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Downgate Ward. Alhallows the Great. 205

Downgate Ward. Alhallows the Great.

" liam Bishop of Carlile, William de Ferrariis, Gilbert Basset, Walter Beauchamp, &c. by the hand of the venerable Father the Bishop of Chichester our Chancellor, at Daintre, the 8. Nov. An. Reg. 20."

Which Charter King Edward his Son confirmed An. 1290. by his Charter dated at Langley 18th of his Reign, July 28. that ran in this Tenor:

Archiepis. Epis. Abbatib. Priorib. Comitib. Baronib. &c. "To all Archbishops, Bishops, &c. We have looked upon a Charter that L. Henry of good Memory the King our Father granted to the Citizens of Colen, &c. We also quit Claim, &c. Witness Bishop of Bath and Wells our Chancellor, Edmund Earl of Cornwall our Cousin, Walter de Beauchamp, Steward of our Houshold, &c."

In this House were these Verses written, as I find in a Book written by Chytæus of ancient Inscriptions:

Hæc Domus est læta, semper bonitate repleta.
Hic Pax, hic Requies, hic gaudia semper honesta.

Variorum in Europa Itinerum Deliciæ.


Aurum blanditiæ pater est, natúsque doloris.
Qui caret hoc, mœret, qui tenet, hic metuit.

A Nathane Chytræo.


J. S.


Qui bonis parere recusat, quasi vitato fumo, in flammam incidit.]

In the year 1551. the fifth of Edward the sixth, through complaint of the English Merchants, the Liberty of the Steelyard Merchants was seized into the Kings Hands, and so it resteth.

Steelyard put down.

The Parish Church of ALHALLOWS the More, or the Great.


Then is Church Lane, at the West end of Alhallows Church, called Alhallows the More in Thamesstreet, for a difference from Alhallows the Less in the same Street. It is also called Alhallows ad fœnum in the Roperie, because Hay (that fœnum signifies) was sold near thereunto, at Hay-Wharf, and Ropes of old time made or sold in the high Street.

Church Lane.

Alhallows the More.

Hay Wharf Lane in the Parish of Alhallows the Great.

This is a fair Church, with a large Cloister on the South side thereof, about their Churchyard, but fouly defaced and ruinated.

Registr. Lond.

This Church, with much Cost bestowed on the Steeple, was in many Parts of it repaired, and throughout richly and worthily beautified, at the proper Cost and Charge of the Parishioners in the Years of our Lord God 1627 and 1629.



James Ashby,
Henry Clinket,


Christopher Robotham,
William Pagen,

There was at this time a fair Gallery built at the West end of the Church; and in the North Ile a new Door made, almost at the upper end.

The last Year, viz. 1632. all the Iles, to the Chancel, were raised a Foot and an half, and the Pews a Foot above that: A Work much gracing the Church; but especially done for a ready and more easy hearing. All the Charges arising to 600l. and upwards.]



The Church also hath had many fair Monuments, but now defaced: There remain in the Quire some Plates on Gravestones, namely of William Lichfield, Doctor of Divinity, who de ceased the year 1447. He was a great Student, and compiled many Books, both Moral and Divine, in Prose and in Verse; namely one, entituled, The Complaint of God unto sinful Man. He made in his time 3083 Sermons; as appeared by his own hand-writing, and were found when he was dead.

The Monuments.

Dr. Litchfield.

One other Plate there is of John Brickles, Draper, who deceased in the Year 1451. He was a great Benefactor to that Church, and gave by his Testament certain Tenements, to the Relief of the Poor.

Joan Bruyn, Wife of Richard Bruyn, de Eslingham in the County of Kent, Esq; was probably buried here. For by her Will dated in June 1462. she bequeated her Body to be deposited in the Church of Great Alhallows, London.]

J. S.

Nicolas Loven, and William Peston, founded Chantries there.

Willielmus dudum     
Lichfield quem mors fera pressit,
Ista post ludum     
mundi sub rupe quiescit.
In domum rure     
cultor, sator ac operosus,
Dum preciat ture * ,     
pastor vigil, & studiosus.
Hanc ædem rexit,     
ornavit & amplificavit,
Pignora provexit,     
ac sacro dogmate pavit.
Pauperibus carus,     
inopes in mente gerebat,
Consilio gnarus     
dubitantibus esse solebat.
Christe pugil fortis     
ejus disslove reatus,
Ut vivat mortis     
post morsum glorificatus.
Luce bis X. quat' I.     
migrat Octobris sine panno,
Equat' X. quat' V.     
semel I. ter. I. M. Karus.

A fair plated Stone under the Communion Table.

A. M.

Sta precor interne,     
qui transis aspice, cerne,
Non nitidis pannis,     
sed olentibus ossa Johannis
Brickles, ista mei     
specus includit requiei,
Taliter indutus     
tumulabere tu resolutus.
Dormit in hac cella     
mea conjux ac Isabella,     
* Appollinaris quam     
vixit lux nece stratus. æquater X. ter V.     
semel I. bis & M. sociatis.

Another fair Stone lying by it.


In this Church also was Queen Elizabeth's Monument; If Royal Vertues, &c. as in her Monument in other Churches.

Under a Gravestone in the North Ile lyeth Rachel Hollier, Daughter of Mr. Will. Hollier. Departed Nov. 4. 1704. And also the said William died Aug. 28. 1716. Aged 58.]

J. S.

At the East end of this Church goeth down a Lane, called Hay-Wharf Lane, now lately a great Brewhouse, builded there by one Pot; Henry Campion, Esq; a Beer Brewer, used it, and Abraham his Son since possessed it.

Hay Wharf Lane.

Then was there one ther Lane some time called Woolseys Gate, now out of use. For the lower part thereof, upon the Bank of Thames, is builded by the late Earl of Shrewsbury, and the other end is builded on and stopped up by the

Woolseys Lane.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY