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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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Vintrie Ward. [Tower Royal.] 6

Vintrie Ward. [Tower Royal.]

Aged 68. At which time he was one of the Burgesses of Parliament for the Borough of Totnes in the County of Devon.

Vir singulari animi dignitate insignis: Sibi constans: Magnatibus sui temporis, & vivens & moriens carus.

William Fellows of Lincolns Inn, Esq; one of the Masters of the Court of Chancery, and John Fellows, Esq; of London, Merchant, his Nephews and joynt Executors erected this Monument to the Memory of their most dear and honoured Uncle.

There is a Table of Benefactors set up in this Church shewing what Charities belong to them, Viz.

Benefactors. Gifts.


James Finch, Citizen and Clothworker of London, gave for ever 10l. 0 0. per ann. for reading Divinity in Whittington College, to be paid by the Worshipful Company of Clothworkers.


Year 1508.

John Heydon, Citizen, and Mercer and Alderman gave per ann. 13l. 6s. 8d. for a Weekly Lecture in this Church; to be paid by the the Company of Mercers. Which Lecture had been neglected for many years: and Complaint thereof being made to the Commissioners for Charitable Uses, they passed a Decree in 1702. Importing that reading Prayers and Preaching a Sermon within this Church throughout the whole Year, would fulfil the the Will of both Testators. Which Decree is enrolled in the Petty Bag Office: and a Copy of it transcribed in the Parish Book. This Lecture is, or was lately preached by Mr. Shute on Frydays afternoon at three of the Clock.


This Church ruined in the great Fire was rebuilt and finished in the year 1694.

Church rebuilt.

The Font was given by Abraham Jordan.

S. Martins in the Vintree is layd to this Parish by Act of Parliament.]

At the upper end of this Street, is the Tower Royal, whereof that street taketh name. This Tower and great place was so called, of pertaining to the Kings of this Realm: but by whom the same was builded, or of what Antiquity continued, I have not read more, than in the Reign of King Edward I. second, fourth, and seventh years, it was the tenement of Simon Beawmes. Also, that in the 36th of Edward III. the same was called the Royal, in the Parish of Michael de Pater noster: and that in the three and fortieth of his Reign, he gave it by the name of his Inne, called the Royal, in his City of London, in value twenty pounds by year, unto his Colledge of S. Stephen at Westminster. Notwithstanding, in the Reign of Richard II. it was called, The Queens Wardrobe, as appeareth by this that followeth.

Tower Royal builded about Henry I. as may be supposed. King Stephen was lodged there.


The Queens Wardrobe.

King Richard, having in Smithfield overcome and dispersed the Rebels, he, his Lords and all his Company, entred the City of London, with great joy, and went to the Lady Princess his Mother, who was then lodged in the Tower-Royal, called the Queens Wardrope, where she had remained three days and two nights, right sore abashed. But when she saw the King her Son, she was greatly rejoyced and said, Ah Son, what great sorrow have I suffered for you this day! The King answered and said; Certainly, Madam, I know it well, but now rejoyce, and thank God, for I have this day recovered mine heritage, and the Realm of England, which I had near-hand lost.

The Lady Princess lodged in the Tower Royal.

This Tower seemeth to have been (at that time) of good defence, for when the Rebels had beset the Tower of London, and got possession thereof, taking from thence whom they listed: as in my Annals I have shewed; the Princess being forced to flye came to this Tower Royal, where she was lodged, and remained safe as ye have heard. And it may be also supposed, that the King himself was at that time lodged there. I read, that in the year 1386. Lyon King of Armony, being chased out of his Realm by the Tartarians, received innumerable gifts of the King and of his Nobles, the King then lying in the Royal. Where he also granted to the said King of Armony, a Charter of a thousand pounds by year during his Life. This for proof may suffice, that Kings of England have been lodged in this Tower, though the same (of later time) hath been neglected, and turned into stabling for the Kings horses, and now let out to divers Men, and divided into Tenemens.

This Tower Royal a Place of Defence.

King Richard lodged in the Tower Royal.

Afterwards the Kings Horses here stabled.

This great House, belonging antiently to the Kings of England, was inhabited by the first Duke of Norfolk, of the Family of the Howards; granted unto him by King Richard the Third. For so I find in an old Ledger Book of that Kings. Where it is said, "That the King granted unto John Duke of Norfolk, Messuagium cum Pertinenciis, voc. LE TOWER infra Paroch. Sancti Thomæ Lond." where we may observe, how this Messuage is said to stand in S. Thomas Apostle tho' Stow placeth it in S. Michaels.

The Duke of Norfolk lodged here.

J. S.

In Horse bridge-street is the Cutlers Hall, Richard de Wilehale, 1295. confirmed to Paul Butelar, this house and the edifices, in the parish of St. Michael Pater noster Church, and S. Johns upon Walbrooke. Which some time Lawrence Gisors, and his Son Peter Gisors did possess, and afterwards Hugo de Hingham: and lyeth between the Tenement of the said Richard towards the South, and the lane called Horseshoo bridge towards the North, and between the way called Pater noster Church on the West, and the course of Walbrooke on the East, paying yearly one Clove of Gilliflowers at Easter, and to the Prior and Convent of S. Mary Over, 6s. This House some time belonged to Simon Dolesly, Grocer, Maior in the year 1359. They of this Company were (of old time) three Arts, or sorts of Workmen, to wit, the first were Smiths, Forgers of Blades, and therefore called Bladers, and divers of them proved wealthy Men, as namely, Walter Nele, Blader, one of the Sheriffs, the Twelfth of Edward III. deceased, 1352. and buried in S. James Garlicke hith. He left Lands to the mending of High-ways about London, between Newgate and Wicombe, Aldgate and Chelmsford, Bishopsgate and Ware, Southwark and Rochester, &c. The second were makers of Hafts, and otherwise garnishers of Blades: the third sort were Sheathmakers for Swords, Daggers and Knives. In the Tenth of Henry IV. certain Ordinances were made betwixt the Bladers, and others Cutlers, and in the fourth of Henry VI. they were all three Companies drawn into one Fraternity or Brotherhood by the name of Cutlers.

Cutlers Hall.

Bladers or Blade-Smiths.



Then is Knightriders street, so called (as is supposed) of Knights well armed and mounted at the Tower Royal, riding from thence thro' that street, West to Creed lane, and so out at Ludgate, towards Smithfield; when they were there to Turney, Just, or otherwise to shew their activities before the King and States of the Realm.

Knightriders street.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY