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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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[Monuments.] Cripplegate Ward. [Inscriptions.] 85

[Monuments.] Cripplegate Ward. [Inscriptions.]

A very fair Table, with a rich Coat of Arms hanging upon a Pillar in the middle Isle, about it this Inscription.


The sacred Corps of Sarah, Wife of Henry Goodericke, Daughter of William Bodenham, Knight, was interred at the South end of this Seat, towards the Pulpit.
Within it thus:

Buried the 6 of June, Anno 1616.

The Bearers sorrow,     
sable Lions shew,
Like to that Lion     
which did overthrow
The Man of God:     
And charg'd alike, doe stand,
Grand Guardants here,     
to checke the upheav'd hand,
Unweeting wights,     
or ignorant, shall lay
Upon her hallowed Corps,     
that here did pray.
A sacred Temple 'twas,     
wherein did shine
Her Makers Glory,     
Humane and Divine.
Sweet Commerce, sanctify'd     
with Zeal, mov'd there,
In Beauties Fabric,     
its own proper Sphere;
For which it tow'rs     
above the sight of Ey,
Gods Temples must ly low,     
that tower so high.

Under, two Hands joined, one out of a Cloud, the other out of a Globe: These Words,


Here lyeth buried the Body of Ellen Monyns. Who dyed the 29th of April, in the Year of our Lord, 1632.

A fair Marble Stone in the South Isle.

Here also lyeth buried the Body of her Sister, Mrs. Frances Monyns; who dyed the 17th of June, in the same Year.
They were the Daughters of Sir William Monyns, of Waldershaw, in the County of Kent, Bar. and of the Lady Jane his Wife; the Daughter of Roger Twisden, of Royden Hall, in the same County, Esquire. They lived religious and vertuous Lives, and in their Youths departed this Life in the true Faith of Jesus Christ.

Here lyeth the Body of Matthew Palmer, Esq; who dyed the 18. of May, 1605. together with Anne his Wife; who dyed the last of June, 1630. By whom he had four Sons and one Daughter. Viz. Thomas Palmer, his eldest Son, deceased the 5. of May, 1631. and here also buried. Elizabeth, Edward, Andrew, and Ralfe. Who when it so pleaseth God, desire this Place for the Custody of their Bodies likewise, till their assured and glorious Resurrection.

[To which lately is added as followeth.]

This is a very antient Family, and originally of Winthorpe in Lincolnshire; bearing for their Arms, Argent. 3 Pilgrims Staves, Sable; the Heads and Points, Or. For their Crest, being placed above an Helmet, a Mans Arme couped, the Sleeve, Azure, Cuff. Argent, and Hand, proper: Holding a Palmers Staff, Sable, garnished, Or.

Dr. Benet, Vic.

He whose Monuments this is, was of Cotes in Nottinghamshire; and had an honourable Imployment in the Exchequer. His Wife was Anne, the Daughter of Roger Raven, Esq; whose Arms were Argent, a Raven rising, proper. By whom he had issue the Children above mentioned. Edward lies here interred, as also does Matthew Palmer, Esq; of the middle Temple, the Son of that Edward. Andrew Palmer, Esq; (a Person of approved Loyalty) of Hertford, was buried here too. Who by Elizabeth, Sister to Baldwin Hamey, M.D. left one Son, Ralph Palmer, Esq; of Little Chelsey, in the County of Middlesex. Who, by Alice White (of the Family of that Learned Prelate, Dr. Francis White, sometime Lord Bishop of Ely) had issue Ralph Palmer, Esq; of the Middle Temple. Who repaired this Monument of his Ancestors, An. Dom 1712. having at that time a Son born. Ralph Palmer, by Catharine sole Issue of Sir John Ernle, Kt. (sometime Chancellor of the Exchequer) by his second Lady Elizabeth, Relict of Charles Lord Seymour. His youngest Son, Ralph Palmer, died a Batchelor, and lies interred in a Porch of his own erecting, at Broxborn Church, in the County of Hertford.]

Virtute, Prudentia, Generis Nobilitate Inclytus, Clarus. Illustris, hic Jacet, HENRICUS STAPLETONUS, è Diæcesi Eboracensi, Agri Wighilnensis olim Dominus, ætatis suæ 56. ab incarnato Verbo 1630. decimo sexto die Mensis Febr. vitam morte, Mortem immortali Gloria commutavit, atq; stipante Amicorum Syrmato collacrymantis Patriæ ferentium vices in hac æde elatus de Andreæ * Terra, mandatus est.

*Forte Flandriæ.

MARIA, Johannis Fosteri, Equitis Aurati, mediorum Angliæ finium Borealium Custodis Filia, mœstissima hoc funere Vidua, tanti Conjugii memor, Artemisianæ Pietatis æmula, non Magnificentiæ, hoc perpetuum tam Meritorum ejus, quam supstitis Amoris sui, Monumentum Erigit, Consecrat, Dicat.
By his Honourer and Kinsman Robert Stapleton.

There are 13 Escotcheons of Arms.]

Piæ Memoriæ charissimorum Parentum:
JOHANNIS SPEED Civis Londinensis, Mercatorum scissorum Fratris, Servi Fidelissimi Regiarum Majestatum, ELIZABETHæ, JACOBI, & CAROLI nunc superstitis. Terrarum nostrarum Geographi accurati, & fidi Antiquitatis Britannicæ Historiographi, Genealogiæ Sacræ elegantissimi Delineatoris. Qui postquam annos 77 superaverat, non tam morbo confectus, quam mortalitatis tædio lassatus, Corpore se levavit Julii 28. 1629. & jucundissimo Redemptoris sui desiderio sursum elatus, carnem hic in Custodia posuit, denuo, cum Christus venerit, recepturus.


On the South side of the Chancel.

On the other side of him.

SUSANNæ suæ suavissimæ, quæ postquam duodecim illi filios, & sex filias peperarat quinquaginta septem annos junctis utriusq; solatiis, cum illo vixerat; liberos gravi & frequenti hortamine, ad Dei cultum solicitaverat; Pietatis & Charitatis Opere quotidiano præluxe-


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY