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Cripplegate Ward. [The Bounds] 88

Cripplegate Ward. [The Bounds]

Alleys, lying on the West side of Willoughby House. But by reason of some Contention, that Course is of late denied them: So that they pass through Barbican, and turn up Goswell street, (beng part of St. Botolph Parish) until they come a little beyond the Bars, where they enter their own Bounds again; and setting up their Marks, pass along the Right side of the Kings High way, leading to Islington. And leaving the Mount Mill upon their Right hand, they proceed on, till they come within three Rods of a little Bridge, (at the lower end of the Close next unto Islington; over which lyeth a Foot-path toward Newington Green.) Where they dig a Way over the Ditch, and so keep upon the Ditch Bank, all the breadth of the lower end of the said Close. Where they turn again South-east, and taking in all the Lay-stalls, and low Grounds, where Brick hath been made, strike over between those low Grounds and the Brickhills, that now are adjoining to the Foot path, leading from the Pesthouse to Islington; which they leave on the left side. In the South end of which Brickhill, there is a Stone set, now almost digged down. From the which Stone, they come strait South, till they come over a Bridge, which is laid purposely for them, and after removed. Which as soon as they have past, they strike down by the said Ditch side, Eastward, to the farthest Conduit Head, where they give the Children Points.

From whence they keep a strait Course into the Kings High way, to Dame Anne de Clare; upon the right side of which Way they keep, till they come to the Butts; where a Plank is purposely laid for them; over which they pass into Holywell Close, and so keep-directly to the farthest of the six Miles, next unto Holywell, which they leave on their Left hand; and so passing over the High way, keep a strait Course over the Walks, to the farthest Wall, South of the middle Walk, (leaving the Butchers Close, and the lower Gardens, some three Rods on the Left hand,) in the which Wall there is a Mark or Bound. From thence (not entring the lowest Walk at all) they turn full West, over the high way leading from Moorgate; and coming into Little Moorefields, (as we call it) they keep close to the Pales and Tentors, (for they have not passing eight or ten Foot of Ground from the Pails) till they come to the Postern, where they set up their Mark. And so through the Postern they make their return, &c.]

There was in this Church, of old time, a Fraternity or Brotherhood of our blessed Lady, or Corpus Christi, and St. Giles; founded by John Belancer, in the Reign of King Edward III. the 35th Year of his Reign.

Brotherhood in St. Giles's Church.

Some small distance from the East end of this Church, is a Water Conduit, brought in Pipes of Lead from Highbery, by John Middleton, one of the Executors to Sir William Eastfield, and of his Goods. The Inhabitants adjoining, castellated it of their own Costs and Charges, about the Year 1483.

Water Conduit without Cripplegate.

At a Common Councel held April in the Year it was agreed, That the Chamberlain should, at the Costs of the Chamber, cause the common Well and Spring at St. Giles, to be covered with a House of Brick.]

The common Well at St. Giles, to be covered.


There was also a Boss of clear Water, in the Wall of the Churchyard, made at the Charges of Richard Whitington, sometimes Maior, and was like to that of Belinsgate. Of late, the same was turned into an evil Pump, and so is clean decayed.

Boss in the Wall of St. Giles Churchyard.

There was also a fair Pool of clear Water, near unto the Parsonage, on the West side thereof; which was filled up in the Reign of Henry VI. The Spring was cooped in, and arched over with hard Stone; and Stairs of Stone to go down to the Spring, on the Bank of the Town Ditch. And this was also done of the Goods, and by the Executors of Richard Whitington.

Pool of Spring Water.

In Whitecross street, King Henry V. builded one fair House; and founded there a Brotherhood of St. Giles, to be kept. Which House, had sometime been an Hospital of the French Order, by the Name of St. Giles without Cripplegate, in the Reign of Edward I. The King having the Jurisdiction, and appointing a Custos thereof, for the Precinct of St. Giles, &c. Which Hospital being suppressed, the Lands were given to the Brotherhood, for the relief of the Poor.

Whitecross street.

Hospital of the French Order.

Pat. R. 2. 15. year.

In this Street was a White cross; and near it was built an Arch of Stone, under which ran a Course of Water down to the Moor, called now Moorfields. Which being too narrow for the free Course of the Water, and so an annoyance to the Inhabitants, the twelve Men presented it at an Inquisition of the Kings Justices, 3 Edw. I. And they presented the Abbot of Ramsey, and the Prior of St. Trinity; whose Predecessors, six Years past, had built (as the Inquisition ran) a certain Stone Arch at Whyte croyse, in the Ward of Cripplegate; beyond the Course of a certain Water coming down from Smethfeld del Barbican, in that Ward, towards the Moor. Which Arch the foresaid Abbot and Prior, and their Successors, ought to maintain and repair. And which was so strait, that the Water there could not have its full Course, to the Annoyance of the Inhabitants. Hereupon it was commanded the Sheriffs, to distrain the said Abbot and Convent, to mend the said Arch.]

A Stone Arch in Whitecross street.

J. S.

One Alley, of divers Tenements, over against the North Wall of St. Giles Churchyard, was appointed to be Almshouses for the Poor, wherein they dwelled Rent free, and otherwise were relieved: But the said Brotherhood was suppressed by Henry VIII. Since which time, Sir John Gresham, Maior, purchased the Lands thereof, and gave it to the maintenance of a Free School; which he had founded at Holt, a Market Town in Norfolk.

In Redcross street, on the West side from St. Giles Churchyard, up to the said Cross, be many fair Houses builded outward, with divers Alleys, turning into a large plot of Ground, of old time called the Jews Garden; as being the only place appointed them in England, wherein to bury their Dead. Till the year 1177. the 24th of Henry II. that it was permitted them (after long suit to the King and Parliament at Oxford) to have special Place assigned them, in every quarter where they dwelled.

Redcross street.

Liber. S. Buttolph.

The Jews Garden, or Place to bury their Dead.

Tenementum & Terras, situat. in Parochia Sti Bothi. extra Aldrichgate, int. Tenement. nuper Rici. Odiham ex parte australi, ac Gardinum vocat. Jewyn Garden ex parte orien.]

Jewen Garden.

Regist. Lond.

E. A.

The plot of Ground remained to the said Jews, till the time of their final Banishment out of England, and is now turned into fair Garden Plots, and Summer Houses for pleasure.

It is now called Jewen Street, being a continued Street of contiguous Houses on each side of the way, and leadeth out into Aldersgate street. This Place, with the Appurtinences, was antiently called Leyrestowe; which King Edward I. granted to William de Monte forte,

Jewen Street, antiently Leyre Stowe.

Rec. Turr. 19. 2. Ed. I m. 1.

J. S.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY