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Vintrie Ward. [Wine Merchants.] 2

Vintrie Ward. [Wine Merchants.]

time over the brooke there, which is now vaulted over.

Then from the South gate West, runneth one other street, called Knightriders street, by St. Thomas Apostles Church, on the North side, and Wringwren lane, by the said Church, at the West end thereof and to the East end of the Trinity Church in the said Knighriders street; where this Ward endeth on that South side the street. But on the North side, it runneth no farther than the corner against the new builded Tavern, and other houses, in a plot of ground, where some time stood Ormond place. Yet have ye one other lane lower down in Royal street, stretching forth from over against St. Michaels Church, to and by the North side of St. James's Church by Garlickhithe. This is called Kerion lane: And thus much for the bounds of the Vintrie Ward. Now on the Thames side West from Granthams lane, have ye Herber lane, or Brickles lane, so called of John Brickles, sometime owner thereof.

Knight-riders street.

Ormond Place.

Kerion lane.

Herber lane, or Brickles lane.

Then is Simsons lane, of one Simpson; or Emperours-head lane, of such a sign: then the Three Cranes lane, so called, not only of a sign of three Cranes at a Tavern door, but rather of three strong Cranes of Timber, placed on the Vintrie Wharf by the Thames side, to crane up Wines there, as is aforeshewed. This Lane was of old time, to wit, the 9th. of Richard the second, called the Painted Tavern lane, of the Tavern being painted.

Simpsons lane.

Three Cranes lane.

Painted Tavern lane.

Then next over against St. Martin's Church, is a large house builded of Stone and Timber, with Vaults for the stowage of Wines, and is called the Vintrie. There dwelled John Gisers, Maior of London, and Constable of the Tower. And then was Henry Picard, Vintner Mayor. In this house Henry Picard feasted four Kings in one day; as in my Summary I have shewed.

The Vintry Record.

Then next is Vannars lane, so called of one Vannar that was owner thereof. It is now call'd Church lane, of the coming up from the Wharf to St. Martin's Church.

Vannars lane.

Next is Brode lane, for that the same is broader for the passage of Carts from the Vintrie Wharf, than be the other lanes. At the North west corner of this lane is the Parish-Clerks Hall, lately by them purchased, since they lost their old Hall in Bishopsgate street. Next is Spittle lane, of old time so called; since, Stodies lane, of the owner thereof, named Stodie. Sir John Stodie, Vintner, Maior in the year 1357. gave it, with all the Quadrant wherein Vintners Hall now standeth, with the Tenements round about, unto the Vintners. The Vintners builded for themselves a fair Hall there, and also13 Alms-houses for 13 poor people, which are kept of charity rent-free.

Broad lane.

Parish Clerks Hall.

Stodies lane.

Vintners Hall.

Alms-houses of the Vintners.

This Place of Stody was called in old Records, The Manour of the Vintre. This Manour the said Stody July the 3. 2. Edw. 3. gave and granted to one John Tuke, Parson of that Parish Church; "to have and to hold the said Manour to him and his Successors, to the Use and Behalf of the said Church; the King's Licence thereof not had, nor obtained." By force of which Feoffment the said John was seized thereof as of Fee, contrary to the Sense of the Statute of Lands and Tenements to be put into Mortmains, had and provided. Of this there was an Inquisition taken in 17 Edw. 4. before Sir Rauf Josselyn: and there was likwise a Trial in the Exchequer about it. But King Ri- chard III. granted it to the Company of Vintners.]

Stodies Manour of the Vintrie first given to the Church.

J. S.

These Vintners in London were (of old time) called Merchant Vintners of Gascoyne, and so I read them in the Records of Edward II. the 11th year, and Edward III. the 9th year; they were as well English men as strangers born, beyond the Seas, but then Subjects to the Kings of England; great Burdeaux Merchants of Gascoyne and French Wines. Divers of them were Mayors of this City; namely, John Adrean Vintner, Reginald at Conduit, John Oxonford, Henry Picard, that feasted the Kings of England, France, Scotland, and Cyprus: John Stodie, that gave Stodie's lane to the Vintners: the four last were Maiors in the Reign of Edward III. and yet GascoyneWines were then to be sold at London, not above 4 pence, nor Rhenish Wines above 6 pence the Gallon.

The Vintners great Burdeaux Merchants.

William More, Vintner, Maior in the Reign of Richard II.

I read of sweet Wines, that in the 50th of Edward III. John Peachie, Fishmonger, was accused, for that he procured a Licence for the only sale of them in London: Which notwithstanding he justified by Law, he was imprisoned and fined.

Monopoly of Wines punished.

More I read in the 6th of Hen. VI. the Lombards corrupting their sweet Wines, when knowledge thereof came to John Rainwell, Maior of London, he (in divers places of the City) commanded the heads of the Butts and other Vessels in the open Streets, to be broken, to the number of one hundred and fifty. So that the Liquor running forth, passed thorow the City like a stream of rain water, in the sight of all the people; from whence there issued a most loathsome savour.

Cognizance taken of corrupting Wines.

I read in the Reign of Henry VII. that no sweet Wines were brought into this Realm, but Malmsies, by the Longobards, paying to the King for his Licence, 6s. 8d. of every Butt, besides 12d. for Bottle large. I remember, within this 54 years, Malmsey not to be sold above 1d. ob. the Pint. For proof whereof, it appeareth in the Church Book of St Andrew Undershaft, that in the year 1547. I.G. and S.K. then Church-wardens, for 80 Pints of Malmsey, spent in the Church, after 1 penny halfpenny the Pint, paid at the years end for the same ten shillings.

Malmseys brought by the Longobards.

Malmsey spent in St. Andrew Undershaft, for a year, 80 pints.

No Sack drunk but Rumney.

More I remember, that no Sacks were sold but Rumney, and that for Medicine more than for Drink: but now many kinds of Sacks are known and used. And do much for Wines.

For the Vintrie, to end therewith, I read, that in the Reign of Henry IV. the young Prince Henry, Thomas Duke of Clarence, John Duke of Bedford, and Humfrey Duke of Glocester, the King's Sons, being at Supper amongst the Merchants of London in the Vintrie, in the house of Lewes John; Henry Scogan sent to them a Ballad beginning thus:

The King's Sons supped in the Vintrie.

Henry Scogan.

My Noble Sonnes,     
and eke my Lords deare,
I your Father     
called unworthily,
Send unto you     
this Ballad following here,
Written with mine     
owne hand full rudely:
Although it be,     
that I not reverently
Have written to your     
Estates, I you pray,


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY