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Cordwainers Street Ward. [S. Mary Aldermary.] 18

Cordwainers Street Ward. [S. Mary Aldermary.]

the Church-wardens of Friarn Barnet for the Poor in an Alms-house there.]

A more modern Account of the State of the Charitable Gifts belonging to this Parish of S. Antholins, both towards the maintaining the Morning Lecture, and also for the relieving of the poorer sort yearly, standeth thus, as I drew it from the Account of Mr. W. Yer. late Church-warden of the said Parish.

State of the Charities given to this Parish.

To the six Morning Lecturers paid8700
Raised from these Gifts, Viz.
Houses in Queens street2100
Interest of 200l. given1000
Houses and Ground in Whitechappel1800
Rents in S. Stephens Alley, Westminster; the
Gift of William Wankys Esq;
Mr Juxons Gift200
Mr. Parreis Gift, received from the Com-
pany of Mercers
Mr. Parkers Gift, received from the Com-
pany of Drapers for a year and a quar-
Houses under the Parish Church400
Houses in Badgers Ally700
The Lady Martins Gift0100
Mr. Ludlows Gift200
Including Taxes and other necessary Dis

For the Relief of the Poor.


Received from the Mercers Company, being the Lady Martins Gift 6 0 0

Thus disposed;

For Bread 12d. per Week2120
To the Pensioners 12d. per Week2120
To the Morning Lectures0100
For cleaning the Tomb0060

More, from the Mercers Company being Alderman Dancies Gift for Coals 2 10 0

From the Merchant Taylors Company, being the Gift of Sir Will. Craven, for Coals 2 11 0

More from the Merchant Taylors, the Gift of Mr. Robert Parker 5 00 00

Disposed of to several poor in part, the rest in Taxes.

More from the Merchant Taylors, the Gift of Thomas Coventry, Esq; for the putting forth yearly two poor Children Apprentices, either born in the Parish, or such as live in it. 10 0 8

With which the said Mr. Y. put out a Boy and a Girl in his year.

From the Skinners Company, the Gift of Mr. Tho. Draper 1 6 0

Disposed in Mony to several Poor.]

The Parish Church of St. MARY ALDERMARY.


Next on the South side of Budge row, by the West corner thereof, and on the East side of Cordwainers street, is one other fair Church, called Aldermarie Church, because the same was very old, and elder than any Church of S. Mary on the City; till of late years the foundation of a very fair new Church was laid there by Henry Keeble, Grocer, Maior.

S. Mary Aldermary.

In S. Anthonins Parish aforesaid, Sir Will. Craven, the great and wealthy Alderman, (from whence the Lords of that Name descended) had his Shop (though his dwelling House latewardly was in S. Andrew Undershaft Parish.) Which Shop with the House, he left to his Partners, Robert and John Parker. For so his Will ran: "My Will and Mind is, that the said J.P. and R.P. shal have and enjoy the Lease of my House in the Parish of S. Antholins in London, which I hold of the Mercers Company; and the full Use and Occupation of the Shop, Ware-houses, Hall, Kitchin, Chambers, Parlours, and al other Rooms to the said Mese belonging, &c. for and during their natural Lives, &c. they keeping the said House in their own Possession, paying the Mercers Rent every half year, maintaining the House in necessary Repair, Paying the Parsons Duties, and other Cessements, &c." And what his Trade and Calling was (which he continued to his Death) may appear in his said Will. Where ordering a Loan of some Mony, he willed it to be lent out of such Mony or Stock as he had then going in Trade; or occupying in Woolen Cloth or Clothes.]

Sir William Cravens House and Shop.

J. S.

Aldermary Church was repaired, richly and very worthily beautified at the Cost and Charge of the Parish, in the year of our Lord 1632.



John Edwards
Thomas Archer

But while we speak of the Love and Liberality of the Living, we must not forget the Dead. Whose Bounties (though They be Dust) are as fresh in this good Work, as theirs that have seen it finished. And first, Mr. William Rodoway, one born and buried in this Parish, though from his Youth to his End, he lived and dyed in another, Viz. Michael Bassishaw, at the time of his Death (which was in the year of our Lord 1626.) gave towards the rebuilding of the Steeple of this Church, then greatly decayed and perished, the Sum of 300l. In the same year dyed in this Parish one Mr. Richard Pierson, who towards the better and more beautiful building of this Steeple gave 200 Marks, with this Condition, that this Steeple thus to be built, should follow its ancient Pattern, and go forward and be finished, according to the foundation of it, laid 120 years since, by the Founder of this Church, Sir Henry Kibbel. Which within three years after was so finished. The Cost of it amounting to 1000l. All which, except the Gifts of those two Worthy Benefactors, was raised by the Parish.]

Henry Keeble aforementioned, deceased, and was here buried in a Vault by him prepared, with a fair Monument raised over him on the North side of the Quire: now destroyed and gone, he gave by his Testament 1000l. toward the building of that Church. And yet was not permitted a resting Place for his Bones there.

Hen. Keeble.

This noble Benefactor seemed to have no Monument set over his Body for divers years, till the year 1534, or 1535. But William Blount, Lord Mountjoy, who married Alice the said Keebles Daughter, by his last Will dated October, 1534, ordered a Stone to be laid over him, upon this Consideration, that there was no Stone upon him, and for that he had been a special Benefactor to the building of Aldermary Church, to the Value of 2000l. and above: Which was a great Sum of Mony in those Times.]

His Monument appointed by his Son in Law, the L. Mountjoy.

J. S.

Thomas Romane, Maior, 1310. had a Chantry there.

Richard Chawcer, Vintner, gave to that Church his Tenement and Tavern, with the appurtenances in the Royal street, the corner of Kerion lane, and was there buried, 1348.

Richard Chawcer Father to Geffrey the Poet, as may be supposed.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY