Fishmongers craved the Kings Protection.

Fishmongers by Parliament restored to their Liberties.

John Cavendish craved the Peace against the Chancellor.

Challenged him of taking a Bribe.

After this, many of the Nobles assembled at Reding, to suppress the seditious Stirs of the said John Northampton, or Combarton, late Maior, that had attempted great and heinous Enterprizes, of the which he was convict. And when he stood mute, nor could utter one Word, it was decreed, That he should be committed to perpetual Prison, his Goods confiscate to the King's Use, and that he should not come within 100 Miles of London during his Life. He was therefore sent to the Castle of Tintegall, in the Confines of Cornwal, and in the mean space the King's Servants spoiled his Goods. John More, Richard Northbury, and other, were likewise there convict, and condemned to perpetual Prison, and their Goods confiscate, for certain Congregations by them made against the Fishmongers in the City of London, as is aforesaid; but they obtained and had the King's Pardon, in the 14th of his Reign, as appeareth of Record: And thus were all these Troubles quieted.

Northampton, and other Principal Adversaries to the Fishmongers condemned to perpetual Prison.

Those Stockfishmongers and Saltfishmongers were united in the Year 1536, the 28th of Henry 8. their Hall to be but one, in the House given unto them by Sir John Cornwall, Lord Fanhope, and of Ampthull in the Parish of S. Michael in Crooked Lane, in the Reign of Henry 6.


Stock-fish-mongers and Salt-fish-mongers united.

Thus much have I thought good to note of the Fishmongers, Men ignorant of their own Antiquities, and not able so much to as to shew the Reason why, or when they were joyned in Amity with the Goldsmiths, and do give part of their Arms, &c. Neither to say ought of Sir William Walworth (the Glory of their Company) more, than that he slew Jack Straw, which is a mere Fable: For the said Jack Straw, was after the Overthrow of the Rebels, taken, and by Judgment of the Maior beheaded, which Confession at the Gallows is extant in my Annals. Where also is set down the most valiant and praise worthy Act of Sir William Walworth, against the principal Rebel, Walter Tighler, as in Reproof of Walworth's Monument in S. Michael's Church, I have declared, and wished to be reformed there as in other Places.

Sir Joh Cornwall created Baron Fanhope in the 6. of Edw. 6.

Fishmongers joyned in amity with the Goldsmiths.

W. Walworth slandred by a Fable of Jack Straw.

T. Walsin.

H. Knighton.

Lib. Ebor.

On that South-side of Thames street, have ye Drinkwater Wharf, and Fish Wharf, in the Parish of S. Magnus. On the South side Thames street, is S. Martins Lane; a Part of which Lane is also of this Ward; to wit, on one side to a Well of Water; and on the other side as far up as against the said Well. Then is S. Michael's Lane, part whereof is also of this Ward up to a Well there, &c.

Drinkwater Wharf.

St. Martin's Lane.


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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY