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[Aldermanbury.] Cripplegate Ward. 71

[Aldermanbury.] Cripplegate Ward.
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Then to turn back again through the said Postern Lane to Moor lane; which Moor lane, with all the Allies and Buildings there, is of this Ward. After that is Grubstreet, more than half thereof to the streightning of the Street. Next is Whitecross street, up to the end of Beech lane; and then Redcross street wholly. [Redecrouchstrete in proia de Crepulgate. Reg. Lon.] With a part of Golden lane, even to the Posts there placed as a Bounder.

Moor lane.


E. A.

Then is Beech lane, before spoken of, on the East side of the Redcross, and the Barbican street, more than half thereof, toward Aldersgate street; and so have you all the Bounds of Cripplegate Ward without the Walls.

Now for Antiquites and Ornaments in this Ward, meet to be noted. I find, first, at the meeting of the corners of the Old Jewry, Milkstreet, Lad lane, and Aldermanbury; there was (of old time) a fair Well with two Buckets, of late Years converted to a Pump. How Aldermanbury street took that Name, many Fables have been bruted; all which I overpass, as not worthy the accounting. But to be short and plain, I say, that this Street took the Name of Alderman bury; which is to say, a Court there kept in their Bery, or Court Hall, now called the Guild Hall: Which Hall (of old time) stood on the East side of the same Street, not far from the West end of Guild Hall, now used.

Antiquities and Ornaments in this Ward.

A Pump at the corner of Aldermanbury street.

Aldermanbury, whence so called.

Touching the Antiquity of this old Aldermans bury, or Court, I have not read other, than that Richard Renery, one of the Sheriffs of London, in the 1st of Richard I. which was in the Year of Christ, 1189. gave to the Church of St. Mary at Osney, by Oxford, certain Ground and Rents in Aldermanbury of London, as appeareth by the Register of that Church; as is also entred into the Hoistings of the Guild hall in London.

Liber Osney.

Aldermanbury Court or Guild Hall by Aldermanbury Church.

This old Bery, Court, or Hall, continued; and the Courts of the Maior and Aldermen were continually holden there, until the new Bery, Court, or Guild hall that now is, was builded and finished; which Hall was first begun to be founded in the Year 1411. and was not fully finished in Twenty Years after. I my self have seen the Ruins of the old Court Hall, in Aldermanbury street, which of late hath been imployed as a Carpenters Yard, &c.

Guild Hall, when built.

In this Aldermanbury street be divers fair Houses on both the sides, meet for Merchants or Men of Worship: And in the midst thereof, is a fair Conduit made at the Charges of William Eastfield, sometime Maior; who took order, as well for Water to be conveyed from Teyborne, and for the building of this Conduit not far distant from his dwelling House: As also, for a Standard of sweet Water to be erected in Fleetstreet; all which was done by his Executors, as in another place I have shewed.

The Parish Church of St. MARY Aldermanbury.


Then is the Parish Church of St. Mary Aldermanbury, a fair Church, with a Church yard and Cloister adjoining; in the which Cloister is hanged and fastened a Shank-bone of a Man (as is said) very great and larger by three Inches and a half, than that which hangeth in St. Laurence in the Jewry: For it is in length 28 Inches and a half of assise, but not so hard and Steel-like as the other. For the same is light, and somewhat pory and spongy. This Bone is said to be found amongst the Bones of Men removed from the Charnel House of Pauls; or rather, from the Cloister of Pauls Church. Of both which Reports I doubt; for that the late Reyne Wolfe, Stationer, (who paid for the Carriage of those Bones from the Charnel to the Moorfields) told me of some Thousands of Carr Loads, and more to be conveyed; (whereof he wondred) but never told me of any such Bone in either place to be found: Neither would the same have been easily gotten from him, if he had heard thereof, except he had reserved the like for himself; being one of the greatest Searchers and Preservers of Antiquities in those parts, for his time.

St. Mary Aldermanbury.

Shank-bone of a Man, 28 Inches and a half long.

Reyne Wolfe, a G ave Antiquary, collected the great Chronicles, increased, and published by his Executors, under the Name of Ralph Holenshead.

True it is, that this Bone (from whencesoever it came) being of a Man, as the Form sheweth, must needs be monstrous, and more than after the proportion of five Shank- bones of any Man now living amongst us.

This Church, for the space of four Years past, hath, in one decayed part or another, been repairing: As the Steeple, Bells, Battlements; many decayed Places of the Walls; two fair Galleries built; many of the Pews new made; the rest being all in hand, it can be no great Offence to count them already done. Which granted, and the Church in this Year finished, we may conclude, as we began with the rest of these Churches, thus.



This Church was repaired richly, and very worthily beautified, at the Cost and Chare of the Parishioners, in the Year of our Lord, 1633.

Bartholomew Edwards,
Abraham Nuns,



There lie buried in this Church, Simon Winchcombe, Esq; 1391. Robert Combarton, 1422. John Wheatly, Mercer, 1428. Sir William Eastfield, Knight of the Bath, Alderman and Maior, 1438. a great Benefactor to that Church, under a fair Monument. [Where his Coat was Sable, a Chevron Ermin, between Boys Heads, faced proper, Headed, Or. Shouldered, Gules.

Monuments of the Dead.

He also builded their Steeple, changed their old Bells into five tuneable Bells, and gave 100l. to other Works of that Church.

Moreover, he caused the Conduit in Aldermanbury, which he had begun, to be perfomed at his Charges; and Water to be conveyed by Pipes of Lead, from Teyborne to Fleetstreet, as I have said. And also from High Bery, to the Parish of St. Giles without Cripplegate; where the Inhabitants of those parts, incastellated the same in sufficient Cisterns.

Conduit in Aldermanbury.

John Middleton, Mercer, Maior, 1472. John Tomes, Draper, 1486. William Bucke, Taylor, 1501. Sir William Browne, Maior, 1507. Dame Margaret Jenings, Wife to Stephen Jenings, Maior, 1515. a Widdow, named Starkey, sometime Wife to Mody. Ralph Woodcocke, Grocer, one of the Sheriffs, 1586. Dame Mary Gresham, Wife to Sir John Gresham, 1538. Thomas Godfrey, Remembrancer of the Office of the first Fruits, 1577.



Thomas Digges Esquire, Sonne and heyre of Leonard Digges, of Wooton, in the County of Kent, Esquire, and of Bridget his Wife; Daughter to Thomas Wilford, Esquire; which Thomas deceased the 24. day of August, An. Dom. 1599 *.

A. M.

*Al. 1593.

Agnes, Wife to Thomas Digges, Esq; Daughter of Sir * William Sentleiger, Knight, and of Ursula his Wife; Daughter of George Nevil,

A fair Tomb in the North side of the Chancel.

*Al. Warham.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY